1.Which of the following sentences is true about rights and responsibilities…
a.Law covers only rights
b.Ethics covers only rights
c.Law covers only responsibilities
d.Ethics covers only responsibilities
2.Yang mana conduct ethically…
a.Patient have to pay
b.Patient don’t have to pay
c.Doctor have right to get paid
d.Doctor have obligation
e.Doctor have obligation to treat patient and have right to get paid
3.Patient’s right termuat dalam…
b.Circular letter from ministry of health
c.Government law
d.A and b
e.B and c
4.Hubungan antara medical ethical and government laws…
a.Many articles of medical ethics found in government law
b.Many articles of government law found in medical ethics
c.Medical ethics found in government law
d.Few articles of medical ethics found in government law
e.Few articles of government law found in medical ethics
5.Informed consent diatur dalam…
e.All of above
1.Similar and difference between ethical responsibility and legal responsibility!
2.Explain about standard operational procedure!
Rabu, 10 Desember 2008
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1 komentar
1. Which one is not an ethical issue in Reproductive Medicine?
a. Sex selection
b. Sperm donor
c. Surrogate mother
d. Feticide
e. Sperm insemination husband
2. PGD disadvantage?
a. Successful rate 97%
b. Escaped inherited disease
c. Prevent risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnonormalities
d. Can be used for sex selection
e. Can be used to avoid passing x-linked disease
3. During ISCI
a. Amicroscopic hole is drilled into ovum or chemical is used to dissolve the outer shell of the ovum
b. A single sperm is injected into center of an ovum
c. The ova are put in a dish and mixed with sperm ; the zigote are implanted
d. The zygote is placed in the fallopian tube allowing it to implant naturally
e. Ova and sperm are placed in the fallopian tube before conception
4. Contraception leads to immoral behaviour because...
Contraception make it easier to have sex outside marriage
5. Bad consequence of contraception?
Answer: lead to depopulation
6. IVF?
Answer: test tube babies are conceived in Petri Dish and then implanted in the uterus
7. Hormonal method?
a. Patch
b. IUD
c. Spermicide
d. Introitus
e. Tubal ligation
8. Barrier method?
a. Patch
b. IUD
c. Spermicide
d. Introitus
e. Tubal ligation
9. Disadvantage of IUD
Leading to a temporary risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
10. Statement related to sperm donation and intrauterine insemination
Answer: Catalogs can aid a couple in choosing the sperm from which their child may acquire certain characteristics, such as eye color, hair color, body type, intelligence, and interests.
