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FBS ( 47-69
47. Which bilirubin is reflecting increase erythrocyte destruction in malaria?
A. indirect bilirubin
B. direct bilirubin
C. β bilirubin
D. γ bilirubin
E. δ bilirubin
Jawaban : A
48. Which laboratory test can determine autoimmune induce hepatitis?
A. α-fetoprotein
B. Anti nuclear antibody
C. α1-antitrypsin
D. Lactate dehydrogenase
E. γ-glutamyltransferase
Jawaban : B
49. Which hepatitis virus markerthat found more than 6 months suggest the chronic hepatitis B infection?
A. Anti HBs
B. HBsAg
C. HBeAg
D. HBcAg
E. Anti HBe
Jawaban : B
50. Which of the following microbe can produce toxin that alters the intracellular signaling?
A. Salmonella
B. Corynebacterium
C. Vibrio cholerae
D. E. hystolitica
E. E. coli
Jawaban : C Robbins 359
51. Which of the following microbe is included into group of obligate intracellular organism?
A. E. coli
B. M. lepra
C. Virus
D. Salmonella sp.
E. Shigella sp.
Jawaban : C
52. Which of the following microbe can block function of the lysosome with phagosome?
A. Corynebacterium
B. Ricketsia
Jawaban : D
For number questions 53 until57, see clinical below:
A 30 year old man complains diarrhea with blood and mucus accompany with abdominal cramping and tenesmus.Microscopic feature shows prominent leukocyte infiltration within lamina propria and thromboses of small vessel.
53. Which of the following is the most likely etiologi of this disease?
A.salmonella sp
B.shigella sp
C.vibrio cholera
D.camphylobacter pylory
Jawaban : C?
54. Which of the following agents secret the same toxin?
A.salmonella sp
B.staphylococcus sp
D.streptococcus sp
E.yersenia sp
Jawaban : C?
55. Which of the following microbe resistant to gastric acid?
A.shigella sp
B.vibrio cholera
C.saimonella sp
E.yersenia sp
Jawaban : A Robbins 352
56. Which of the following organism can pass from damage of mucosa through payer patch and mesenteric lymph nodes into blood stream?
A.salmonella thypii
B.vibrio cholera
E.giardia lambdia
Jawaban : A Robbins 353
57. Which of the following organism is important cause of chronic enterocolitis?
D.yersenia enteritis
E. E.coli
Jawaban : C Robbins 356
58.A 20-year-old woman complains watery and bloody diarrhea. Microscopic feature shows macrophage with vacuole like trophozoid. Which of the following disease is the most likely diagnosis?
B.baciler disentry
E.typhoid fever
Jawaban : D
59. The microscopic feature from meningen biopsy show caseous necrosis and dominantly lymphocyte and epitheloid cell granuloma. This picture is usually found in:
A. coxsackie virus
B. treponema
C. Neisseria meningitides
D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (?bovin)
E. Histoplasma capsulatum
Jawaban : D
60. One of the disease below is including into persistent infection such as:
A. Rheumatic fever
B. Lupus erythromatosis
C. Sillicosis
D. Tubercle bacilli
E. Atherosclerosis
Jawaban : D Slide
61. The microscopic feature colonic biopsy shows and lamina propria, moderate interpretation of mononuclear cells and necrosis of the luminal epithelium. This picture is usually found in:
A. Amebiasis
B. Cholera
C. Bacillar dysentery
D. Giardia
E. Typhoid fever
Jawaban : E
62. which of the following viral is the etiology of cirrhosis hepatitis?
A. Viral type A
B. Viral type B
C. Viral type C
D. Viral type D
E. Viral type E
Jawaban : D
63. The microscopic feature (from liver biopsy) shows ballooning of hepatocyte,canalicular bilirubin stasis lymphocyte inflammatory infiltration, this picture is caused by:
A. Viral type A
B. Viral type B
C. Viral type C
D. Viral type D
E. Viral type E
Jawaban : A
For questions number 64 and 65, reper to the scenario below:
A 8-year old girl brought to family doctor in the primary health care by her mother with a chaef complaint of fever sinse last 5 days. Her mother also noted that there are red spots in her daughter ‘s platelet counet is 20.000/ul (NR:150.000-400.000/ul)
64. based on her platelet count, what is your conclusion about this patient?
A. Thrombosis
B. Thrombocytosis
C. Spectrophotometer
D. Thrombocytopenia
E. Thrombocytopathy
Jawaban : D
65. The platelet count of this patient was performed in the patient was performed in the primary health care (puskesmas). What is the most possible method they used?
A. Hemocytometer
B. Automatic cell analyzer
C. Specetrophotometer
D. Platelet aggregometer
E. Micromethod
Jawaban : A
For questiones number 66 until 68, refer to the scenario below:
Rahmat “s WBC count is 14.000/ul. While the normal range is 400.000/ul.
66. What is your conclusion abount this condition?
A. Leukopenia
B. Leukocytosis
C. Leukemia
D. Leukkorrhea
E. Leukodystrophia
Jawaban : B
67. In Rahmat”s WBC differential count, they found the percentage of PMN is 80%.
How do you conclude this condition?
