daftar OSCE

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

Skill’s lab 1 : Gynecological Examination (speculum & bimanual)
Skill’s lab 2 : Antenatal Examination (Fundal Height, Leopold 1-4 & FHR)
Skill’s lab 3 : History Taking of Gynecology & Obstetric
Skill’s lab 4 : Resusitation
Skill’s lab 5 : New Ballard Score
Skill’s lab 6 : Blood Pressure + Pulse Rate
Skill’s lab 7 : Infection Prevention (Cuci Tangan, pemakaian apron, handgloves)
Skill’s lab 8 : Pap Smear
Skill’s lab 9 : History Taking of STD
Skill’s lab 10 : Antropometri (BB anak, panjang badan, lubchenko curve)
Skill’s lab 11 : Venereological Exam (Gonorrhoeae+trichomoniasis+candidiasis+pH vagina)
Skill’s lab 12 : Breast Examination

Skill’s lab 1 : Antropometri (BB, tinggi, sitting height)
Skill’s lab 2 : History Taking of Thyroid Disease ( Hyperthyroid & Hypothyroid)
Skill’s lab 3 : Physical Exam of Thyroid Disease
Skill’s lab 4 : History Taking of DM
Skill’s lab 5 : Diabetic Foot Care
Skill’s lab 6 : Physical Exam of DM ( BMI & weist circumference)

Skill’s lab 1 : Primitive Reflex
Skill’s lab 2 : Neurological Exam ( CN reflexes)
Skill’s lab 3 : Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) & Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
Skill’s lab 4 : Psychotic Disorder ( History Taking)
Skill’s lab 5 : non-Psychotic Disorder (History Taking)
Skill’s lab 6 : Sensoric and Motoric Function
Skill’s lab 7 : PEDS
Skill’s lab 8 : Basic Life Support
Skill’s lab 9 : Basic Hearing Examination (History Taking + Examination)
Skill’s lab 10 : History Taking+Snellen Chart
Skill's lab 11 : Reflex fisiologis+ tes primitive+ tes fungsi keseimbangan

tlg di cek lg,, mksh!!

2 komentar:

superstar2007 mengatakan...

ada bbrp guide yg gak ada dibuku,, ngasihnya pas wkt skill..
jadi tlg dicari guide yg benar ya!!

'Abid Sakina mengatakan...
