1. Research as a process of knowledge inquiry is different from deriving new knowledge through obser vation because …
A. Observation does not support research
B. Observation needs no validation
C. Observation is lacking in analysis & interpretation
D. Observation is needed only in observational study
E. Observation is just the 1st step of research
2. Validity in research…
A. Trustworthy
B. Accuracy
3. Example basic research is reflected in the title below…
A. Comparison of clindamycin and spiramycin for bacterial vaginosis
B. Profile maternal death at Jatinagor 2008 - 2009
C. The role of caffeine ci=onsumption in cardiovascular response improvement
D. Ultrasonography increase diagnostic accuracy in ectopic pregnancy
E. Health cost analysis among health insurance consumer at Hasan Sadikin Hospital
4. Philosophy is as important as empirical world of research in perspective below…
A. It is the primary source of idea
B. It is the basic value of research
C. It is measureable
D. It is a measure of validity
E. It is the tool to prove the theory
9. Yang termasuk cohort study
A. Quality of life in cervical ca. after radiotherapy or chemotherapy
B. Vesicovaginal fistula in cervical ca.
C. Diagnosis with IVA test in cervical ca.
E. Prognosis assessment use new scoring system
19. Case control advantage
A. Large sample
B. Not time consuming
C. Relative risk can be calculated
D. Not influenced by confounding factors
E. Recall bias decreased
21. Dua keluarga diobservasi, 1 sungai bersih, 1 tercemar
A. Cross sectional
B. Cohort
C. Clinical trial
D. Case control
E. Qualitative
Case no. 23-26
An orthopedic wants to see effect of premature birth to bone disorder in children. HE takes 150 sample and observes them periodically for 5 years.
23. What is the most appropriate study design?
A. Case control
B. Clinical trial
C. Cross sectional
D. Cohort
E. Experimental
25. Apa disadvantage dari research design di atas? (premature birth effect to bone deformity observed in 5 years)
D. most potential loss of follow up
26. What is the advantage of study design you chooses in no. 25? (cohort)
A. The researchers could give intervention to the samples
B. The cause-effect relationship is stronger than other study design
C. There are some expert involved that could increase the validity of the result
D. Data collection is very simple
E. Low cost since they only do observation to the sample
27. Percobaan balsam terhadap skin allergies di mice termasuk apa…
31. The effects of TB to quality of life (QOL) in 5 years…
A. Cross sectional
B. Cohort
C. Clinical trial
D. Qualitative
D. Experimental
32. Relation between non-contraceptive hormone & risk rheumatoid arthritis in menopausal woman
Study design : population based case control study
Verified through clinical exam
Interview : hormone use (estrogen & progesterone) and demographic & reproductive factors
Scale measure of age (in year)
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Interval scale
D. Ratio scale
E. Qualitative data
33. Scale measurement of race
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Interval scale
D. Ratio scale
E. Qualitative scale
34. Scale measurement of education level
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Interval scale
D. Ratio scale
E. Qualitative scale
37. Use of contraception (yes, no, unknown)
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Interval scale
D. Ratio scale
E. Qualitative scale
38. The scale of ARA (American Rheumatism Association) criteria status (definite or classic, probable) is…
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Interval scale
D. Ratio scale
E. Qualitative scale
39. Pada chronic disease…
A. P = I x D
40. Independent variable in the case?
A. Use of hormonal contraceptive
B. Menopausal women
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Demographic and reproductive factor
E. ARA (American Rheumatism Association)
41. Dependent variable in the case?
A. Use of hormonal contraceptive
B. Menopausal women
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Demographic and reproductive factor
E. ARA (American Rheumatism Association)
Untuk no. 42 - 44
In age 22-69 60% smoker, 40% non-smoker. CAD 1 in 100 population (smoker), 8 in 100 population (non-smoker).
42. Berapa yang smoker bila total population 100.000?
43. If total population is 100.000, how many people get CAD?
Jawaban : 9200
44. Ratio between smoker and non-smoker
A. 40/100
B. 60/100
C. 60/32
D. 40/60
E. 60/40
45. One of the characteristic of prevalence is…
A. A fundamental tool in ecological study of the disease
B. Act as direct indicator of the risk of getting sick
C. Indicated for the new events or cases occurred in the population
D. The rate prevalence can be determined by a single survey cross-sectional study
E. The rate prevalence obtained accurately by cohort study
48. In district X, the population is 4 million. In year-ending 2000, the number of death = 3000, among them due to TB = 200 (men 120, women 80). The number of TB cases is 4000 (men 1700, women 2300).
What is the causes-specific mortality rate in year 2000?