Jawaban : A
68. What hematology parameter expected to be increased in this patient?
A. Hemoglobin
B. Hematocrit
C. Red blood cell count
D. Red cell distribution width
E. erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Jawaban : C?
For questions number 69 unti 72, refer to the scenario below:
A 23 –year-old ladi came to pimary health care
(puskesmas) with a complaint of restlessness since a month ago.She also stated that she felt very dizzy if she stands up directly from sitting.This lady has 4 children and delivered almost every year since she was merried at 18 yearsold. Because she was poor, her daily diet usually consists of steam rice with salted pish and small amount of pegetables, laboratory results repealed: Hgd=8g/dl(NR:12-16g/dl) ;Hct=28%(NR:37-47%); RBC count = 4x106 /μL (NR:4.2-5.4 . 106 /μL)
69. Please calculate the MCV
A. 0.7fL
B. 7.0fL
C. 70fL
D. 700fL
E. 7000fL
Diposting oleh
FBS ( 47-69
47. Which bilirubin is reflecting increase erythrocyte destruction in malaria?
A. indirect bilirubin
B. direct bilirubin
C. β bilirubin
D. γ bilirubin
E. δ bilirubin
Jawaban : A
48. Which laboratory test can determine autoimmune induce hepatitis?
A. α-fetoprotein
B. Anti nuclear antibody
C. α1-antitrypsin
D. Lactate dehydrogenase
E. γ-glutamyltransferase
Jawaban : B
49. Which hepatitis virus markerthat found more than 6 months suggest the chronic hepatitis B infection?
A. Anti HBs
B. HBsAg
C. HBeAg
D. HBcAg
E. Anti HBe
Jawaban : B
50. Which of the following microbe can produce toxin that alters the intracellular signaling?
A. Salmonella
B. Corynebacterium
C. Vibrio cholerae
D. E. hystolitica
E. E. coli
Jawaban : C Robbins 359
51. Which of the following microbe is included into group of obligate intracellular organism?
A. E. coli
B. M. lepra
C. Virus
D. Salmonella sp.
E. Shigella sp.
Jawaban : C
52. Which of the following microbe can block function of the lysosome with phagosome?
A. Corynebacterium
B. Ricketsia
Jawaban : D
For number questions 53 until57, see clinical below:
A 30 year old man complains diarrhea with blood and mucus accompany with abdominal cramping and tenesmus.Microscopic feature shows prominent leukocyte infiltration within lamina propria and thromboses of small vessel.
53. Which of the following is the most likely etiologi of this disease?
A.salmonella sp
B.shigella sp
C.vibrio cholera
D.camphylobacter pylory
Jawaban : C?
54. Which of the following agents secret the same toxin?
A.salmonella sp
B.staphylococcus sp
D.streptococcus sp
E.yersenia sp
Jawaban : C?
55. Which of the following microbe resistant to gastric acid?
A.shigella sp
B.vibrio cholera
C.saimonella sp
E.yersenia sp
Jawaban : A Robbins 352
56. Which of the following organism can pass from damage of mucosa through payer patch and mesenteric lymph nodes into blood stream?
A.salmonella thypii
B.vibrio cholera
E.giardia lambdia
Jawaban : A Robbins 353
57. Which of the following organism is important cause of chronic enterocolitis?
D.yersenia enteritis
E. E.coli
Jawaban : C Robbins 356
58.A 20-year-old woman complains watery and bloody diarrhea. Microscopic feature shows macrophage with vacuole like trophozoid. Which of the following disease is the most likely diagnosis?
B.baciler disentry
E.typhoid fever
Jawaban : D
59. The microscopic feature from meningen biopsy show caseous necrosis and dominantly lymphocyte and epitheloid cell granuloma. This picture is usually found in:
A. coxsackie virus
B. treponema
C. Neisseria meningitides
D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (?bovin)
E. Histoplasma capsulatum
Jawaban : D
60. One of the disease below is including into persistent infection such as:
A. Rheumatic fever
B. Lupus erythromatosis
C. Sillicosis
D. Tubercle bacilli
E. Atherosclerosis
Jawaban : D Slide
61. The microscopic feature colonic biopsy shows and lamina propria, moderate interpretation of mononuclear cells and necrosis of the luminal epithelium. This picture is usually found in:
A. Amebiasis
B. Cholera
C. Bacillar dysentery
D. Giardia
E. Typhoid fever
Jawaban : E
62. which of the following viral is the etiology of cirrhosis hepatitis?
A. Viral type A
B. Viral type B
C. Viral type C
D. Viral type D
E. Viral type E
Jawaban : D
63. The microscopic feature (from liver biopsy) shows ballooning of hepatocyte,canalicular bilirubin stasis lymphocyte inflammatory infiltration, this picture is caused by:
A. Viral type A
B. Viral type B
C. Viral type C
D. Viral type D
E. Viral type E
Jawaban : A
For questions number 64 and 65, reper to the scenario below:
A 8-year old girl brought to family doctor in the primary health care by her mother with a chaef complaint of fever sinse last 5 days. Her mother also noted that there are red spots in her daughter ‘s platelet counet is 20.000/ul (NR:150.000-400.000/ul)
64. based on her platelet count, what is your conclusion about this patient?
A. Thrombosis
B. Thrombocytosis
C. Spectrophotometer
D. Thrombocytopenia
E. Thrombocytopathy
Jawaban : D
65. The platelet count of this patient was performed in the patient was performed in the primary health care (puskesmas). What is the most possible method they used?
A. Hemocytometer
B. Automatic cell analyzer
C. Specetrophotometer
D. Platelet aggregometer
E. Micromethod
Jawaban : A
For questiones number 66 until 68, refer to the scenario below:
Rahmat “s WBC count is 14.000/ul. While the normal range is 400.000/ul.
66. What is your conclusion abount this condition?
A. Leukopenia
B. Leukocytosis
C. Leukemia
D. Leukkorrhea
E. Leukodystrophia
Jawaban : B
67. In Rahmat”s WBC differential count, they found the percentage of PMN is 80%.
How do you conclude this condition?