11. Universal moral phylosophy of bioethics?
Answer: nonmalficence, beneficence, autonomy, justice
12. Yang harus diberikan ke pasien kanker stadium akhir
a. Semua treatment yang sesuai dengan protokol
b. Cure baru care
c. Care lebih dominan
d. Cure & care secara seimbang
e. Segala sesuatu yang diinginkannya walaupun itu beresiko terhadap kesehatannya
13. Included in reproductive system
a. Obstetry, gynecology, pediatrics
b. Obstetry, gynecology, pediatrics, family planning
c. Obstetry, gynecology
d. Obstetry, gynecology, contraceptive service
a. Anamneses
b. GE
c. Lab exam
d. Treatment and follow up
e. It can happen in every stages
15. Bagaimana menghadapi ibu yang baru saja melahikan anak dengan kondisi ambigous genitalia?
a. Langsung mamberitahunya
b. Memberitahunya tapi tidak secara keseluruhan
c. Memberitahunya step by step
d. Phsychology counseling baru memberitahu
16. Included in gynecology?
Woman reproductive system, outside pregnancy
17. Suborgan involve in menstruation
a. Vagina and uterus
b. Vagina & ovaries
c. Uterus, fallopian tube, vagina
d. Ovaries, fallopian tube, vagina
e. Uterus, ovaries, vagina
18. Main function of female reproductive system
Answer: Sex, reproductive, menstruation
19. Female reproductive tract?
Answer: 1 uterus, 2 tubes, 2 ovaries, 1 vagina
20. Location of choriocarcinoma?
a. Ovaries
b. Uterine myometrium
c. Gestational throphoblastic disease
d. Uterine endometrium
e. Cervix
21. Ethically statement untuk pasien choriocarcinoma stage I?
a. Memberitahu kalau dia terkena cancer agar dia bisa mempersiapkan keadaan psychology-nya
b. Tenang saja karena masih early stage
22. Choriocarcinoma, terminal stage, symptom vaginal bleeding dan metastasis to lung and brain. Psychological aspect?
a. Denial
b. Depression
c. Palliative care
d. Anger
e. Isolation
23. Which of the following is NOT the goal of reproductive health service
a. To prevent pregnancy
b. To increase the outcome of pregnancy
c. To prevent mother & fetus morbidity
d. To decrease patients dependence
e. To increase patient satisfaction
24. Which are the following NOT ethical aspect...
a. Is adolscence need family planning?
b. Is induction of menstrual need legal law
c. Is STI need condoms
N.B: Maav soalnya cuma ada seginih soalnya waktu itu banyak yang lupa bwat nyatet soal...
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BHP 3 (18-21)
Sabtu, 01 November 2008
18. Which of the following included in Obstetric?
A. Normal pregnancy & high pregnancy
B. Normal pregnancy & reproductive failure
C. Normal pregnancy, high risk pregnancy, & reproductive failure
D. All kind of pregnancy
E. All kind of pregnancy that ends well
Answer : D.
Explanation : Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, reproductive failure belum tentu pada saat kehamilan. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih D.
(Obstetri / Ilmu Kebidanan = ilmu yang mempelajari kehamilan/gravid, persalinan/partus, nifas/puerperium. -Obfis Unpad- )
19. Bioethical issues does not occur, if normal pregnancy :
A. Normal delivery, but mother having postpartum fever
B. Normal delivery, healthy and mature baby, happy parents
C. Delivery runs smoothly, doctor charges fantastically for fee
D. Delivery runs smoothly, mother furious
Answer : B.
Explanation : Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, karena postpartum fever, doctor charges fantastically for fee, dan mother furious menimbulkan bioethical issue. Sedangkan option B. semuanya baik-baik saja. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih B.
20. What is purpose of FP (Family Planning)?
A. Prevent high risk and unwanted pregnancy
B. Postpone or limit pregnancy
C. Small, happy, and welfare pregnancy
D. Maintain fertility
E. Prevent unwanted, high risk pregnancy, and postpone pregnancy
Answer : D. / E.
Explanation :
Jika soalnya ada “except”(kecuali), jawabannya D, karena FP tidak me-maintain fertility.
Jika soalnya sama seperti di atas, jawabannya E, karena A,B,C,E semuanya juga tujuan FP, namun option E. yang paling lengkap (dan panjang…^ ^;)
21. GP (General Practitioner) are suppose to be able to give service :
A. All kind of contraceptive method
B. All kind of contraceptive method, except implantation and sterilization
C. All kind of contraceptive method, except sterilization
D. Hormonal, IUD, Barrier method only
E. Oral contraceptive and Barrier method only
Answer: E.
Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, dokter umum tidak melayani kontrasepsi implantation, sterilization, dan IUD. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih E.
Temen-temen, buat setiap penjelasan yang ga ada di slide, tolong di cross-check lagi, ok?
Thanx. Sukses ujian BHPnya... ^ ^
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Soal BHP 3 (10-13)
10. Disadvantage of IUD :
A. Leading to a temporary higher risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
B. …………….
C. …………….
D. …………….
E. …………….
Answer: A.
Explanation: Slide “Family Planning” (page 25)
“Intrauterine Device : Some risk of bacterial contamination during insertion, leading to a temporary higher risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)”
11. Which of the following statements is related to sperm donation and intrauterine insemination?
A. Sperm and egg are fertilized in a petri dish and the zygote is transferred to uterus for implantation
B. Sperm’s catalog is available so the child may acquire certain characteristics, e.g. hair, eye, colour, skin and colour
C. Sperm donation does not allow genetic disease
D. Success rate being 30%
E. The technique has twice birth defect 20%
Answer: B.
Explanation: Slide “Advanced Technology in Reproductive Medicine” (page31)
“Sperm donation and intrauterine insemination : Catalogs can aid a couple in choosing the sperm from which their child may acquire certain characteristics, such as eye color, hair color, body type, intelligence, and interests.”
