18. Which of the following included in Obstetric?
A. Normal pregnancy & high pregnancy
B. Normal pregnancy & reproductive failure
C. Normal pregnancy, high risk pregnancy, & reproductive failure
D. All kind of pregnancy
E. All kind of pregnancy that ends well
Answer : D.
Explanation : Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, reproductive failure belum tentu pada saat kehamilan. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih D.
(Obstetri / Ilmu Kebidanan = ilmu yang mempelajari kehamilan/gravid, persalinan/partus, nifas/puerperium. -Obfis Unpad- )
19. Bioethical issues does not occur, if normal pregnancy :
A. Normal delivery, but mother having postpartum fever
B. Normal delivery, healthy and mature baby, happy parents
C. Delivery runs smoothly, doctor charges fantastically for fee
D. Delivery runs smoothly, mother furious
Answer : B.
Explanation : Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, karena postpartum fever, doctor charges fantastically for fee, dan mother furious menimbulkan bioethical issue. Sedangkan option B. semuanya baik-baik saja. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih B.
20. What is purpose of FP (Family Planning)?
A. Prevent high risk and unwanted pregnancy
B. Postpone or limit pregnancy
C. Small, happy, and welfare pregnancy
D. Maintain fertility
E. Prevent unwanted, high risk pregnancy, and postpone pregnancy
Answer : D. / E.
Explanation :
Jika soalnya ada “except”(kecuali), jawabannya D, karena FP tidak me-maintain fertility.
Jika soalnya sama seperti di atas, jawabannya E, karena A,B,C,E semuanya juga tujuan FP, namun option E. yang paling lengkap (dan panjang…^ ^;)
21. GP (General Practitioner) are suppose to be able to give service :
A. All kind of contraceptive method
B. All kind of contraceptive method, except implantation and sterilization
C. All kind of contraceptive method, except sterilization
D. Hormonal, IUD, Barrier method only
E. Oral contraceptive and Barrier method only
Answer: E.
Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, dokter umum tidak melayani kontrasepsi implantation, sterilization, dan IUD. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih E.
Temen-temen, buat setiap penjelasan yang ga ada di slide, tolong di cross-check lagi, ok?
Thanx. Sukses ujian BHPnya... ^ ^
BHP 3 (18-21)
Sabtu, 01 November 2008
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Soal BHP 3 (10-13)
10. Disadvantage of IUD :
A. Leading to a temporary higher risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
B. …………….
C. …………….
D. …………….
E. …………….
Answer: A.
Explanation: Slide “Family Planning” (page 25)
“Intrauterine Device : Some risk of bacterial contamination during insertion, leading to a temporary higher risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)”
11. Which of the following statements is related to sperm donation and intrauterine insemination?
A. Sperm and egg are fertilized in a petri dish and the zygote is transferred to uterus for implantation
B. Sperm’s catalog is available so the child may acquire certain characteristics, e.g. hair, eye, colour, skin and colour
C. Sperm donation does not allow genetic disease
D. Success rate being 30%
E. The technique has twice birth defect 20%
Answer: B.
Explanation: Slide “Advanced Technology in Reproductive Medicine” (page31)
“Sperm donation and intrauterine insemination : Catalogs can aid a couple in choosing the sperm from which their child may acquire certain characteristics, such as eye color, hair color, body type, intelligence, and interests.”
12. GP (General Practitioner) are suppose to be able to give service :
A. All kind of contraceptive method
B. All kind of contraceptive method, except implantation and sterilization
C. All kind of contraceptive method, except sterilization
D. Hormonal, IUD, Barrier method only
E. Oral contraceptive and Barrier method only
Answer: E.
Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, dokter umum tidak melayani kontrasepsi implantation, sterilization, dan IUD. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih E.
12. Which is psychological aspect and hydatidiform mole?
A. Medical complication
B. Distress, disappointed, and fear of repetition
C. Fear of repetition and malignancy
D. Profuse bleeding, reproductive failure, and fear of repetition, and malignancy
E. Decrease in general health condition
Answer: C.
Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, option A,B,D,E mengandung unsur physiology. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih C.
13. To be professional one has to fulfill which of the following criteria?
A. Intensive preparation, including cognitive, psychomotor, and effective aspect and long life education
B. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and service
C. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and public service
D. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and public service
Answer: D.
Explanation: Slide “Introduction to Medical Professional” (page2)
“A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction and skills and methods as well as in the scientific, historical or scholarly principles, underlying such skills and methods, maintaining by force or organization or concerned opinion, high standard of achievement and conduct, and committing its members to continue study and to a kind of work which has for its prime purpose the rendering of public service.”
