18. Which of the following included in Obstetric?
A. Normal pregnancy & high pregnancy
B. Normal pregnancy & reproductive failure
C. Normal pregnancy, high risk pregnancy, & reproductive failure
D. All kind of pregnancy
E. All kind of pregnancy that ends well
Answer : D.
Explanation : Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, reproductive failure belum tentu pada saat kehamilan. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih D.
(Obstetri / Ilmu Kebidanan = ilmu yang mempelajari kehamilan/gravid, persalinan/partus, nifas/puerperium. -Obfis Unpad- )
19. Bioethical issues does not occur, if normal pregnancy :
A. Normal delivery, but mother having postpartum fever
B. Normal delivery, healthy and mature baby, happy parents
C. Delivery runs smoothly, doctor charges fantastically for fee
D. Delivery runs smoothly, mother furious
Answer : B.
Explanation : Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, karena postpartum fever, doctor charges fantastically for fee, dan mother furious menimbulkan bioethical issue. Sedangkan option B. semuanya baik-baik saja. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih B.
20. What is purpose of FP (Family Planning)?
A. Prevent high risk and unwanted pregnancy
B. Postpone or limit pregnancy
C. Small, happy, and welfare pregnancy
D. Maintain fertility
E. Prevent unwanted, high risk pregnancy, and postpone pregnancy
Answer : D. / E.
Explanation :
Jika soalnya ada “except”(kecuali), jawabannya D, karena FP tidak me-maintain fertility.
Jika soalnya sama seperti di atas, jawabannya E, karena A,B,C,E semuanya juga tujuan FP, namun option E. yang paling lengkap (dan panjang…^ ^;)
21. GP (General Practitioner) are suppose to be able to give service :
A. All kind of contraceptive method
B. All kind of contraceptive method, except implantation and sterilization
C. All kind of contraceptive method, except sterilization
D. Hormonal, IUD, Barrier method only
E. Oral contraceptive and Barrier method only
Answer: E.
Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, dokter umum tidak melayani kontrasepsi implantation, sterilization, dan IUD. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih E.
Temen-temen, buat setiap penjelasan yang ga ada di slide, tolong di cross-check lagi, ok?
Thanx. Sukses ujian BHPnya... ^ ^
BHP 3 (18-21)
Sabtu, 01 November 2008
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