12. GP (General Practitioner) are suppose to be able to give service :
A. All kind of contraceptive method
B. All kind of contraceptive method, except implantation and sterilization
C. All kind of contraceptive method, except sterilization
D. Hormonal, IUD, Barrier method only
E. Oral contraceptive and Barrier method only
Answer: E.
Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, dokter umum tidak melayani kontrasepsi implantation, sterilization, dan IUD. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih E.
12. Which is psychological aspect and hydatidiform mole?
A. Medical complication
B. Distress, disappointed, and fear of repetition
C. Fear of repetition and malignancy
D. Profuse bleeding, reproductive failure, and fear of repetition, and malignancy
E. Decrease in general health condition
Answer: C.
Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, option A,B,D,E mengandung unsur physiology. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih C.
13. To be professional one has to fulfill which of the following criteria?
A. Intensive preparation, including cognitive, psychomotor, and effective aspect and long life education
B. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and service
C. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and public service
D. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and public service
Answer: D.
Explanation: Slide “Introduction to Medical Professional” (page2)
“A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction and skills and methods as well as in the scientific, historical or scholarly principles, underlying such skills and methods, maintaining by force or organization or concerned opinion, high standard of achievement and conduct, and committing its members to continue study and to a kind of work which has for its prime purpose the rendering of public service.”
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1. Which one is not an ethical issue in Reproductive Medicine?
a. sex selection
b. sperm donor
c. surrogate mother
d. feticide
e. sperm insemination husband
Ans: e
ethical issue: sex selection, destruction of unwanted embryos (feticide), sperm donor, surrogate mother.
klo sperm insemination husband dari sperma suaminya sendiri
2. Preimplantation Genetic Disease (PGD) disadvantage?
a. succesful rate 97%
b. escaped inherited disease
c. prevent risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities
d. can be used for sex selection
e. can be used to avoid passing x-linked disease
Ans: d
PGD advantage: helps prevent the risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities, success rate 97%, escaped many different kinds of inherited disease, used to avoid passing on x-linked disease.
problem: cause ethical boundaries when it is used for sex selection
3. During Intracellular Sperm Injection (ICSI)
a. a microscopic hole is drilled into ovum or chemical is used to dissolve the outer shell of the ovum
b. a single sperm is injected into the center of an ovum
c. the ova are put in a dish and mixed with sperm, the zygote are implanted
d. the zygote is placed in the fallopian tube allowing it to implant naturally
e. ova and sperm are placed in the fallopian tube before conception
Ans: b
a: zonal dissection
c: in vitro fertilization
d: zygote intra-fallopian tube transfer
e: gamete intra-fallopian tube transfer
4. Which is psychological aspect of hydatidiform mole?
a. medical complication
b. distress, disappointed and fear repetiton
c. fear of repetition and malignancy
d. profuse bleeding, reproductive failure, fear of repetition and malignancy
e. decrease in general health condition
Ans: c
hydatidiform mole adalah keadaan yang terjadi sebagai akibat rusaknya sirkulasi vili korionik pada sel telur abnormal, ditandai dengan proliferasi tropoblas dan edema disolusi serta pembentukan celah kista stroma, yang membentuk kista menyerupai buah anggur
5. What are the objectives of family planning?
a. regulate fertility
b. postpone/space and limit pregnancy
c. prevent high risk and pregnancy
d. build small welfare and happy family
e. regulate fertility, prevent high risk, pregnancy and build welfare happy family
Ans: e
lihat slide family planning
6)Contraception leads to immoral behavior because…
A)Contraceoption makes it easier for people to have sex outside marriage
B)Contraception carries health risk
C)Contraception prevents potential human beings being conceive
D)Enables women whose health would be risk if conceive to continue have sex
E)Contraception may lead to depopulation
Jawab A
Jawaban b merupakan efek samping,c merupakan fungsi dari contrasepsi ,d keuntungannya,e merupakan kerugian didalam segi masyarakat
7)What is in vitro Fertilization (IVF)…
A)Test tube babies are conceived in Petri dish and then is implanted in the uterus
B)Fertility drugs
C)Artificial insemination
D)Mthod of contraception
E)Therapeutic cloning
Jawaban A
Di slide Advanced Technology in reproductive medicine hal 3
8)Hormonal method….