B. 200/4 mllion = 5/100000
50. Proportionate mortality ratio from tuberculosis
Jawaban : 200/3000
52. The scale of measurement of gestational age…
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Interval scale
D. Ratio scale
E. Qualitative scale
54. The scale of measurement of gender is…
A. Nominal scale
B. Ordinal scale
C. Interval scale
D. Ratio scale
E. Qualitative scale
58. What is the advantage of previous research design? (Clinical trial - Case Exatinide / Byetta)
A. Generate new hypothesis
B. Estimate overall prevalence
C. Estimate exposure proportion
D. Quick, easy, inexpensive
E. May give causal relationship
59. Soalnya tentang long-acting dan short acting insulin…
Disadvantage of particular study design…
B. Cannot show causal relationship
C. Difficult to control confounding
D. Expensive & time consuming
E. Recall bias
Sabtu, 28 November 2009
Diposting oleh
3. Konsep dasar asuransi kesehatan
A. Dibutuhkan adanya perjanjian yang disepakati bersamaan antara asuransi dan pihak tertanggung
B. Pengalihan risiko dari sakit ke sehat
C. Pembelian jaminan kesehatan
D. Pengalihan dari risiko perorangan kepada kelompok
E. Ditandatangani kedua belah pihak
5. Salah satu bentuk perencanaan…
A. Perencanaan biaya
B. Perencanaan anggaran
C. Perencanaan sumber daya
8. Tahun demi tahun berlalu, biaya kesehatan sudah tidak terbendung lagi. Apakah penyebab meningkatnya biaya kesehatan?
A. Efisiensi yang kurang dari pemerintah
B. Alokasi dana yang tidak akurat
C. Kesalahan prioritas
D. Banyaknya orang miskin yang ahrus ditanggung pemerintah
9. Yang dimaksud dengan anggaran
A. Semua perencanaan yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk uang
B. Semua pengeluaran
C. Dana yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan, yaitu preventif, promotif, kuratif, rehabilitative
D. Upaya untuk mengumpulkan, alokasi, dan distribusi dana
10. Sumber dana berasal dari masyarakat sangat rendah karena…
Jawaban : masyarakat lebih senang membelanjakan uangnya untuk konsumsi non-kesehatan, termasuk tembakau
23. Teori Hertzberg…
A. Dipengaruhi kepastian dan ketidakpastian
B. Berdasarkan hierarki keberadaan dan hierarki hubungan
C. Berdasarkan hierarki keberadaan dan hierarki pertumbuhan
D. Berdasarkan hierarki hubungan pengakuan diri dan kebutuhan primer
E. Berdasarkan hierarki hubungan kebutuhan rasa aman dan pengakuan diri
25. Untuk komunikasi yang efektif diperlukan pendengaran yang efektif. Syarat pendengaran efektif?
C. Mendengarkan dengan aktif
26. Proses kerja terus menerus yang dilakukan secara sistematik yang dimulai dari forecasting, organizing, pengukuran keberhasilan, dan memberikan umpan balik, adalh definisi dari…
A. Perencanaan
B. Pengorganisasian
C. Pelaksanaan
D. Pengendalian
E. Evaluasi
27. Perencanaan tentang tindakan yang harus dilakukan…
A. Proses
B. Metode
34. Manfaat perencanaan…
A. Untuk alat evaluasi
B. Untuk perubahan bentuk organisasi
C. Untuk perencanaan keputusan
D. Untuk pembagian wewenang dengan jelas
37. Pengelompokan kegiatan yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan rencana dan untuk mencapai tujuan…
A. Perencanaan
B. Pengorganisasian
C. Organisasi
D. Pengawasan
E. Pengendalian
40. Pencapaian keselarasan usaha individu dalam rangka mencapai tujuan dan sasaran kelompok merupakan definisi dari…
A. Organisasi
B. Pengorganisasian
C. Pengawasan
D. Pengendalian
E. Koordinasi
43. Tahapan staffing…
Jawaban : perencanna SDM pencarian calon karyawan penyaringan penempatan perkenalan dan orientasi penilaian penampilan