Jawaban : A
68. What hematology parameter expected to be increased in this patient?
A. Hemoglobin
B. Hematocrit
C. Red blood cell count
D. Red cell distribution width
E. erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Jawaban : C?
For questions number 69 unti 72, refer to the scenario below:
A 23 –year-old ladi came to pimary health care
(puskesmas) with a complaint of restlessness since a month ago.She also stated that she felt very dizzy if she stands up directly from sitting.This lady has 4 children and delivered almost every year since she was merried at 18 yearsold. Because she was poor, her daily diet usually consists of steam rice with salted pish and small amount of pegetables, laboratory results repealed: Hgd=8g/dl(NR:12-16g/dl) ;Hct=28%(NR:37-47%); RBC count = 4x106 /μL (NR:4.2-5.4 . 106 /μL)
69. Please calculate the MCV
A. 0.7fL
B. 7.0fL
C. 70fL
D. 700fL
E. 7000fL
Diposting oleh
Soal latihan FBS 9, no.1-22
Senin, 26 Mei 2008
For number 1 to 4, see clinical scenario below:
A 30-year-old man visited the doctor with chief complains of fatigue and cough with yellow-brown sputum. Microscopic feature of the bronchus shows replacement of columnar cells by stratified epithelia.
1. Which of the following statement is the most suitable term for this condition?
A. Dysplasia
B. Physiologic hyperplasia
C. Pathologic hyperplasia
D. Metaplasia
E. Carcinoma in situ
Jawab: D
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed., p.10
2. Which one of the statement is the most likely etiology for this patient?
A. Infectious agent
B. Immunologic reaction
C. Nutritional imbalance
D. Chemical agent
E. Genetic derangement
Jawab: D
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.10
3. If microscopic feature also found diffuse infiltration of eosinophil and conidia, which one of the statement below is the most likely etiology for the patient?
A. Staphylococcus
B. Candida
C. Mucor
D. Mycobacterium
E. Helminths
Jawab: E
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.409 bagian Morphology:
“… eosinophilia…distinctive for helminthic infections”
4. Which one of the following statement is TRUE for irreversible injury?
A. Plasma membrane alteration
B. Mitochondrial changes
C. Distension of the ER
D. Fragmentation of cell membrane and nucleus
E. Nuclear alteration
Jawab: D
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.12, Figure 1-8
5. A 15-year-old boy complained fever, headache, pain and swelling at left salivary gland. Microscopic feature shows glassy eosinophil in intracellular inclusion.
Which of the following virus can manipulate programmed cell death?
B. Polio
C. Yellow fever
D. Measles
E. Influenza
Jawab: A
Pembahasan: Agen yang dapat memanipulasi programmed cell death biasanya karsinogen (karena dia dapat “menipu” sel untuk bereplikasi terus-menerus). Di antara 5 option, hanya HPV yang karsinogenik.
For questions 6 to 9, refer to the scenario below.
A 25-year-old woman with stomachache vomits for three months.
6. Which of the following agent is included in tissue damage?
A. Bradykinin
B. Prostaglandin
C. Oxygen metabolites
D. Histamines
Jawab: C
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.14, Figure 1-10
7. Which of the following is found in apoptosis?
A. Enlargement of cells
B. DNA damage
C. Adjacent to inflammation
D. Enzymatic digestion
E. Protein denaturation
Jawab: B
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.29, Figure 1-28
8. Which of the following is found as a result of depletion of ATP in reversible injury?
A. Lysosomal rupture
B. Fragmentation of the cell membrane
C. Fragmentation of the nucleus
D. Clumping of chromatine
E. Swollen mitochondria with amorphous density
Jawab: D
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.24, Figure 1-22
9. Which of the following secrete P450 oxidase?
A. Mitochondria
C. Peroxisome
D. Nucleus
E. Lysosome
Jawab: B
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.17, Figure 1-14
10. One of the following diseases is usually found in autosomal dominant disorders, such as…
A. Phenylketonuria
B. Thalassemia
C. Spinal muscular atrophy
D. Hemochromatosis
E. Huntington’s disease
Jawab: E
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.151, Table 5-1
11. Which one of the following is included into endocrine signal group?
A. TGF-a
B. Macrophage
C. Fibroblast
D. Heparin-binding EGF
Jawab: E
12. Which of the following is included into component of the basement membrane?
A. Hyaluronic acid
B. Adhesive glycoprotein
C. Heparan sulfate
D. Fibronectin
E. Flastin
Jawab: C
13. Which of the following statement is TRUE for angiogenesis?
A. Vasodilation response to NO
B. Proteolytic degradation
C. Transmigration of endothelial
D. Recruitment of endothelial
E. Maturation of endothelial
Jawab: D?
Pembahasan: sebenarnya g ada.. tapi kalau mw bc dikit ttg angiogenesis ada di Robbins p.52
For question no. 14 and 15, refer to the scenario below.
A 25-year-old woman, with stomachache, vomits for 3 months
14. Which of the following agent is vasodilator?
A. Thromboxane
C. LT-C4
E. Lipoxin
Jawab: B
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.69, Table 2-4
15. Which one of the agents is included into azurophilic granule netrophils?
A. Myeloperoxidase
B. Alkaline phosphatase
C. Cathapsin
D. Elastase
E. Cationic protein
Jawab: A
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.73, Figure 2-20
16. Microscopic feature shows heart failure cells in alveolar space. Which of the following condition this picture is usually found in?
A. Active hyperemia
B. In chronic passive congestion of the liver
C. In chronic pulmonary congestion
D. In cardiac failure
E. In renal failure
Jawab: C
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.122: Hyperemia and Congestion—Morphology
17. One of these following agents is included into caseating granuloma (delayed type hypersensitivity) such as:
A. CD4 T-Helper cells secrete gamma interferon
B. Activate macrophages to kill intracellular mycobacterium
C. Via NO2
D. Via nitrogen intermediate
E. CD8 Suppressor T cells kill macrophages
Jawab: A atau B?