E)Tubal ligation
Jawaban A
Di slide family planning
9)Barrier method…
A.Tubal Ligation
Jawaban C
Di slide family planning
14 universal moral philosophy of bioethics are
a. beneficence, honesty, compassion, non maleficence
b. beneficence, honesty, compassion, justice
c. autonomy, beneficence, honesty, justice
d. non maleficence, autonomy, beneficence, justice
e. beneficence, non maleficence, autonomy, honesty
jawaban d karena yang ada pilihan honesty dan compassion salah
15 what is the most important current issues in medical profession
A. people are full of admiration for biomedical technologies
b. dissatisfaction for malpractice and ethical misconduct
c. shift the paradigm from paternalistic to equality
d. ambivalent feeling between admistration in CURE and dissatisfaction in CARE
e. doctor are taking a “defensive medicine” attitude
jawab d care n cure dari kedokteran merupakan art n science nya
16what differentiates medical profesion from other profesion
Jawab a doctor are not supposed to treat patients as commodity business
17which is included in the reproductive system
a. obstetrict
b. obstetrict and ginecology
c. obstetrict, ginecology, pediatrict
d. obstetrict, ginecology, family planning, contraceptive service
e. obstetrict, ginecology, family planning, pediatrict
jawab d karena pediatrict merupakan cabang ilmu yang berbeda dengan repro system
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Soal COMPRE part 2
Senin, 16 Juni 2008
Comprehensive Test Part 2
1. Jika terjadi deficiency Carbonic Anhidrase apa yang terjadi?
a. Eksresi Na+
b. Eksresi K+
c. Inhibit HCO3-
d. Peningkatan plasma pH
e. Eksresi H+
2. Transport of K+ in what tubule?
a. proximal convoluted
b. descending limb
c. proximal straight
d. collecting duct
e. thick ascending limb
4. The primary means of regulating body water gain is adjusting…
a. the volume of water intake
b. rate of cellular respiration
c. the formation of metabolic water
d. the volume of metabolic water
e. the metabolic use of water
5. PCO2 naik?
Answer : respiratory acidosis
7. Micturition reflex initiated by…
Answer : stretch receptor in urethra
9. Which of the following statement is correctly about the fluid in the juxtamedullary nephron?
a. It enters the loop of Henle hypertonic to plasma
b. It enters the loop of Henle hypertonic to plasma
c. It enters the loop of Henle isotonic to plasma
d. It leaves the loop of Henle isotonic to plasma
e. It leaves the loop of Henle hypertonic to plasma
15. Yang dipunyai Gram (+)….techoic acid
19. The steps leading to the synthesis of peptidoglycan occur in the cytoplasm, on the cytoplasmic membrane, and extracellularly. Which antibiotic inhibits the extracellular step in peptigodglycan biosynthesis?
a. Bacitracin
b. Cycloserine
c. Penicillin
d. Rifampin
e. Streptomycin
23. Which of the following genital flora microorganism is present in a significant decrease in bacterial vaginosis?
a. Candida albicans
b. Corynebacteria species
c. Lactobacillus species
d. Prevotella species
e. Staphylococcus epidermis
25. S. Pnemoniae merupakan flora normal di…
a. hidung
b. nasopharynx
c. esophagus
d. lambung
e. colon
27. Man à abdominal cramp & diarrhea
Mac-konkey à inoculated & grow gram negative rod
Kriegler à isolate shigella & salmonella
Untuk membedakan kedua pathogen…?
a. fermentasi glukosa
b. tidak bisa fermentasi sukrosa & laktosa
c. motility in medium
d. produce gas in medium
e. produce urease
29. Gram (-) bacillus, oxidase (+)
a. E. coli
b. Proteus
30. Virus RNA dependenet RNA polymerase characteristic?
a. semua virus RNA punya
b. tidak perlu bantuan dari host cell untuk polymerasenya
c. hanya negative-stranded yang punya
d. ada pada RNA corenya
32. A synthetic that inhibits influenza virus by blocking viral uncoating for treatment?
a. acyclovir
b. amantidine
c. lamivudine
d. ribavidin
37. 2 year old suffering diarrhea, rotavirus was suspected. Cara yang tepat untuk diagnosis virus itu?
a. detection virus by enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA)
b. fluorescent staining stool
c. light microscopy…
d. stool culture to find shigella, campylobacter, salmonella
e. viral culture
39. menderita penyakit ginjal selama 5 tahun, kemudian ditreatment mengakibatkan lymph… disorder. Virus apa yang menyebabkannya?
