Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

2. A young doctor reluctantly examined a poor patient. Bioethical issue?

A. beneficence

B. nonmaleficence

C. justice

D. autonomy


9. Seorang mahasiswa FK butuh biaya untuk menyelesaikan studinya. Untuk itu dia mendonorkan ginjalnya kepada yang membutuhkan agar mendapatkan uang. Isu etika?

A. humanitarianism

B. financial

C. religious

D. medical

E. socio cultural

19. The principle to reward those who has given benefit to society in the past has disadvantage which is?

A. favors tose who have better prognosis

B. treating people only when prognosis deteriorates

C. prefer younger people than those which is the sickest

D. favors wealthy, powerful, and well connected people

E. ignores needs to those who will become sick in the future

21. Pengobatan sick people first

A. disaster triage

B. emergency

C. kidney transplantation



23. Giving limited drug to stadium II instead of stadium IV patient is according to

A. Benefits who had the least chance

B. Aids people who suffer more

C. Limited resipiens information neede


E. benefits who had more chance to life

25. Ginjal yang diberikan kepada prisoner 25 y.o. instead a 80 y.o. retired general menggunakan prinsip etika dari?
A. it favor well-connected people

B. it ignores the sense of social justice

C. best prognosis (highest life expectance)

D. it doesn’t benefit the greatest number of people

E. it ignores to aids those who are suffering

28. Dalam pemilihan pasien yang masuk UGD atau tidak berpegang pada prinsip?

A. Benefit the greatest number

B. Aids the suffering right now

C. Prognosis or life



29. Doctor who are involved in a disaster medical team should choose the sickest to be treated first,which is based on the principle?

A. reciprocity

B. rule of rescue

C. save more lives

D. social usefulness

E. first come-first output

Lottery can be ethically used in

A. disaster relief

B. school vaccination

C. antibiotic allocation

D. emergency

E. ICU occupant

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