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.381-382
18. The histologic sequence of events in alcoholic hepatitis is
A. Fatty change, hepatocellular necrosis, fibrosis, nodule regeneration
B. Hepatocellular necrosis, fatty change, fibrosis, nodule regeneration
C. Hepatocellular necrosis, fibrosis, fatty change, nodule regeneration
D. Fatty change, nodule regeneration, fibrosis, hepatocellular necrosis
E. Fibrosis, inflammatory in septa
Jawab: A
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.905, Alcoholic Liver Disease—Morphology
19. One of these statements is included into apoptosis in pathologic condition, such as:
A. Developmental involution
B. Endometrial breakdown during the menstrual cycle
C. Cell death in tumor
D. Cell death induced by cytotoxic T cell
E. Metamorphosis
Jawab: C
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.26
20. One of these statements below is included into a reversible change in which one adult cell type is replaced by another adult cell type, such as:
A. Vitamin A deficiency
B. Decreased workload
C. Diminished blood supply
D. Partial hepatectomy
E. Loss of endocrine stimulation
Jawab: A
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.10
For questions no. 21 and 22, refer to the scenario below:
Mrs. X came to see her physician with chief complain of fatigue. The doctor suggested her to perform some laboratory tests and the results are as follows: Hb = 9,8 g/dL,; RBC count = 3,5x106/mL; Hct = 29%
21. By seeing this laboratory results, what factors should be considered by the doctor due to Mrs. X’s laboratory results?
A. Patient’s symptom
B. Patient’s sign
C. History of the disease
D. Gender
E. No. of children
Jawab: C
22. The doctor diagnosed Mrs.X as having iron-deficiency anemia. Which of the following laboratory results mostly possible for Mrs. X?
A. Serum ferritin = 300 mg/dL (NR: 20-250 mg/dL)
B. Total Iron-Binding Capacity = 280m/dL (NR: 300-360 m/dL)
C. Serum iron = 30 m/dL (NR: 50-150 m/dL)
D. Fe/TIBC ratio is increased
E. RDW = 9% (NR: 11,5%-14,5%)
Jawab: C
Teman-teman, kalau ada masukan/ralat, saya sgt berterimakasih..
Diposting oleh
soal fbs 9 no 74-94
Minggu, 25 Mei 2008
a 50 years old man complain severe headche a back head and generalized edema (anasarca)
74. Which of the following dieases is a most appropriate diagnostic ?
a. Cirrhosis
b. Heart Failure
c.. Elephatiasis
d. Nephrotic syndrom
e. Malnutrition
Jawab : B
Tanda-tandanya anasarca ,,nah sebenarnya kalau g heart failure itu nephrotic syndrome tapi lebih ke heart failure karena ada severe headhece nya
754. Which of the following dieses is the most appropriate diagnostic?
a. increase hydrostatic pressure
b. Reduce plasama osmotic pressure
c. Lymphatic obstruction
d. Sodium retention
e. Impaire venous return
Jawab E
Dari Robin Contran, kalau orang heart faillure maka CO turun nah akibatnya venous return juga turun, trus knapa bisa anasarca???? akibatnya perfusi gnjal berkurang sehingga ada retensi garam dan air, nah kalau sakit kepalanya kalau menurut saya sih karena kurangnya asupan darah ke otak..(tp itu cuma hipotesis ya...)
76. If in patient is found large ammount acumulation of blood in body cavity. What is the appropriate term for this condition ?
a. Petechiae
b. Purpura
c. Echymoses
d. HEmotoraxis
e. HEmipericardium
Jawaban: Punten belum dapet, tapi mungkin hemotoraxis
77. What is patogenesis of trombosis ?
a. endotelial injury
b. turbulance
c. Statis blood flow
d. Hypercoagulability
e. Rupture of the arterial
Jawab : a. endotelial injury, dari slide
78. Which one of the statment is including in being favor thrombosis
a. Trombomodulin
b. Von will brand factor
c. Tissue type plasminogen activator
d. Protacyclin
e. Heparin like molecul
79. which of following condition is including ehite infarct
a. Venous acclution
b. in loose tissue
c. in tisssue and double circulation
d. in tisssue previously congestion
e. in solid tissue
Jawab : E,slide
80. What is the most often cause of septic shock ?
a. Exotoxin
b. Endotoxin
c. Myocardial pump failure
d. Losss of blood volume
e. Hypoperfusion
Jawab : b, Robin
81. Subcutaneous edema is ussualy found in which of the following diease
a. Nephrotic syndrome
b. Acute respiratory distress msyndrome
c. Encepahlitis
d. HYpersensitivity reaction
e. Neoplasam aof the brain
Jawab : A,,pasti taulah ya knapa...=)
82. Which of the folloeing sentences refers to systemic edema due to prymay heart failure ?
a. Impaired venous return ]
b. Reduced plasama osmotic pressure
c. Lymphatic obstruction
d. Sodium retention
e. Arteriolar dilation
Jawab : A, Penjelasannya sama kayak no 75
83. What is the term for a hemmorhage that is sligtly than 3 mm ?
a. Petechiae
b. Echymosis
c. Purpura
d. HEmothorax
e. Hemorhagicc diathesis
Jawab : c,slide
84. Which of the following condition include into primary hypercoagulable state
a. Myocardial infection
b. Cxardiac failure
c. Acute leukimia
d. Antithrombotic III defeciency
e. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia
85. Proteinuria is condition that reflect impaired function of glomelurus. TYpe of protein that found in renal failure patient is.
a.alpha microglobulin
b. Albumin
c. Glycoprotein
d. Beta lipoprotein
e. a2 microglobulin
Jawab : Albumin, karena ukurannya besar jadi harusnya g ada di urin
86. This patient is asked to performed creatine clearence to determine his glomelurar fuction. THe specimrn that needed for creatine clearence to determine glomelurar function is
a. Timed urine
b. Morning urine
c. PP urine
d. 24 hour urine
e. Mid portion urine
Jawab : d,, dari catetan aku hehe...