Answer : Epstein Barr Virus (?)
40. Correct about rhinovirus?
a. amantidine protect against infection
b. there are three antigen type
c. most common for common cold
d. can’t survive in environmental condition
41. Intestinal nematode that passed through lung first before become adult in intestine
a. Trichostrongilloides culibro
b. Trichiuris trichiura
c. Trichinella spiralis
d. Enterobius vermicularis
e. A. cantonensis
43. Habitat Ascaris lumbricoides?
a. duodenum
b. colon
c. jejunum
d. rectosigmoid
e. proximal ileum
45. Mode of transmission of Amubiasis?
a. Flies as biological vector
b. Food contaminated vegetative stage
c. Insect bite
d. Congenital
e. Flies as mechanical vector
47. Causing scrotal swelling?
a. Wuchereria bancrofti
b. Brugia malayi
c. Brugia timori
50. Lympathic filariasis à transmission methodnya?
a. TOT
b. Cyclico developmental
c. Propagative
d. Cyclico propagative
e. hereditary
a. Trichuriasis
b. Ambiasis
c. Cutaneus larva migrant
d. Ascariasis
e. Oxyuriasis
59. s
60. s
61. Based on her medical record, Mrs.R has been diagnosed as having hepatic carcinoma. All of the following parasite in its life cycle may pass through the liver, but not all of them may live in the liver. Which of the following parasite can live surrounds the blood vessels in the intestinal tract and the liver?
a. Necator americanus
b. Schistosoma japonicum
c. Ascaris lumbricoides
d. Plasmodium falciparum
e. Fasciola hepatica
63. Amoeba which can cause diarrhea..?
a. Plasmodium falciparum
b. Balantidium coli
c. Entamoeba hystolitica
d. Giardia lamblia
66. Parasite infection menyebabkan abdominal pain. Di bawah ini yang merupakan abdominal pain resemble duodenal ulcer adalah…
a. Cochin Cina diarrhea
b. Lambliasis
c. Intestinal amoeba
d. Ucinariasis
e. Ascariasis
68. A 50 years old man suffers from acute abdominal pain. The pain is constant and intense to his upper back. Lab findings show elevated plasma level of amylase & lipase. Which is the right as a group abnormality cytoskeletal?
a. decrease phospholipids of mitochondria
b. increase uptake of Ca2+ in mitochondria
c. degradation & activation of phospolipase
d. unstratified free fatty acid
e. activation of protease
70. Reversible injury?
Answer clumping of chromatin
73. Extravasasi pada leukocyte di lumen
a. migration-rolling-adhesion
b. margination-rolling-adhesion
c. margination-rolling-adhesion-migration
d. rolling-adhesion-migration
50 years old man came to visit clinical lab RSHS for regular checked of his DM. Lab staff took 2 ml blood from him.
76. To what subdivision that labstaff have to send the blood?
a. Clinical hematology
b. Clinical chemistry
c. Clinical immunology
d. Clinical microbiology
e. Clinical parasitology
83. The congenital disorder in bilirubin metabolism that caused by reduce activity of bilirubin- UDP-glucoronidtransferase?
a. Gilbert’s syndrome
b. Crigler-Najjar syndrome
c. Dubin Johnson syndrome
d. Rotor syndrome
e. Hemolytic disease of newborn
86. Increase urea in urine due to…?
87. mucosa-shorted vili, lymphocyte in lamina propria
a. Rotavirus
b. Entamoeba hystolitica
89. If she suffers rice water diarrhea that contain flecks of mucous, and the microscopic feature shows that the microba never invade epithelium but remain within lumen. What is the etiologic of the disease?
a. Clostridium botrium
b. S. flexneri
c. V. cholerae
d. Rotavirus
92. If hematocrit centrifugation needs 1000 rpm, what will happen if we use 800 rpm?
a. Blood will lysis
b. Hematocrite abnormal
c. Hematocrite normal
d. Hematocrite is lower than normal
e. Hematocrite is higher than normal
94. Neutrophil PMN =
a. Neutrophilia
b. Eosinophilia
c. Basophilia
d. Leukocytosis
e. Lymphocytosis
95. A 20 years old lady come to primary health center with a chief complaint of dizziness. From the physical examination and laboratory result, the doctor diagnosed this lady as anemia. What further laboratory test to classify her anemia?
