ralat soal2 accessory glandof female no

Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

no 14 seharusnya begini:

  1. Which one is NOT secrete of prostate?

  1. Citric acid

  2. Acid phosphatase

  3. Proteolytic enzymes

  4. Prostaglandin

  5. Seminalplasmin

jawab: D/4

sorry ya tmn2

accessory gland of male

Kamis, 20 Maret 2008

  1. Which one is the right step for sperm from testes to penis?

  1. Duct of the testes → epidydimis → ejaculatory duct → ductus deferent → urethra

  2. Duct of the testes → ductus deferent → epidydimis → ejaculatory duct → urethra

  3. Epidydimis → duct of the testes → ductus deferent → urethra → ejaculatory duct

  4. Duct of the testes → epidydimis → ductus deferent → ejaculatory duct → urethra

  5. Epidydimis → duct of the testes → ductus afferent → urethra → ejaculatory duct

  1. Which one is the right step of duct of the testes?

  1. Tubuli recti → rete testis → efferent duct

  2. Rete testis → efferent duct → tubuli recti

  3. Rete testis → tubuli recti → efferent duct

  4. Tubuli recti → efferent duct → rete testis

  5. Efferent duct → rete testis → tubuli recti

  1. Where is the site of sperm maturation?

  1. Tubulus seminiferous contortus

  2. Sertoli cells

  3. Epidydimis

  4. Tubulus seminiferous rectus

  5. Ductus deferent

  1. Where is the sperm stored?

  1. Tubulus seminiferous contortus

  2. Sertoli cells

  3. Epidydimis

  4. Tubulus seminiferous rectus

  5. Ductus deferent

  1. Which one is the right muscle in ductus deferent from inner to outer?

  1. Longitudinal, circular

  2. Longitudinal, circular, longitudinal

  3. Circular, longitudinal

  4. Circular, longitudinal, circular

  5. Circular only

  1. Where does the ejaculatory duct terminate?

  1. Urethra

  2. Seminal vesicle

  3. Ductus deferent

  4. Prostatic urethra

  5. Membranous urethra

  1. What is the function of ejaculatory duct?

  1. Store sperm

  2. Eject seminal vesicle secretion

  3. Eject sperm

  4. Eject sperm and seminal vesicle secretion

  5. Store and eject sperm

  1. Which one is the right step of urethra?

  1. Membranous urethra → prostatic urethra → spongy urethra

  2. Membranous urethra → prostatic urethra → penile urethra

  3. Prostatic urethra → membranous urethra → penile urethra

  4. Membranous urethra → penile urethra → prostatic urethra

  5. Prostatic urethra → penile urethra → membranous urethra

  1. Which one is NOT the accessory sex gland of male?

  1. Cowper’s glands

  2. Prostate

  3. Bulbourethral glands

  4. Paraurethral glands

  5. Seminal vesicles

  1. What are secretes of seminal vesicles?

  1. Alkaline, fructose, prostaglandins, clotting protein

  2. Alkaline, fructose, clotting protein

  3. Alkaline, fructose, seminalplasmin, clotting protein

  4. Citric acid, fructose, seminalplasmin, clotting protein

  5. Citric acid, fructose, seminalplasmin

  1. What is the function of fructose in semen?

  1. Neutralize the acidic environment

  2. Breakdown the clotting protein

  3. ATP production of sperm

  4. Antibiotic

  5. Protect the sperm

  1. What is the function of prostaglandin in semen?

  1. Sperm motility

  2. Stimulate skeletal muscle contraction within female

  3. Stimulate skeletal mescle contraction within male

  4. Semen coagulation

  5. Allergic reaction

  1. Where is the position of prostate?

  1. Superior to urinary bladder

  2. Inferior to Cowper’s glands

  3. Inferior to prostatic urethra

  4. Surrounds the Cowper’s glands

  5. Surrounds the prostatic urethra

  1. Which one is NOT secrete of prostate?

  1. Citric acid

  2. Acid phosphatase

  3. Proteolytic enzymes

  4. Prostate-specific antigen

  5. Seminalplasmin

  1. Where does the duct of Cowper’s glands open into?

  1. Spongy urethra

  2. Membranous urethra

  3. Prostatic urethra

  4. Prostate

  5. Ejaculatory duct

  1. What is/are secreting of Cowper’s gland?

  1. mucous

  2. alkaline fluid

  3. clotting protein

  4. mucous and alkaline fluid

  5. alkaline fluid and clotting protein

  1. Which gland secrete the greatest constitute of semen volume?

  1. Prostate

  2. Seminal vesicle

  3. Cowper’s glands

  4. Paraurethral glands