87. Some substance can be found urine due to glomerular injury . Test to early detection glomelurar injury is..
a. Urine ionic strength
b. Cystacin C
c. Inulin clearence
d. Microalbuminuria
e. Fractional excretion sodium
88. The concentration of BUN is 15 mg/dl. The concentration urea is
a. 3 mg/dl
b. 5 mg/dl
c. 20 mg/dl
d. 30 mg/dl
e.42 mg/dl
Jawab : e.
Concentration urea : 2,8 * BUN jawabannya e
89. Cystin C is waste product that can be used as indice GFR . What is the process occur cystatcin C in proximal tubule
a. Reabsorption
b. Secretion
c. Excretion
d. Diffusion
e. Filtration
Jawab : A, Slide
90. Detection of the type pf substance present in urine can predict the progess of the dieases. What can be found in urine of most severe glomelurar damage?
a. Albuminaria
b. Hematuria
c. Glucosuria'
d. Ketonuria
e. Bilirubinuria
Jawab : A
91. The tubules are responsible for maintainaing normal plasma volume and osmolality . What is the term expressing the quantity of a substance eliminate in urine by the tubule ?
a. Free water clearence
b. Renal plasma flow
c. Filtration fraction
d. Fractional excretion
e. Fractional reabsorption
Jawab : D
92. What is the gold standard substance for measuring GFR
a. INulin
b. Creatinin
c. Urea nitrogen
d. Paraaminonipurate
e. Radioactive marker
jawab : a, catatan aklu juga...=)
93. What uf this renal function test affected by muscle fatigue
a. Cystin C
b. Creatinin level
c. BUN
d. Fractional excretion
e. Fractional reabsorption
Jawab : a, slide
94. The blood gas analysis result is :
pH : 7,25
pCo2 : 50 mmHg
pO2 : 88 mmHg
HCO3- : 20 mmol
What is BG interpretation ?
a. Hypoxemia
b. Metabolic acidosis
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Respiratory alkalosis
e. Respiratory acidosis
Jawab : E. kalau dilihat dari PH nya dia acidosis nah sekarang kita lait PCO2(40 plusminus 5) sama HCO3-(24 plus minus 2) nya . Klau kita liat nilai PCO2 nya tinggi nah kalau gitu berarti dia respiratory acidosis..
Diposting oleh
Soal FBS 9..
Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008
95.What is the anticoagulant used for BGA sample?
A.EDTA C.Citrate E.Fluoride
B.Heparin D.Oxalate
B.Rase2nyer r.. ga dapt di cari sumbernya dOngg!!ahaks.. oOppss.. Bentar.. kami udah jumpa.. yEay..!!Rupa2nya ada di slide Dr. Nadjwa Zamalek..Tajuknya Water,Electrolytes and Acid Base Metabolism.. Subtopic-Preparing the sample for BGA (Blood Gas Analysis) bukan Blood Group Antigen ya..!!
96.His electrolyte profile result is
H+ : 60mmol/l CI- : 103mEq/l
Na+ : 40mmol/l HCO3- :12mmol/l
K+ :5.0mmol/l PO3- :33mg/dl
Mg+ :3mEq/l
Please calculate the anion gap of the patient..
A.85mmol/l C.33mmol/l E.47mmol/l
B.30mmol/l D.90mmol/l
Ga tau dOng.. Dr. ga ajar..!! pulang awal.. nyontek aja…!! Dalam slide dr. nadjwa ada.. tajuk Water,Electrolytes and Acid Base Metabolism.. formulir nya ada..
Anion gap = Cation – Anion
e.g Anion gap =(Na+ + H+) minus (CI- + HCO3-)
unitnya ga sama.. jadi kami ga tau.. untuk yang tau.. nanti kasih tau ke kami ya??sms atau call aja.. jangan miscall ya.. nanti ibu Ana marah.. di kelas civics ga bisa misscall2.. kami ga layan..!!
97.The method to measure the free electrolyte concentration is..
A.Atomic absorption spectrophotometer
B. Ion-selective electrode
D.Flow cytometer
E.Flame photometer
B.Dari slide Dr. Nadjwa Zamalek..Tajuknya Water,Electrolytes and Acid Base Metabolism.. Subtopic-Methods of Measuring Electrolytes.. Dari slide di tulis In the past.. Sodium & potassium measurement – atomic absorption spectrophotometry & flame photometry, chloride-titration & colorimetry.. tapi bukannya untuk free electrolyte.. jadi kami fikir mungkin modern technology use nowadays yaitu ion-selective electrodes…!! Di refer ya?? Jangan ikut aja.. nanti sesat jalan..!! ahaks..
98.What is the dominant cation in intracellular fluid?
A.Sodium C.Calcium E.Ferum
B. Potassium D.Magnesium
B.Dari slide Dr. Nadjwa Zamalek..Tajuknya Water,Electrolytes and Acid Base Metabolism.. Subtopic-Electrolytes (Potassium) Sodium itu mayor cation di extracellular.. Jangan lupa baca ya.. Jangan malas..!! Ini soal famous gituuuuuuuuuuuu..!!
99.Increasing anion gap in DM patient is due to…
A.Uream C. Ketone E.Bicarbonate
B.Lactate D.Chloride
C.Dari slide Dr. Nadjwa Zamalek..Tajuknya Water,Electrolytes and Acid Base Metabolism.. Subtopic-Anion Gap.. Ditulis di slide ini Anion Gap akan increase bila ada diabetis KETOSIS,acidosis, starvation and uremia.. Ga pasti.. Buku Henry belum difotokopi.. Ga kenal gi mana rupanya Kang Henry itu.. Maaf ya.. Uang ga ada…!!!
