A.caring for whole spectrum age groups
B.holistic approach
C.emphasis on preventive medicine
D.patient centered care
E.conducting home visit
1. The family physician should recognize the contribution of social & psychosocial problems in treating the patient..
2. Good communication and relationship between doctor and patient
3. the family should emphasis on care for family in every stage of life cycle
A.dedicated to the person
B.understand the context of illness
C.all contact with patient and opportunity for prevention and health education
D.the practice as a population at risk
E.live in community/a part of the complex of family relationship
F.does community networking
G.subjective aspect of medicine (sensitivity to feelings,emotional)
4. deploy resources from the community for the benefit of the people in community
5. This principle means that if one of their patients who haven't been immunizedshould be as much as a concern as one who is attending for well baby care.
6. self-reflective
7.the family physician's is not limited by type of health problem physician is available for any health problem in a person.
8.continuity care for the patient and the family is very important .continuity is overall,direct and coordinative responsibility for the different medical need of the time.it can be done by keeping good medrec .what dimension of this care based on the HENNEN'S FIVE DIMENTION OF CONTINUITY
9. Research has shown young widowers have 12x increased than comparable married people for TB. This is one of 6 main effects of health to family members :
A. Family affects morbidity and mortality
B. family is important in recovery from illness
C. Infectious diseases spreads in families
D. Genetic influences
E. Family is crucial in child development
10. Which is the activity that included in the assessment of GRR?
A. smoking cessation
B. screening and case finding
C. reduction of serum cholesterol
D. coping ability
E. nutrition education
genogram utk soal no 14 dan 15
1-. Berdasarkan Duvall, Sule termasuk dalam stage apa?
a. childbearing
b. pre-school
c. teenager
d. middle-aged
e. launching the adult
1-. Peran orang tua dalam fase di atas? (liat soal sebelumnya?)
a.ikut dalam mendorong pertumbuhan toodler
b.ikut dalam pertumbuhan anak pre-school
c.fitting in kin environment
d.make relationshio with younger and older generation
e.make postparental interest
1-. Jika ia berhasil fase ini, maka Sule akan memasukin fase?
a. pre-school
b. school age
c.launching the adult
d.middle aged
e.aging family
14. Berdasarkan Duvall, Parto termasuk dalam stage apa?
a. childbearing
b. pre-school
c. teenager
d. aging-family members
e. middle-age
15. Family illness trajectory based on Sule's family genogram?
A. onset of illness
B. reaction to diagnosis
C. major therapeutic effect
D. early adjustment to outcome
E. adjustment to permanent disability
16. What is the role of family doctor on this stage (no. 15)?
A. alert to the potential problems of the illnes
B. encourage to clear the nature
C. responsible to clinical judgment
a. functional family
b.dysfunctional family
c.family life cycle
d.thinking family
e.developmental task
19. membiarkan anak, remaja dan dewasa berkembang sesuai keinginannya namun tetap dekat dengan keluarganya
20. tidak etis untuk tidak menyebutkan gejala stress yang terlihat dalam gejala symptomatik dan depresi
21. peran anggota keluarga dalam membimbing anak dari lahir sampai matur
A. family dynamic
B. family genogram
C. family tree
D. family map
E. BATHE rechnique
22. It helps to draw out the quiet patient and provide structure of when to move on to talkactive patient
23. It helps the attending physician to diagnose the disease and dis-ease of the patient
24. It helps to rule out the family relationship
25. Family Sule
A. Nuclear family
B. Extended family
C. Blended family
27. True from Sule's family genogram?
A. Sule-Wati : close relationship
B. Sule-Parto : distance relationship
C. Sule-Parto : close relationship
D. Sule-Wati : distance relationship
E. Sule-Wati : conflict relationship
28. Family Yoyo
A. Nuclear family
B. Extended family
C. Blended family
29. WOTF is correct?
A. Yoyo separated from 1st wife
B. Yoyo & Marni have dizygotic twins
C. Jihan has abortion
D. Jihan is pregnant
E. Yoyo has unmarried relationship
A. terminal end
B. frail elderly
C. homeostasis
D. homeostenosis
E. assessment of mental status
F. assessment of functional status
G. assessment of social status
33. Increased risk of disability abd death from minor external causes
34. normalnya, proses penuaan tidak mengakibatkan kelainan patologis
35. what is the consequence of age related physiologic change of eye in the elderly?
A. blindness
B. Presbiopy
C. Lens opacification
D. decresasing of accomodation
E. miopi
36. A 84 y.o. women comes with her family with terminal stage of breast cancer and bone metastasis. What will you do as a family physician?
A. continue chemotherapy treatment
B. give her pain killer
C. sent her to other hospital for next treatment
D. no other management
37. what is the goal for patient’s management?