  5. Bulbourethral glands

  1. Which gland has the doughnut shape?

  1. Prostate

  2. Seminal vesicle

  3. Cowper’s glands

  4. Paraurethral glands

  5. Bulbourethral glands

  1. How much the volume of semen in one typical ejaculation?

  1. 5-10 mL

  2. 5-6 mL

  3. 2.5-5 mL

  4. 2.5-3 mL

  5. 1-2 mL

  1. Semen coagulates within how minutes?

  1. 2 minute

  2. 5 minute

  3. 10 minute

  4. 15 minute

  5. 20 minute


1. D

2. A

3. C

4. E

5. B

6. D

7. D

8. C

9. D

10. A

11. C

12. A

13. E

14. E

15. A

16. D

17. B

18. A

19. C

20. B

by dr.PM

Source: Structure and Function of Accessories ducts and glands.

Soal Adrenal gland, Islet of langerhan, Endokrin

1. As result of the lipid puring tisue preparation,the fasciculata cells appeard vacuolated in commom histological prepaation because of their vacualization ,the cell of the fasciculata also called
a. holocyte
b. vacuocyte
c. spongyocyte
d. pynocyte
e. colimnacytes

2. The layer of adrenal gland that contain lipofuscin pigment granule is
a. zona fasciculata
b. zona reticularis
c. zona glomerusa
e. adrenal medula
e. none

3. The function of chromograin is as ..
a. Binding protein for cathecolamins
b. Binding protein for ATP in adrenal medula
c. Bindin protein for Dopamione
d. BInding pratein for Androgen
e. Binding protein for glucocorticoid

4. What is true abaout islet of langerhan
a. Monohormonal endocrine microorganism
b. Islet are more abindant on several tissue to cause entry of glycogen into cell
c. B cell act on seveal tissuer to cause entry of glycogen into cell
d. The cell type thar has lowest avinity is D cell
e. The cell type that has the highest quantity is B cell

5. A diffuse source of catecolamine
a. paraganglia
b. Postganglia
c. Preganglia
d. Neural Crest
e. ANS

6. The difference betwen adrenal cortex and adenal medula is...
a. The adrenal cortex is red peripheral layer
b. The cell of the medula derived from neural tube
c. DHEA is yhe only sex hormon that is secreted by adrenal medula
d. The cell of adrenal cortex synthesize and secreted steroid hormon upon demand
e. The adrenal medula is a reddish brown peripheral layer

7. ... Stimulates contraction of smooth muscle inthe walls of arterioles
a. renin
b. Angiotensin I
c. Angiotensin II
d. Aldosteron
e. ACE

8. Low blood level of glucocorticoid stimulate neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus to secrete ...
a. adenocorticoid releasing hormon
b. corticotropin
c. corticotropin stimulating hormon
d. corticotropin realesing hormon
e. adenocorticotropic hormone

9. The hormon produicng cells in the adrenal medula are called ...
a. chromagrain
b. Spongiocyte
c. Pinealocyte
d. Chief cells
e. Chromaffin cell

10. .. produce digestive enzyme
a. Delta cell
b. F cell
c. Acini
d. Tail of pancreas
e. Head of pancreas

11. The secretion of insulin is stimulated by... except
a. ACH
b. Arginin and leucin
c. GIP
d. hGH
e. Increase activity of the sympathetic division

12. 90-95 % of the cortisol in the plasma bind to plasma protein , especialy ...
a. albumin
b. globulin
c. Fibrinogen
d. Serum
e. protrobin

13. Except for that portion of the insulin that combines with the reception is the target cell, the remainder is degarded by the enzme, ... mainly in the liver
a. insulin
b. insulin phospatase
c. insulin esterasse
d. insulin desmotase
e. insulin degradase

14. Glucocorticoid hava the folowing effects, excepts...
a. resistance to stress
b. stimulated lypolisis
c. inhibit WBC
d. Slow wound healing
e. Stimulate immune respone

15. Lipid soluble hormon are
1. Eicosanoid hormon
2. nitric oxide
3. Amine hormon
4. Thyroid hormon

A. 1,2,3
b. 1,3
c. 2,4
d. 4
e. 1,2,3,4

16. The action of water soluble hormon ...
1. Activte adenylate cyclase
2. ATP is converted to cAMP
3. Protein kinase is activated
4. G protein is activated
5. Phospodietilsterase inactive cAMP
6. Water soluble hormone bind to its receptor

a. 6-1-2-3-4-5
b. 6-4-2-1-3-5
c. 6-2-3-1-5-4
d. 6-4-1-2-3-5
e. 6-5-4-3-2-1

17. The receptor of water soluble hormone is located
a. within the cytosol
b. Outer surface of the plasma membaran
c. Inner surface of the plasma membran
d. At nuclear membran
e. Within the nuclear