100.Increase anion gap in marathon athlete is due to increase level of…
A.Phosphate C.Calcium E.Ketone
B.Bicarbonate D.Lactate
D.Dari slide Dr. Nadjwa Zamalek..Tajuknya Water,Electrolytes and Acid Base Metabolism.. Subtopic-Anion Gap.. Marathon menghasilkan Lactic acid.. Lactic acid = Lactate.. So, Anion gap akan increase sewaktu ACIDOSIS.. Ga percaya?? Cuba kamu marathon.. Keliling-keliling UNPAD aja.. Pasti banyak lactatenya ya??ayuh… di cobain doonnngg.. tp slepas EXAM aja ya..!!
101.Which is the major osmotically active substance?
A.Glucose C.Potassium E.Bicarbonate
B.Blood Urea Nitrogen D. Sodium
D.Dari slide Dr. Nadjwa Zamalek..Tajuknya Water,Electrolytes and Acid Base Metabolism.. Subtopic-Osmolal Gap.. Major osmotically active substance are Sodium,Glucose & Urea.. Sodium susunannya di atas.. jadi kami rasa Sodium.. Maaf ya Kang Henry kalau salah..!!ahaks
102.Which acid-base abnormality is the result of massive blood transfusion in thallasemia patient?
A.Metabolic Acidosis C.Respiratory Acidosis E.Hypoxemia
B. Metabolic Alkalosis D.Respiratory Alkalosis
B.Dari slide Dr. Nadjwa Zamalek..Tajuknya Water,Electrolytes and Acid Base Metabolism.. Subtopic-Metabolic Alkalosis.. Ditulis di slide…Metabolic Alkalosis-Prolonged vomiting, diuretic therapy,massive blood transfusion…
103. The most common sites of hematogenous metastasis are….
A.Brain & Kidney C.Liver & Kidney E.Lung & Brain
B.Bone & Brain D. Lung & Liver
D.Waduh2.. capek kami mencarinya.. stelah stiap lembar page kami selongkari akhiiirnya… kami ketemui di Buku Pathologic Basis Of Disease (Robin & Cotran).. page 280-281.. Tajuk NEOPLASIA ya..! di bagian hematogenous spread.. di baca ya?? Jangan malu2.. nanti Dr. Lasma sama Dr. Ismet sedih kalo kamu ga baca..!! kalo mau lebih ngerti bikin mapping aja.. kan gampang…!!ahaks..
104.Forms a complex with cyclin E in late G1, which is involve in the G1/S transition…
B. CDK 2 D.CDK 6
Ini ma.. dulu waktu FBS3 juga ada… hehehehe… tapi skarang di tajuk NEOPLASIA.. Buku Pathologic Basis Of Disease (Robin & Cotran).. waduh2.. tajuk ini baaaaannnyyyaaaakk bangat dooonngg… capek otak aku..!! sampe tertidur aku.. berbunyi-bunyi dengkur.. (snoring)ahaks.. kamu refer di page 290-291.. di bagian ada figure kecil di bawah sama di page sebelahnya ya..!!!
105.Gastric lymphoma that much evident linking gastric infection with…
B.Treponema Pallidum
C. Helicobacter Pylori
D.Clostridium Tetani
E.Human Papilloma Virus
C.Ini juga di tajuk NEOPLASIA..Masih di Buku Pathologic Basis Of Disease (Robin & Cotran) di subtopic-Helicobacter Pylori.. Pagenya 327.. Ini juga sewaktu FBS 2.. Case no. 4.. Mr. Dodi Naludi.. yg sakit Duodenal Ulcer Disease itu.. Masih ingat..?? ksian ama dia ya?? ahaks..
106.Which of the following cancer that is uncommon in children below 15 years old?
A.Wilm’s Tumor C.Neuroblastoma E. Melanoma
B.Retinoblastoma D.Leukemia
E.Ini juga di tajuk NEOPLASIA.. Buku Pathologic Basis Of Disease (Robin & Cotran).. page 284.. di situ di listkan di bagian kanan di sebelah atas.. ditulis cancer yang common during infancy and childhood.. smuanya ada tapi melanoma aja yang ga ada..!! jadi itulah jawabannya dooonngg.. gampang aja ya.. itu ma kalo ada robin & co$tran waktu UAS (ujian akhir semester)…!! Jadi bawak aja basis pathologynya.. tapi ditinggal in di luar aja ya..!! ahaks..
107.Which of the following gene act as anti-apoptosis?
A.RAS C. Bcl-2 E.WT-1
C.Ini ma.. di tajuk cell injury.. Buku Pathologic Basis Of Disease (Robin & Cotran).. di bagian apoptosis.. jawabannya di bagian mechanism of apoptosis.. di extrinsic pathway(DD pathway) atau di intrinsic pathway(mitochondrial pathway)?CUBA TEKA..!! Fikir dula ya.. 1 menit masa kami beri.. kami mau makan dulu.. mau makan ayam laos.. udah lapar doonng.. pokoknya seda’ sekali.. istimewa untuk sahabat.. 5 ribu aja..
UdaH?? Wah.. cepat benar.. yA.. tepat sekali.. jawabannya intrinsic pathway.. di page 29.. katanya the two anti-apoptotic one is the Bcl-2 and Bcl-X.. jadi.. jawabannya udah semestinya C..!!