A. cure the patient
B. prevent other complication
C. focus on quality of life
D. prepare for breavement process
39. in caring terminal patient, family physician must be able to cope with dying patients emotions and reaction, especially in the first stage of dying. What is the first stage of dying?
A. Acceptance
B. anger
C. bargaining
D. Denial
E. Depresion
40. WOTF is correct about palliative care?
B. hospital is the only place for palliative care
C. cure is not possible
D. more concern about quantity rather than quality
For number 41-43
A. primary prevention
B. secondary prevention
C. tertiary prevention
D. risk avoidance
E. risk reduction
41. Management of established disease, in order to minimalize the disabilities
42. identify those with high risk to modify the risk factors
43. early detection
soal no. 44-46
B. Hep A
C. Measles
D. Hib
E. Pneumococcal
F. Tetanus
44. Should be given to Warna (12 y.o.)
45. Contraindicated for Jihan (pregnant)
46. This immunization is given in two doses
soal no. 47-49
A. B6
B. Thiamin
C. Fluoride
D. Erythromycin oinment
E. Folic acid
F. Hormone replacement therapy
47. Given to Jihan to prevent neural tube defect
48. Will be given to Jihan's future baby
49. Given to Marni (hipertensi, 54 thn)
54. Dr. Amin intends to ask for the second opinion and he writes the letter for his colleague including all patient's significant problem,state the physician's main findings the inverstigation that have been carried out,all medication, and the purpose of consultation.
55. Mr. David is referred by dr. Henry because of his prostate cancer. For better care, it is essential taht after referral only a surgeon should prescribe treatment.
56. The responsibility of patient is divided more or less evenly between two or more physician.
57. Mrs. Ani is referred by dr. Nadia for long-term treatment of glaucoma. Dr. Nadia retains overall responsibility, but refers the patient only for care SOME SPECIFIC PROBLEM. Jadi jawabannya yang D - Collateral referral
For number 58-60
A. planning
B. organizing
C. leading
D. control
58. This is the process of influencing staff to meet predetermined objectives.
59. This is a process of ensuring that things happen according to plan and taking corrective actions where necessary.
60. This is a process of getting activities, people, materials structured to meet organizational objectives.
61. Leadership is the process whereby one person influences the thoughts and behaviours of others. WOTF sentence is the most correct for personal leadership style according to theory X?
A. theory x is more effective than theory Y
B. theory X have positive assumption
C. managers may be motivating
D. usually task oriented
E. more self responsibility
62. WOTF sentence is the most correct example for effective leadership depends on group needs?
A. the leader should seek to discover what each member wants from the group objectives or he will lose the confidence of the group
B. a leader must be seen to strive to achieve group
C. measures for meeting individual needs are coaching, counseling, motivating, and staff development
D. team spirit and morale are very important
E. the needs may be satisfied through planning, allocating duties, giving targets to individuals, and setting standards
63. Manager has three skills set are conceptual, human, and technical. WOTF sentence is most likely for technical skills?
A. skills in managing things rather than people and are often learned through on the job training programmes
B. perceiving how the parts of the organization link together in structure and processes
C. involved in working with people, often as a member of a group
D. involved people in decision making
E. to motivate people to contribute their best to get work done
64. Urutan dari proses menejemen untuk dokter keluarga?
--> objektif --> practice population --> assess kebutuhan dan sumber daya --> alokasi --> penentuan kebijakan (policy or health care) --> evaluasi
65. WOTF sentence most likely step about practice population ...
A. more specific to prevention and manage disease
B. preservation of doctor-patient relationship
C. The List is compiled by going through the practice records and entering all patients who have need the prac
D.The resources include the physical plan, communication system, physician, staff, the attached personel, hospital and community resources
E. various of health care according to need and demand of population and scarcuty of resources (prevention, promotion, curative, rehabilitation)
66. WOTF sentence most likely step assessment of need, demand, and resources...
A. more specific to prevention and manage disease-->Formulation objective
B. preservation of doctor-patient relationship-->Formulation objective
C. The List is compiled by going through the practice records and entering all patients who have need the prac-->Practice population
D.The resources include the physical plan, communication system, physician, staff, the attached personel, hospital and community resources
E. various of health care according to need and demand of population and scarcuty of resources (prevention, promotion, curative, rehabilitation)-->Formulation policies/health care
Jawaban : D (Slidemanagement clinic no.31)
67. Disadvantages of gropu practice d.potensial conflict
69. Managers has 3 clusters of role : leadership role, informational role, decisional role. WOTF is the leadership role?
A. Monitor
B. Figurehead
C. Disseminator
D. Spokesman
E. Entrepreneurship
70. decisional role?
A. Monitor
B. Figurehead
C. Disseminator
D. Spokesman
E. Entrepreneurship
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