2. Important science about chemical hazards?
A. ergonomic
B. toxicology
C. epidemiology
3. To solve the problem in occupational health, it needs many factors. What is the important study to solve the problem in occupational or ocupational related disease?
A. epidemiology
B. toxicology
C. law
D. ergonomic
E. environmental engineering
4. The best way to prevent oneself from nosocomial infection is
A. doing exercise regularly
B. have a balanced diet
C. follow medical procedure
D. using masker and gloves in hospital
E. examining patient from a safe distance
9. A young doctor work as PTT in remote area. What kind of hazard it is?
A. physical burden
B. mental burden
C. social burden
D. expenses biology
E. psychological burden
12. Definition of health care waste?
A. pharmaceutical
B. pathological
C. infectious
D. highy infectious
14. highly infectious culture from lab
15. human tissue
17. Gas cylinder à pressured containers
19. What is the main risk with infection in hospital?
B. body fluid
C. hospital waste management
D. sharp contamination
E. hospital waste of handling inadequate
21. Yang termasuk physical hazard di RS adalah?
B. gas sisa anestesi
C. static posture
21. Yang termasuk physical hazard di rumah sakit?
B. gas sisa anestesi
C. static posture
22. Disease yang didapat saat kerja yang hazardnya adalah biological? nosocomial
25. Peningkatan angka kejadian tapi tidak separah epidemic? Outbreak
27. Peningkatan insidensi penyakit di atas perkiraan? Epidemic
28. Disease caused by work or work environment? Occupational disease
A. physical
B. chemical
C. biological
D. ergonomic
E. psychosocial
29. repetitive motion
30. lack of control over work
31. pesticides
32. improper desigened tools
33. radiation
34. The most important thing to identify medical problems related to occupation?
A. occupational history
B. history taking
C. physical exam
D. chest x-ray
E. pulmonary functional test
A. environmental psychosocial
B. physical
C. environmental chemical
D. social support
E. interindividual relationship
38. low wage
40. job turn over
Endogenous infection in nosocomial is caused by?
A. direct infection
B. indirect infection
C. transmission of agent from patient to patient
D. microbial agent acquired in hospital
E. patient’s own flora
41. Stressor at workplace
A. relationship at work
B. support to engage personal interest
C. dual career status
D. air quality
E. lack of promotional opportunity
44. UU perlindungan keselamatan kerja? UU no 14 tahun 1949
48. Apa yang dmaksud dengan accident pro nenes?
A. penyakit yang berkaitan dengan sinar UV
B. idem tapi x-ray
C. perilaku tidak patuh pada peraturan keselamatan kerja
50. Yang termasuk golongan penyakit Sick Building Syndrome? ISPA
53. Labor union-helath care professional relationship?
A. advocate safety issue
D. to know medical info
A. government role
B. management control
C. legislative control
D. engineering control
E. medical control
58. Implementing regulation or laws of health
61. Working with tractors or other farm equipment such as motor vehicle and sharp tools for cutting or pruning can cuse following health hazard in agriculture?
A. musculoskeletal disorder
B. respiratory disorder
C. traumatic inury
D. toxification
E. dermatitis
63. Combination of ailment associated with individual’s place of work or residence is known as?
A. musculoskeletal disorder
B. nosocomial infection
C. respiratory disorder
D. occupational injury
E. sick building syndrome
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