Untuk anak2 KPBI.. jangan lupa ya.. Dr. Lasma udah sering kasih tau tentang apoptosis.. di bikn mapping.. jgn di lupa.. kasihan sama ibu kita.. Dr. Lasma.. udah capek.. Yuk.. beli Teh botol sosro untuk Dr. Lasma yuk..!! :p
p/s: untuk semua.. selamat menempuh final exam 1st year nanti ye..!! buat elok2.. ingatlah org yg tsayang..!! smoga smua bjaya & jumpa lagi bulan 9 ni di 2nd year.. InsyaALLAH…!!
“ujian adalah tarbiah daripada ALLAH.. apakah kitakan sabar ataupun sebaliknya… kesenangan yang datang selepas kesusahan semuanya adalah nikmat dari tuhan…”
KPBI 07/08
108. Malignant epithelial tumors with grandular growth pattern called as :
Ans: Adenocarcinoma (Slide95, Neoplasia Dr Ismet)
109. The most common paraneoplastic syndrome is:
Ans: Hypercalcemia (Pg333, Robbins&Cotran)
110. Abberant mass with mature differentiation but disorganized, is called:
Ans: Hamartoma (Slide100, Neoplasia Dr Ismet)
111. Sarcoma arising from or resembling smooth muscle cells is: Ans: Leiomyosarcoma (Slide95, Neoplasia Dr Ismet)
112. The extent to which tumor cells resemble comparable normal cells is called:
Ans: Differentiation (Pg272, Robbins&Cotran)
113. Which of the following tumors that made up of a variety of parenchymal cell type
representative of more than one germ layers?
Ans: Teratoma (Slide97, Neoplasia Dr Ismet)
114. Darkly stained nuclei that frequently contain prominent nucleoli is called:
Ans: Hyperchromasia(Slide230, Neoplasia Dr Ismet)
115. Gene that promotes autonomous cell growth in cancer cells is called:
Ans: Oncogene (Pg292, Robbins&Cotran)
116. Which of the following gene is included in tumor suppressor gene?
Ans: APC Gene (Pg304, Robbins&Cotran)
117. What is the cause of over expression of E6 and E7 proteins?
Ans: HPV (Pg324, Robbins&Cotran)
118. Which of the following virus will cause over expression of LMP-1 protein?
Ans: EBV (Pg325, Robbins&Cotran)
119. What molecular changing happened during transformation of intermediate
adenoma to late adenoma in colorectal cancer?
Ans: Loss of tumor suppression on chromosome 18q (Slide93, Neoplasia
120. Which of the following glycoprotein that acts as glues between epithelial cells?
Ans: Cadherins (Pg305, Robbins&Costran)
121. What mutation is found in 20% of familial melanomas?
Ans: The INK4a/ARF (Pg305, Robbins&Costran)
122. Two mutations of the RB locus on chromosome 13q14 lead to neoplastic proliferation is pathogenesis of :
A. Cooorectal carcinoma
B. Thyroid carcinoma
C. Retinoblastoma
D. Wilm’s tumor
E. Hepatocellular carcinoma
Ans: C. Retinoblastoma (Robbins & Cotran page 299)
123. According to the term of adenoma, which organ could not show the tumor?
A. Small bowel
B. BladderC. Large bowel
D. Esophagus
E. Hypophyse
Ans: D. Esophagus (Robbins & Cotran page 270)
124. An 8-year-old female can bend her thumb back to the forearm. She can pull her skin out from her abdomen about 8 cm and when her skin is cut, difficult to repair. What is your diagnosis?
A. Down syndrome
B. Tay-Sachs diseaseC. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
D. Turner syndrome
E. Gaucher syndrome
Ans: C. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Robbins & Cotran page 155)
For question number 125 & 126, refer to the scenario below:
A 25-year-old female with amenorrhea is 146 cm tall and is found on physical examination to have a webbed neck. An abdominal magnetic resonance imaging shows streak ovaries that are small, long and thin.
125. These features are classic for which disease?
A. Down syndrome
B. Tay-Sachs diseaseC. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
D. Turner syndrome
E. Gaucher syndrome
Ans: D. Turner syndrome (Robbins & Cotran page 180)
126. Which of the following chromosomal abnormalities is most likely to present?
A. 45,X
B. 47,XX
C. 47,XY
E. 47,XXY
Ans: A. 45, X (RobbinS & Cotran page 179)
For questions number 127 and 128, refer to the scenario below:
A fetus is delivered stillborn at 19weeks gestation. The macerated fetus shows marked hydrops fetalis. There is a large posterior cystic hygroma of the neck. Autopsy reveals internal anomalies, including aortic coartation and a horseshoe kidney
127. Which of the following disease is most likely to develop in this fetus?
A. Down syndrome
B. Tay-Sachs diseaseC. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
D. Turner syndrome
E. Gaucher syndrome
Ans: B. Turner syndrome (Robbins & Cotran page 179, Genetic Disorder Slide page 54)
128. Which of the following is most likely to be found on the chromosome analysis of fetal cells?
A. 45,X
B. 47,XX
C. 47,XY
E. 47,XXY
Ans: A. 45, X (Robbins & Cotran page 179, Genetic Disorder Slide page 53)
129. A 25 year old male has a work up for infertility and is found to have oligosperma. Physical examination findings include bilateral gynecomastia, reduced testicular size, and reduced body hair. He has a distinctive body habitus, increase length between soles and the pubic bone, and also an eunuchoid body with abnormally long legs. Which of the following karotypes is most likely to be found on chromosome analysis of this person?
A. 45,X
B. 47,XX
C. 47,XY
E. 47,XXY
Ans: E. 47,XXY - Klinefelter syndrome (Robbins & Cotran page 179, Genetic Disorder Slide page 52)
For questions number 130 until 132, refer to the scenario below:
Bombi, a 10 year old boy, although mentally retarded, is able to carry out activities of daily living, including feeding and dressing himself. On physical examination, he has brachycephaly and oblique alpebral fissures with prominent epicanthal folds. On palm of each hand is seen transverse crease. On auscultation of the chest there is a gradeII systolic murmur. The doctor diagnose Bombi’s condition is Down Syndrome.
