65-year-old man experiences shortness of birth for the last 3 days. He got fever and cough with yellowish sputum for 7 days. It got worse because he had no money to buy medicine. He is a farmer, so he works even on rainy days. He is also a heavy smoker with chronic cough. He has been hospitalized 5 times due to his lung problems. Currently he is diagnosed with pneumonia.
1. Precipitating factor ?
A. Unduly hard work
B. Old age and sex
C. Previous illness
D. Respiratory infection
E. Inadequate medical care
Ada yg nulis optionnya sbb :
A. Old age
B. Previous illness
C. Unduly hard work
D. Respiratory infection
E. Sex
2. The predisposing factor is …
A. Smoking
B. Old age
C. Low income
D. Exposure to rain
E. Sex
3. What is reinforcing factor ?
A. Unduly hard work
B. Age
C. Sex
D. Previous illness
E. Low income
4. When he was entering the hospital, what was the stage of the disease process ?
A. Subclinic
B. Clinic
C. Pathological changes
D. Disable
E. Susceptible
5. The agent from this case ?
A. old age
B. bacteria
C. Cigarette
D. Hard work
Ans. B
6. The host is …
Ans. The patient
7. Enabling factor ?
A. Respiratory function
B. Old age
C. Unduly hard work
D. Inadequate treatment
E. Previous illness
8. The external mechanism is …
A. Humoral immunity
B. Cough
C. Cellular immunity
D. Shortness of breath
E. Hard work
9. The internal mechanism is …
A. chronic cough
B. cough
C. yellow sputum
D. fever
Ans. D
10. 3 faktor yang berkaitan dengan epidemiologic triangle pada kasus di atas …
A. patient, cough, bacteria
B. inadequate medical care, patient, bacteria
C. immunological factor, cough, bacteria
D. patient, bacteria, environment
E. age, environment, cough
11. The environmental factor is …
A. Vector
B. Cough
C. Bacteria
D. Medical care
E. Climate
12. Arti incubation period dalam kasus di atas …
13. Data : 98, 107, 114, 123, 128, 128, 130, 134, 136, 160
Mean systolic blood pressure …
A. 114
B. 118.5
C. 123
D. 125.8
E. 129
14. Median of systolic blood pressure is …
15. Standard deviation of systolic blood pressure is …
16. Mode of systolic blood pressure is …
A. 98
B. 114
C. 128
D. 136
E. 160
17. Comparing a set of data presented both in simple frequency and in class-interval frequency distribution, which of the following statement is true ? (soal sama seperti di modul lab CRP yg pertama)
18. The only measure of central tendency that can be found for nominal data is the …
A. Mean
B. Modus
C. Median
D. Range interval
E. Quartile
19. The measure of central tendency that is most affected by a few large or small numbers is …
A. mean
B. median
C. mode
D. range
E. quartile
20. When a distribution is bell-shaped, approximately what percentage of data values will fall within one standard
deviation of the mean ?
A. 32 %
B. 50 %
C. 68 %
D. 95 %
E. 99 %
21. When a distribution is bell-shaped, approximately, what percentage of data value will fall within two standard
deviation of the mean ?
A. 32 %
B. 50 %
C. 68 %
D. 95 %
E. 99 %
22. The measure of central tendency that is more robust for extreme values is …
A. mean
B. median
C. mode
D. range
E. quartile
For question no. 23 – 24, refer to the information below :
The outcome of 9 patients are : 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2
(0 = Live; 1 = Dead; 2 = Still hospitalized)
23. The mean outcome is …
A. 0
B. 1,0
C. 1,3
D. 2
E. cannot be calculated
24. The mode of outcome is …
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. Dead
E. Still hospitalized
For question no. 25 – 27, refer to information below :
The following frequency distribution for number of errors 55 students made in test :
Interval Frequency
0 – 2 14
3 – 5 13
6 – 8 11
9 – 11 8
12 – 14 9
Total 55
25. The mean error is :
A. 1,2
B. 1,5
C. 6,2
D. 6,5
E. 12
26. The median of error is (without decimal) :
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 10
E. 13
27. The percentage of students with errors more than 8 is :
A. 8 %
B. 9 %
C. 17 %
D. 30,9 %
E. 74,5 %
28. The p-value is :
A. the probability that the null hypothesis is true
B. the probability that the alternative hypothesis is true
C. the probability of obtaining a test statistic at least as extreme as the one that was actually observed,
assuming that the null hypothesis is true.
D. the probability of obtaining the observed or more extreme results if the alternative hypothesis is true
E. always less than 0.05
To answer question no. 29 – 42, use the table on standard normal distribution.
Area under the curve :
From Z = 0 to 1 = 0,3413
From Z = 0 to 2 = 0,4772
From Z = 0 to 3 = 0,4987
From Z = 0 to 1,5 = 0,4332
From Z = 0 to 1,645 = 0,450
From Z = 0 to 1,28 = 0,400
29. P (Z > 0) = …
A. 0
B. 0,3413
C. 0,5
D. 0,475
E. 1,0
30. P (Z < 3,0) = …
A. 0
B. 0,4772
C. 0,5
D. 0,4987
E. 0,9987
31. P (-1,5 < Z < 2,0) = …
A. 0,4332
B. 0,4772
C. 0,5
D. 0,9104
E. 0,9772
32. P (-2 < Z < -1) = …
33. P (1.5 < Z < 3) = …
34. P (Z > -2) = …
35. P (Z > 2) = …
36. μ pengukuran systolic blood pressure = 110 mmHg. σ = 10 mmHg. Berapa nilai area under curve untuk blood pressure > 130 mmHg?
Ans. = P (Z > 2) = 0.5 – 0.4772 = 0.0228
37. Tentukan area under the curve untuk systolic blood pressure di atas 140 mmHg
38. Tentukan area under the curve untuk systolic blood pressure di atas 150 mmHg
39. Tentukan area under the curve untuk systolic blood pressure di antara 90 dan 120 mmHg
40. What is the area under the curve below 90 mmHg or above 140 mmHg …
A. 0.0241
B. 0.0278
C. 0.4782
D. 0.4987
E. 0.9758
41. Systolic blood pressure: mean = 110, standard deviation = 10 mmHg
What value of systolic blood pressure will divide the normal distribution into lower 95% and upper 5%?
A. 110
B. 120
C. 126.50
D. 140.50
E. 150.50
42. What is the value of systolic blood pressure that divides the area under the curve into the lower 10% and upper
90% ?
A. 97.2
B. 110
C. 120
D. 130
E. 140
Routine Test Total
(+) (-)
Gold Standard HIV (+) 92 10 102
(-) 2 196 198
Total 94 206 300
43. P (Routine + / HIV +) = …
44. P (routine - / HIV - ) = …
A. 198/300
B. 196/198
C. 196/206
D. 196/300
E. 206/300
45. P (HIV + / Routine + ) = …
46. P (HIV - / Routine - ) = …
47. Prevalensi HIV = 92/300
50. x bar = 20, s = 5
CI 95 %
Range …
A. 15 – 25
B. 10,2 – 29,8
C. 7,1 – 32,9
D. 5 – 35
E. 5 – 15
51. The standard deviation of a set of observation …
A. Equal with coefficient of variation
B. Has the same unit of measurement as the raw data
C. Range
D. Central distribution
E. Location
52. Mean systole 110 mmHg. Variance 25 mmHg2. Coefficient of variation …
A. 25/110
B. 5/110
C. 5/√110
D. 110/25
E. 110/5
Ans. B. CV = SD/mean x 100%
Final CRP 2009
Selasa, 15 Desember 2009
Diposting oleh superstar2007 di 00.15
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