a. RBC index
b. Hb
c. RBC count
d. Hematocrit
e. BSR
97. Laboratory technician performed Hb measurement with hemiglobincynadin method. She needs 20ul of blood. What will happen if she took 25 ul blood?
a. blood lysis
b. blood to dilute
c. Hb level will be normal
d. Hb increase
e. Hb decrease
98. Which of the following is lower risk of thrombosis in hypercoagulability status?
a. prolonged bed rest
b. MI
c. Arterial fibrillation
d. Congestive Heart failure
e. Nephrotic syndrome
100. Bilirubin causes prolong jaundice and bound to albumin…
a. α-albumin
b. β-albumin
c. γ-albumin
d. δ-albumin
e. θ-albumin
102. What process occurs to creatinine in the tubule
a. secretion
b. excretion
c. reabsorption
d. diffusion
e. filtration
104. What process occurs to urea in the tubule?
a. secretion
b. excretion
c. reabsorption
d. diffusion
e. filtration
105. Which from this renal function test is affected by muscle atrophy?
a. creatinine level
b. Fractional excretion
c. BUN
d. Cystatine C
e. Fractional reabsorption
106. Apa yang meningkat jika anion gap meningkat?
a. lactate
b. ketone
c. creatinine
d. glucose
e. urea
109. What is the most abundant cation in extracellular fluid?
a. sodium
b. potassium
c. calcium
d. magnesium
e. ferrum
110. pH=7,3, pCO2=normal, HCO3-=increase
a. metabolic acidosis
b. metabolic alkalosis
c. uncompensation acidosis
d. respiratory alkalosis
e. respiratory acidosis
111. Bronchial asthma with respiratory acidosis are the result of which mechanism disturbance?
a. Inhalation of CO2
b. Exhalation of CO2
c. Excretion of HCO3-
d. Secretion of H+
e. Secretion of NH4+
114. Rhabdomyosarcoma pada lower one third leg. Definisi rhabdomyosarcoma?
a. Malignant of skeletal muscle
b. Malignant of smooth muscle
c. Benign of skeletal muscle
d. Benign of smooth muscle
e. Malignant of melanocyte
115. Characeristic benign tumor
a. slow grow, infiltrative, metastasis
b. slow grow, small, doesn’t metastasis
c. fast grow, small, metastasis
d. fast grow, infiltrative, doesn’t metastasis
e. fast grow, enormous, metastasis
116. Ovarian tumor pada female 27 years old dengan pembesaran 9 cm, teeth and hair?
a. choristoma
b. hamartoma
c. teratoma
117. A 5 years old boy has a lung mass contain normal cartilage & disorganized lung tissue?
a. Chondroma
b. Hamartoma
118. A 40 years old female has just received her pap smear test. In the microscopic description the pathologic describe her smear contain atypical cells that shows anaplasia. Which of the following statement is characteristic of anaplasia?
a. cell & nucleus pleomorphic in size & shape
b. nucleus content more DNA & hyperchromatic
c. Prominent cytoplasm
d. A + B
e. A + B + C
119. 50 years female had an ulcerative tumor in his face. He was told that the tumor was malignant but rarely metastatic. Which of the following cancer is the most likely describing that conditions?
a. small cell carcinoma
b. squamous cell carcinoma
c. basal cell carcinoma
d. large cell carcinoma
e. rhabdomyosarcoma
120. A 55 years old female had breast tumor and large axilla lymph node. The most common way to metastasize for this tumor is via?
a. hematogenous
b. bone
c. perineural fluid
d. lymphatic
e. serous sac
121. A 65 years old male had a tumor called colorectal carcinoma through the GIT. The most common way for the carcinoma to metastasize is via?