18. The adrenal gland of the new born is proportionately larger than that of the adult because there is a layer know as
a. Provisional cortex
b. Periphera layer
c. Advance medulla
d. Adrogenic layer
e. Fetal medulla

19. The cell types in islet of langerhan that are located usualy in periphery have the characteristic ...
a. have irregular granul
b. Have function to inhibits release of other isle cell hormon
c. Produce pancreatic polypeptida
d. About 20 % of the total cells in islet of the langerhan
e. Secrete DHEA

20. Secrete granule in adrenal medula contain,excepts..
a. Dopamine & Hydroxylase
c. ATP
c. Chromagrains
d. Enkephalin
e. Cyclic AMP

Latihan Soal MDE Topik : Menstrual Cycle

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008

1. 7 day after ovum and sperm fertilized,the implemented will produce a substance. What is the hormon that saves corpus luteum from degeneration ?
a. LH
b. Progesteron
c. INhibin
d. Oxcytocin
e. hCG

2. The secretion function of corpus luteum can be determined by measuring substance level in plasma and serum. Whai is the substance ?
a. LH
b. Progesteron
c. Inhibin
d. Oxytocin
e. Cytrantoxin

3. What hormon that increase flexibility of the pubic symphipis during childbirth ?
a. Estrogen
b. Oxytocn
c. Relaxin
d. Inhibin
e. Progesteron

4. What hormon is secreted by corpus luteum to maintain the uterine lining during the first semester of pregnancy ?
a. Relaxin
b. Inhibin
c. Progesteron
d. hCG
e. LH

5. The first the female getis called :

6. Which the following statment are correct :
(1) the female reproductive cycle consist of menstrual phase, a preovulatory phase, ovulation and postovulatory phase.
(2) During the menstrual phase small secondary follicle in ovary begin to enlarge while the uterus is sheeding its linning
(3) During the preovulatory phase a dominant follicle continues to grow and begin to rebuild
(4) Ovulation result in the realese of an ovum and the shedding of the uterine lining to nourish and support the realesed ovum
(5) After ovulation, a corpus luteum forms from the ruptured follicle and begine to secrete progesteron and estrogen , which it will continue to do throughout pregnancy if the egg is fertilized
(6) If pregnancy doesn't occur,then the corpus luteum degenerates into a scar callled corpus albican, and the uterine lining s prepared to be shed again

a. 1,2,4,5
b. 2,4,5,6
c. 1,4,5,6
d. 1,3,4,6
e. 1,2,3,6

7. The permanent cessation of menses is called :

8. What hormon that stimulate the initial secretion estrogrn by growing follicle :
a. FSH
b. LH
c. Oxytocin
d. hCG
e. Estradiol

9. What event that are happenend in the uterus during secretory phase :
a. Decresing level estrogen
b. DEgeneration of corpus luteum
c. produce the corpus luteum
d. Vascularization of the superficial endometrium
e. Endometrium is dischargr

10. What hormon is rising during last part of preovulatory phase ?
a. Estrogen
b. Progesteron
c. FSH
d. LH
e. Relaxin

11. After ovulation, a blood clot forms from minor bleeding of the ruptured follicle name :
a. Graafian foicle
b. Secondary folicle
c. Corpus hemorhagicum
d. Corpus luteum
e. Corpus Albican

12. One folicle outgrows the others and become dominant while other degenerate. THis event occur during :
a. Preovulatory phase
b. Ovulatory phase
c. Post ovulatory phase
d. Secretory phase
e. Menstruation phase

13. Which hormon is responsible for the surge of LH at midcycle :
a. FSH
b. LH
c. Progesteron
d. EStrogen
e. Inhibin

14. Which of the following is not the function of the estrogen :
a. maintain secondary sex characteristic
b. Decrease protein anaboism
c. LOwer blood cholesterol level
d. Development of female reproductive organ
e. In moderate levels inhibit realese GnRH and secretion of FSH and L

15. Which hormon that is secreted by granulose cell of growing follicle :
a. estrogen
b. progesteron
c. relaxin
d. inhibin
e. oxcytocin

16. HOw much blood that is discharge during the menstrual phase
a. 25-50 ml
b. 50 - 75 ml
c. 50-100 ml
d. 50- 150 ml
e. 100- 150 ml

Answer :
1. E
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. menarche
6. E
7. Menoupose
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. D
16. D