45. Rentang kendali yang ideal untuk organisai modern dengan struktur ramping…
A. < 7
B. 7 - 10
C. 10 - 20
D. 20 - 30
E. 30 - 40
48. Yang dimaksud dengan ”the acceptance of theory authority” adalah…
A. Bawahan menerima wewenang yang dalam zona penerimaannya
B. Bawahan menerima wewenang yang di luar zona penerimaannya
C. Bawahan menolak wewenang yang dalam zona penerimaannya
D. Bawahan menolak wewenang yang di luar zona penerimaannya
E. Bawahan menolak semua wewenang
50. Tujuan dilakukan pengawasan…
A. Mencari kesalahan staf
B. Sebagai dasar sanksi terhadap staf
C. Sebagai dasar promosi jabatan
D. Agar biaya efisien
E. Agar prestasi dapat diketahui atasan
51. Manfaat dilakukannya pengawasan?
52. Prinsip dasar agar suatu pengawasan dapat berjalan dengan baik…
A. Pemimpinnya berwibawa
B. Ada pimpinan yang ditakuti seluruh staf
C. Adanya standar
D. adanya hasil kerja yang kurang baik
E. Adanya staf yang membuat kesalahan
53. Aspek pengawasan…
Jawab : objek, metode, proses
54. Syarat pengawasan yang baik…
A. Mampu menemukan kesalahan dengan cepat
B. Mampu memberikan sanksi yang adil
C. Mampu melakukan koreksi saat ditemukan kesalahan
D. Mampu memberikan umpan balik
E. Mampu memberikan sanksi objektif
59. Yang dimaksud dengan sistem
A. Komponen-komponen yang saling terkait satu dengan yang lain
B. Kumpulan sejumlah komponen yang slaing berhubungan
C. Komponen-komponen yang saling terkait untuk mengubah masukan menjai luaran
D. Kumpulan sejumlah komponen yang bekerja bebas untuk mencapai tujuan
E. Bagian dari organisasi
Persentase pelayanan kesehatan menurut H. Blum…
A. 45%
B. 30%
C. 20%
D. 10%
E. 5%
Persentase behaviour menurut IFTF…
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 50%
D. 5%
E. 30%
62. Upaya pelayanan kesehatan strata 3 pada community health effort…
A. Dokter umum
B. Klinik
D. Dinkes kabupaten / kota
E. Dinkes propinsi
65. Yang merupakan pelayanan kesehatan strata 2?
Jawaban : dokter spesialis
73. Faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kesehatan di negara berkembang adalah…
A. Pelayanan kesehatan
B. Peningkatan penghasilan
C. Meningkatkan vector control
D. Bidan desa
E. Pemberian makanan tambahan
74. Secondary prevention
B. Prompt treatment
C. Rehabilitasi
E. Vaccine
76. Manakah re-emerging disease?
A. Avian influenza
B. Malaria
C. Kusta
D. Typhoid
E. Filariasis
Untuk soal no. 78 - 87
A. Pathogen
B. Reservoir
C. Portal of exit
D. Transmission
E. Portal of exit
F. Establishment of disease in new person
78. Disinfectant
79. Chlorination
80. Immunization
81. Safety glasses
82. Drug treatment
83. Hand washing
84. Safety sex
85. Sexual abstinence
86. Hair nets
87. Gowns
Untuk soal no. 88 - 94
A. Acute communicale
B. Acute non-communicable
C. Chronic communicable
C. Chronic non-communicable
88. Pneumonia
89. Osteoarthritis
90. Gout
91. Hepatitis
92. Appendicitis
93. Pertussis
94. Gastritis
Untuk no.
A. Basic science era
B. Clinical science era
C. Empirical era
D. Public health era
96. Perkembangan dunia kedokteran sesungguhnya…
97. Causal treatment...
Diposting oleh
1. Stigma against PLWHAs is…
A. Discrediting someone due to his HIV positive status
B. Referred to specific behavior against PLWHAs
C. Experienced only by HIV positive person
D. One of the many causes of violation
2. Discrimination against PLWHA patient…
A. Experinced by only confined HIV positive patients
B. Denial or restriction of the rights of a person
C. Complete denial of the rights of a person
D. Never documented in legal papers
E. Referred to attitude
3. Confidentiality important for STI. unlikely to be cause of importance of confidentiality
a)critical to strategy encourage mass behaviour arrange
b) crucial to creation of context ...
c) to hide someone moralistic attitude to his/her partner
d) critical to encourage people to come forward to testify & counseling
e) reflect for integrity & privacy
9. Discrimination for ODHA in hospital. One of discrimination considered as ethical is
a) place patients w/ low cd4 in separate room
b) gossiping about the patient
c) wearing gloves when measure BP
d) put HIV+ label on top of the file e)charging HIV patients with higher fee
15. Why is the patient consider refused category in aesthetic surgery?
A. In a middle life crisis
B. Distorted body image
C. Mental illness
D. Minor cosmetic problem
E. Repetitive surgery
17. Woman, 55 y.o. hyperpigmentation and want to look younger like 25 y.o. What should thye doctor do?
19. Why beauty is important?
21. What is ethics in plastic surgery…
A. Study standard behavior
B. Study behavior of professional doctor
C. Disclipine teach how to manage difficult case
D. Study empirical guide to make decision
E. Study principles and process in determining good and bad behavior
23. How could we develop a professional character?
A. By studying medical discipline and practice
B. By understanding professional ethics
C. By learning professional principles
D. By applying professional codes
E. By shaping our medical norm
25. pentingnya waste management dalam dentistry... c) mencegah penyebaran infeksi ke community
27. Least likely possible in cross contamination…
A. Patient to patient
B. Patient to dental team
C. Dental team to patient
D. Instrument to patient
E. Dental office to community
28. Asepsis protocol after patient treatment means?
31. Ethical principles of organization must include all the followings : aspirational, educational, regulatory. Which of the following combining its principle with explicit guidelines can assist in decision making?
A. Aspirational
B. Educational
C. Regulatory
D. Veracity
E. Justice
34. Most effective ways to reducing dose of microorganism in infection control in dental practice
A. Immunization
B. Hand washing
C. Office control
D. Increase body resistance
35. What is the goal of infection control?
A. Complete killing of all germs / microbial life on the items being processed
B. Instruments cleaning and sterilization
C. Reduce the dose of microorganism
D. Surface precleaning (disinfectant)
E. Handwashing
37. What type of waste is capable in causing infectious disease?
A. Contaminated waste
B. Hazardous waste
C. Infectious waste
D. Medical waste
E. Toxic waste
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