a. lymphatic
b. blood vessel
c. perineal cavity
d. bone
e. serous sac
123. Paracancerous lesions…
a. Bowen’s disease
b. Celiac disease
c. Teratoma
d. Fibroadenoma
e. Lipoma
124. Virus yang dapat menyebabkan kanker..?
a. EBV, HepB, HepA
b. HPV, HIV, HepB
c. HTLV1, HepA,…
d. HepB, HepD, HPV
e. HTLV1, HepA, HPV
125. Molecule that plays a role in regression tumor?
a. IL-2
b. CK-7
c. CA-125
d. PSA
e. HCG
127. Step in carcinogenesis?
Answer : initiation à promotion à progression à methastasize
130. s
131. Excess physiological stress or pathogenic stimuli is resulted in…
a. accumulation
b. cell growth
c. reversible injury
d. adaptation
e. cell homeostatis
132. Penyebab pneumonia
a. reduction oxygen carrying-blood capacity
b. infeksi viral-bakteri
c. reduksi oksigen…
d. poisoning CO
133. Mr. Beckham seorang atlet sepakbola yang baik. Dia selalu berlatih.
a. hipertopi, hyperplasia
b. hipertropi, atropi
c. hyperplasia, anaplasia
d. hyperplasia, metaplasia
e. hipertropi, adaptation
135. Decrease of cell size, called…
a. hypotrophy
b. necrosis
c. atrophy
d. hypertrophy
136. Pecahnya nucleus menjadi fragmen-fragmen disebut…
a. karyolisis
b. karyohexis
c. pyknosis
137. Yang mengakibatkan cell injury?
141. Meningkatnya kadar protein di jaringan otak karena…
a. meningkatnya permeabilitas BBB
b. menurunnya resorption arachnoid vili
c. mechanical obstruction
142. In CSF, enzyme yang ada karena seizure..?
a. amilase
b. creatinin kinase
c. ALP
d. Adeno diaminine
e. LD
144. Which of the following anticoagulant used for lactate and enzyme test in synovial fluid test
a. Li-Heparin
b. Na-Heparin
c. K2-EDTA
d. Citrate
e. Oksalat
146. Ascites in hepatic cirrhosis is due to..?
a. decrease plasma oncotic pressure
147. Blood glucose level determination mostly performed with spectophotometry. What important equation we applied in this method?
a. Timbal
b. Rayligh
c. Beer-Lambert
d. Raman
e. Planck
148. Spectrophotometer is a useful laboratory diagnosis. In this method, we use cuvette. Equipment placed after this borosilicate glass is...
a. exciter lamp
b. entrance slit
c. monochromator
d. exit slit
e. photodetector
149. In spectrophotometer we use electromagnetic radiation. Component of spectrophotometer that will provide radiation?
a. exciter lamp
b. entrance slit
c. monochromator
d. exit slit
e. photodetector
150. Spectrophotometer is a useful laboratory diagnosis. In this method, we use interfering filter. Which part of spectrophotometer use this filter?
a. exciter lamp
b. entrance slit
c. monochromator
d. exit slit
e. photodetector
152. Administration of salbutamol which is the most convenience for acute asthma attack?
a. subcutaneous
b. intramuscular
c. intracutaneus
d. by nebulizer
e. intranasal
155. Effect adrenalin + local anesthetics:
a. increase DOA
b. increase OOA
c. increase MOA
d. decrease OOA
e. decrease DOA
156. Which of the following is the process studied in pharmacodynamic?
a. clearance
b. interaction between drug-receptor
c. first-pass metablolism
d. bioavailability
e. enzyme activity
157. Salbutamol à efek ke β2 di bladder wall?
a. constriction of muscle
b. relaxation
c. no change
d. reduce urine volume
158. Which of the following is the caused of prolong used by acetaminophen?
a. emboli
b. prolong beeding time
c. platelet aggregation
d. congestive heart failure
e. hepatic disorder
160. Aspirin contraindication gastritis. Why..?
a. increase pepsine
b. induction of TX
c. decrease HCl
d. decrease PG in gaster
e. inhibit platelet
161. Chhronic, type Bateman?
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. Type C
d. Type D
e. Type E
162. A 25-years-old man takes 1 tablet of sedative hypnotic every night. On the 4th day he needs 2 tablets. On the 7th day he needs 4 tablets. Which of the following the response?
a. hyporeactive
b. hyposensitive
c. tachypylaxis
d. tolerance
e. addictive
164. Which of the following causes hypersensitive?
Answer : histamin
168. Which is the following is the MOA of Ampicillin?
a. inhibit the RNA
b. bound to nucleus
c. inhibit cell wall synthesis
d. inhibit protein synthesis
e. interfering enzyme reaction
170. A woman takes jamu for pegal linu, after several weeks she always feel hungry. Which of the following drug is adulterated to the jamu?
