Frenz, ini soal Final PHOP kemaren… Urutan soalnya ngacak, tapi semuanya lengkap 40” nya hehe…
Trus jawabannya tolong dicek-ricek lagi yah…
Gudlak semuanya!
These are the answers for questions number 1-4 :
B. SO2
C. Particle
D. O3
1. Molecules that bind to Hb 200-300 times stronger than Hb O2 bound. (Ans: CO)
2. After several days, people become tolerant, but persons with asthma may still develop airflow obstruction. (Ans: O3)
3. Causing acid rain, which causing London Fog. (Ans: SO2)
4. Source from fireplace and tobacco smoking. (Ans: ga yakin -> NO / particle)
5. Gas can cause chemical asphyxiant? (Ans: hydrogen cyanide )
These are the answers for questions number 6-10 :
a. waterborne disease
b. water privation disease
c. water-based disease
d. water related disease
e. water dispersed infection
6. Disease like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, and Japanese encephalitis are include in… (Ans : -related)
7. Disease that affected more by quantity rather than quality. (Ans : -privation)
8. Arise from the contamination of water by human or animal feces or urine infected by pathogenic viruses or bacteria… (Ans : -borne)
9. Water provides the habitat for intermediate host organism to pass their life cycle... (Ans : -based)
10. Pathogen proliferate in fresh water and enter to the body from respiratory tract? (Ans : -dispersed)
11. Which is the following is a chemical that can combine with hemoglobin and form methemoglobin?
a. arsenic
b. fluoride
c. iodine
d. nitrates
e. cyanides
Ans : D
12. Which is the following substance which in lack condition can cause thyroid gland enlargement?
a. arsenic
b. fluoride
c. iodine
d. nitrates
e. cyanides
Ans : C
13. Zat yang digunakan untuk pengolahan air : :
a. chlorine & arsenic
b. ? & arsenic
c. chlorine & cyanide
d. ? & cyanide
e. aluminium & iron
Ans : kemungkinan Al & Fe (E), soalnya masa mau dikasih sianida & arsen…
14. Proses pencemaran air secara tidak langsung dari pencemaran udara disebut …
a. eutrophication
b. algae
c. acidification
Ans: kemungkinan acidification (C), makanya ada acid rain akibat polusi udara…
Eutrophication = dorongan terhadap pertumbuhan organism yang berlebihan sehingga merugikan organism lain dalm ekosisitemyang sama akibat pasokan gizi secara berlebihan. (Dorland)
15. Penyebab diare akibat virus pada anak-anak …
a. rotavirus
b. hepatitis a
c. hepatitis b
Ans : A
These are the answers for questions number 16-20 :
The hierarchy of control based on ALARA is below :
a. Elimination
b. Subtitution
c. Engineering controls
d. Administration controls
e. Personal protective equipment
16. Synthetic pyrethroid insecticides instead of organophoshates. (Ans : substitution )
17. Permits for high-risk tasks. (Ans : administration)
18. Removal of asbestos from buildings. (Ans : elimination)
19. Enclosing the process & increasing ventilation to get rid of steam & hot air. (Ans : engineering)
20. Rotation job. (Ans: administration)
21. What is index that indicates distribution of such vector aedes aegypty surveillance?
a. Breateau Index
b. Water Index
c. Container index
d. Mosquito Index
e. ?
Ans: A
According to the WHO definition, this index is the number of positive containers (i.e. containing _Aedes aegypti_ larvae) per 100 premises inspected. That is number of positive containers for Aedes aegypti per 100 houses is represented as Breteau index. When it is 50 or more then the risk of transmission is high and when it is 5 then risk of transmission is low. (internet)
22. The insecticide that classified as organochlorine?
a. abate
b. malathion
c. DDT
Ans : C
23. Penemuan jenis insektisida pertama untuk vector-borne control termasuk dalam kelas?
a. natural
b. organochlorine
c. organophosphate
d. carbamate
e. fumigants
Ans: B, yang dimaksud di sini adalah DDT.
24. Which is the following sentence is advantage of larvicidal application ?
a. Cost effectively
b. The operation carried out in long time
c. Maybe toxic to human
d. Some larvacidal may harm other organism
e. Many effective larvicide is widely available
Ans : E
25. Alasan memilih insecticide untuk metode residual wall spraying :
a. Technically simple methods
b. No need trained personnel
c. Cheaper
d. Technical involvement of the community
e. Requiring high investment for a limited period
Ans : D.
26. What is the early vector control program?
a. The use of treated mosquito net
b. The use of mosquito net
c. The use of carbamate
d. The use of insecticide vaporizer
e. The use of protective clothing
Ans : B
27. DDT is no longer use because of…
a. Short life
b. Non highly toxic
c. Merusak lingkungan
d. Biodegradable
e. Expensive
Ans : C
28. Which is classified as natural repellent? (Ans : pyrethrum)
29. Community control … ?
a. membasmi breeding in and around house
b. use self protection
c. wall spraying
Ans : C (kalo ga salah sih ada option wall spraying…)
30. Aedes mosquito play a role in what disease?
a. Japanese encephalitis
b. Malaria
c. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
d. Schistosomiasis
e. Trypanosomiasis
Ans : C
31. Warfare yang dilakukan oleh kaum lemah yang terbatas sumber dayanya, terhadap kaum yang lebih dominan/kuat, serangannya periodik dan tidak terduga, daripada serangan langsung…
a. Biological warfare
b. Chemical warfare
c. Nuclear warfare
d. ?
e. Guerilla warfare
Ans : E
32. Sinar ultra violet yang menyebabkan kerusakan kulit dan tanning?
a. UV-A
b. UV-B
c. UV-C
d. UV-A dan UV-B
e. UV-A dan UV-C
Ans : kemungkinan D, karena UV-B jelas merusak kulit, UV-A membantu si UV-B (kata Dorland), UV-C ga nyampe ke bumi…
33. Which of the following is the right gas of greenhouse gas?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Carbon monoxide
c. Sulfur dioxide
d. Volatile organic compound
e. Ozone
Ans : A
34. Characteristic of technological disaster? (no idea … T_T)
a. responsibility usually without agent
b. objective magnitude of loss usually great
c. perceived magnitude of loss is usually maximized
d. nature of disaster is clean & unavoidable
e. community support for those affected is usually non-judgmental
35. Effect of ozone depletion?
a. Immunological
b. GI tract
c. Urogenital
d. Reproductive
e. Respiratory
Ans : A
These are the answers for questions number 36-40 :
a. pathological waste
b. infectious waste
c. pharmaceutical waste
d. radioactive waste
e. chemical containing heavy metal waste
36. Body waste (Ans : A)
37. Feces (Ans : B)
38. Expired drugs (Ans : C)
39. Waste from drug industry (Ans : D)
40. Broken thermometer (Ans : E)
Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010
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