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1. Which one is not an ethical issue in Reproductive Medicine?
a. sex selection
b. sperm donor
c. surrogate mother
d. feticide
e. sperm insemination husband
Ans: e
ethical issue: sex selection, destruction of unwanted embryos (feticide), sperm donor, surrogate mother.
klo sperm insemination husband dari sperma suaminya sendiri
2. Preimplantation Genetic Disease (PGD) disadvantage?
a. succesful rate 97%
b. escaped inherited disease
c. prevent risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities
d. can be used for sex selection
e. can be used to avoid passing x-linked disease
Ans: d
PGD advantage: helps prevent the risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities, success rate 97%, escaped many different kinds of inherited disease, used to avoid passing on x-linked disease.
problem: cause ethical boundaries when it is used for sex selection
3. During Intracellular Sperm Injection (ICSI)
a. a microscopic hole is drilled into ovum or chemical is used to dissolve the outer shell of the ovum
b. a single sperm is injected into the center of an ovum
c. the ova are put in a dish and mixed with sperm, the zygote are implanted
d. the zygote is placed in the fallopian tube allowing it to implant naturally
e. ova and sperm are placed in the fallopian tube before conception
Ans: b
a: zonal dissection
c: in vitro fertilization
d: zygote intra-fallopian tube transfer
e: gamete intra-fallopian tube transfer
4. Which is psychological aspect of hydatidiform mole?
a. medical complication
b. distress, disappointed and fear repetiton
c. fear of repetition and malignancy
d. profuse bleeding, reproductive failure, fear of repetition and malignancy
e. decrease in general health condition
Ans: c
hydatidiform mole adalah keadaan yang terjadi sebagai akibat rusaknya sirkulasi vili korionik pada sel telur abnormal, ditandai dengan proliferasi tropoblas dan edema disolusi serta pembentukan celah kista stroma, yang membentuk kista menyerupai buah anggur
5. What are the objectives of family planning?
a. regulate fertility
b. postpone/space and limit pregnancy
c. prevent high risk and pregnancy
d. build small welfare and happy family
e. regulate fertility, prevent high risk, pregnancy and build welfare happy family
Ans: e
lihat slide family planning
6)Contraception leads to immoral behavior because…
A)Contraceoption makes it easier for people to have sex outside marriage
B)Contraception carries health risk
C)Contraception prevents potential human beings being conceive
D)Enables women whose health would be risk if conceive to continue have sex
E)Contraception may lead to depopulation
Jawab A
Jawaban b merupakan efek samping,c merupakan fungsi dari contrasepsi ,d keuntungannya,e merupakan kerugian didalam segi masyarakat
7)What is in vitro Fertilization (IVF)…
A)Test tube babies are conceived in Petri dish and then is implanted in the uterus
B)Fertility drugs
C)Artificial insemination
D)Mthod of contraception
E)Therapeutic cloning
Jawaban A
Di slide Advanced Technology in reproductive medicine hal 3
8)Hormonal method….
E)Tubal ligation
Jawaban A
Di slide family planning
9)Barrier method…
A.Tubal Ligation
Jawaban C
Di slide family planning
14 universal moral philosophy of bioethics are
a. beneficence, honesty, compassion, non maleficence
b. beneficence, honesty, compassion, justice
c. autonomy, beneficence, honesty, justice
d. non maleficence, autonomy, beneficence, justice
e. beneficence, non maleficence, autonomy, honesty
jawaban d karena yang ada pilihan honesty dan compassion salah
15 what is the most important current issues in medical profession
A. people are full of admiration for biomedical technologies
b. dissatisfaction for malpractice and ethical misconduct
c. shift the paradigm from paternalistic to equality
d. ambivalent feeling between admistration in CURE and dissatisfaction in CARE
e. doctor are taking a “defensive medicine” attitude
jawab d care n cure dari kedokteran merupakan art n science nya
16what differentiates medical profesion from other profesion
Jawab a doctor are not supposed to treat patients as commodity business
17which is included in the reproductive system
a. obstetrict
b. obstetrict and ginecology
c. obstetrict, ginecology, pediatrict
d. obstetrict, ginecology, family planning, contraceptive service
e. obstetrict, ginecology, family planning, pediatrict
jawab d karena pediatrict merupakan cabang ilmu yang berbeda dengan repro system
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