a. prednisolon
b. ephedrine
c. paracetamol
d. ampicillin
e. antihistamin
171. Which of the following is the characteristic of phytopharmaca?
a. efficacy is unknown
b. without clinical trial
c. safety is known
d. modern packaging
e. consist of 2 active substance
173. Yang menyebabkan terjadinya superinfeksi?
a. AB reduce
b. Toxin…
c. –
d. Penggunaan BSAB secara lama
e. –
174. Condition that cause accumulate AB
a. Brain dysfunction
b. Disturbed protein synthesis
c. Infarct myocard
d. TB pulmonary
e. Diabetes mellitus
175. Which of the following is the basic for choosing the appropriate AB?
a. the safety for patient
b. microbial finding
c. skin test of AM
d. the economical state of patient
e. depend on the most frequently used of AB in certain area
180. obat yang direkomendasikan untuk digunakan malam hari?
a. hyptonic-cemetidine-vaginal tablet-steroid preparation
b. anticholesterolemia-
c. anticholesterolemia-
d. anticholesterolemia-
e. anticholesterolemia-hypnotic-vaginal tablet-steroid preparation
181. From the following membrane, which is that orally administered of drug best absorb
a. colon
b. esophagus
c. gaster
d. small intestine
e. large intestine
182. How to increase bioavailability of drug..?
Answer : lowering intestinal motility
184. The reason Vit.C is in solid dosage form?
a. solid form is stable
b. solid form is more rapid in absorption
c. solid form is cheaper than solution
d. solid form is convenience
186. If 1= area under curve, 2=duration of action, 3=the highest drug plasma concentration, 4=the amount & rate of drug reacing systemic circulation, 5=the time needs of drug to achieving highest drug plasma concentration. Then which parameter determines the bioavailability of drugs?
a. 1,2,3,4
b. 2,3,4,5
c. 2,3,5,1
d. 4,2,3,5
187. The mechanism tetracycline penetrates the GI membrane is…
a. ion pairing
b. across pore
c. actice transport
d. passive diffusion
e. facilitate diffusion
189. Paracetamol yang dosisnya paling banyak di pasaran..?
a. 100
b. 250
c. 300
d. 400
e. 500
for question no.190-193
f. Ointment
g. Gargles
h. Tinctures
i. Cream
j. –
190. semisolid preparation for external application to the skin/mucous membrane/emollient
192. aqueous solution use for clearing the throat
193. made from vegetables
195. Incline solubility..?
Answer : tablet-powder-solution
Without number
Amoxicillin patio 120 ml
s.4.dd. 1.a.c.
Berapa ukuran 1 sendok teh..?
- 5 ml
- 8 ml
- 10 ml
- 15 ml
- 20 ml
Jika dimakan 3 kali sehari, akan habis dalam berapa hari..?
- 2 hari
- 3 hari
- 4 hari
- 5 hari
- 8 hari
Amoxicillin adalah water insoluble, maka bentuk sediaan obat harus dalam…
- suspension
- emulsion
Jika amoxicillin/ampicillin dimakan bersama antacid, maka pengaturannya adalah…
- ampicillin 1.h.a.c. & antacid 1.h.p.c.
- ampicillin 1.h.a.c. & antacid 1.h.a.c.
- ampicillin 1.h.a.c. & antacid 2.h.p.c.
- ampicillin 2.h.a.c. & antacid 2.h.a.c.
- ampicillin 2.h.a.c. & antacid 2.h.p.c.
If adult single dose is 40 mg, the dose for 10 years old children is
- 5 mg
- 10 mg
- 15 mg
- 20 mg
- 25 mg
Lab test determine autoimmune induce hepatitis
- alpha-feto protein
- anti nuclear antibody (ANA)
- alpha-1-antiprypsin
- Gamma-glutamiltransferase
Which of the following organism is important cause of chronic enterocolitis..?
- Salmonella
- Vibrio
- Campylobacter
- Yersenia enterocolitis
- E.coli
Marker untuk clearance dari hepatitis B
- HbsAg
- AntiHbsA
- AntiHCV
- AntiHbe
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