130. In which category is Bombi’s genetic disorder included?
A. Cytogenic disorder involving autosomes
B. Cytogenic disorder involving sex chromosome
C. Multifactorial inheritance
D. Mendelian disorder
E. Atypical pattern ofinheritance
Ans: A. Cytogenic disorder involving autosomes (Robbins & Cotran page 175, Genetic Disorder Slide page 48)
131.If Bombi’s doctor need to perform genetic analysis or karyotyping, which of the following tools can be used?
C. Southern blot
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Ans: C. Southern blot
132. If the karyotyping was done, the most likely karyotype of Bombi’s disorder is:
A. Trisomy 12 type
B. Trisomy 13 type
C. Trisomy 18 type
D. Trisomy 21 type
E. Tetrasomy
Ans: D. Trisomy 21 type
In the question given state that "The doctor diagnose Bombi’s condition is Down Syndrome.", so, if refer to
Robbins and Cotran page 175, Down Syndrome is Trisomy 21.=)
133. A 25-year-old male has a work up for infertility and is found to have oligospermia. Physical examination
findings include bilateral gynecomastia, reduced testicular size and reduced body hair. He has a distinctive body
habitus; increase length between soles and the pubic bone, and also an eunuchoid body with abnormally long legs.
These features are characteristic of which disorder?
A. Down syndrome
B. Klinefelter syndrome
C. Turner syndrome
D. Hermaphroditism
E. Pseudohermaphroditism
Ans: B. Klinefelter syndrome
All the characteristics given in the question fit the statement in the characteristics of Klinefelter syndrome in the Robbins and Cotran page 179."Most patient have a distinctive body habitus with an increase in length between the sole and the pubic bone, characteristic are eunuchoid body habitus with abnormally long legs; small atrophic testes often associated with a small penis; lack of such secondary male as deep voice beard, and male distribution of pubic hair. gynecomastia may be present."=)
134. Which of the following statement is NOT suitable for autosomal recessive disorder?
A. Occurs only when both alleles at a given locus are mutants
B. The trait usually affect the parents
C. Siblings may show the disease
D. Onset is frequently early in life
E. Occurs when one alleles at a given locus are mutants
Ans: confuse between B. or E.
Base on Robbins and Cotran page 151: Autosomal recessive inheritance is the single largest category of mendelion disorders result "only when both" alleles at a given locus are mutants, such disorder are characterized by the following features: (1) The trait "does not" usually affect the parents, but siblings may show the disease;....
For me,both answers are wrong...or anyone can identify which is the MOST NOT SUITABLE answer??=p
135. Which of the following disorders is the disease of autosomal recessive?
A. Marfan syndrome
B. Lysosomal storage disease
C. Neurofibromatosis
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
E. Down syndrome
Ans: B. Lysosomal storage disease
Please refer to Table 5-2 in Robbins and Cotran page 151...=)
136. Direct gene diagnosis is a approach apply to diagnostic in genetic disease by recombinant DNA technology which involved:
A. Detection of mutant gene
B. Detection of linkage of the disease with a harmless "marker gene"
C. Immunoflourescent
D. Immunohistochemistry
E. Dissemination of mutant gene
Ans: A. Detection of mutant gene
Refer Robbins and Cotran page 188: Direct gene diagnosis..=)
137. Which of the following statement is suitable for mutation?
A. Mutation is a temporary change in the DNA
B. Mutation that affect germ cell are translated to progeny
C. Mutation that arise in somatic cells cause hereditary disease
D. Chromosome mutations involved loss or gain of whole chromosome
E. Genome mutation give rise to visible structural changes in the chromosome
Ans: B. Mutation that affect germ cell are translated to progeny
Base on Robbins and Cotran page 147... Mutation is a 'permanent' change in the DNA. Mutation that arise in somatic cells 'understandably do not' cause hereditary disease. 'Genome' mutations involved loss or gain of whole chromosome. 'Chromosome' mutation give rise to visible structural changes in the chromosome.
138. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
A. Mutation can interfere with protein synthesis at various level
B. Transcription may be suppressed with gene deletion and point mutation involving promoter
C. Translation is affected if a stop codon is created within an exon
D. Some point mutation may lead to the formation of an abnormal protein without impairing any step in protein sequences
E. Less extreme genotyping errors never lead to full embryogenic development and live birth
Ans: E. Less extreme genotyping errors never lead to full embryogenic development and live birth
Base on Robbins and Cotran page 149 (To summerize,....), all the answers from A. to D. is correct.=)
139. The result of CSF examination:
WBC 80 cells/µL
Differential counting: lymphocyte 5, monocyte 5, neutrophil 80
Protein 110 mg/dL
Glucose 25 mg/dL
What is the most etiology of meningitis in this patient?
A. Inflammatory process
B. Tuberculous meningitis
C. Trauma
D. Bacterial meningitis
E. Viral meningitis
Ans: D. Bacterial meningitis
The most distinctive reasons why the answer is D. is because neutrophil present in the CSF exam. Please check it out from Dr.Nadjwa's lecture slides on Stool and Other Body Fluid Analysis: Cerebrospinal Fluid=p
140. The CSF specimen is ordinarily divided into several tubes. Which tube is used for microbiologic examination at LCS examination?
A. 1st tube
B. 2nd tube
C. 3rd tube
D. 4th tube
E. 5th tube
Ans: B. 2nd tube
Refer Dr.Nadjwa's lecture slides on Stool and Other Body Fluid Analysis: Cerebrospinal Fluid
Specimen Collection
- Collected in 3 sterile tubes:
1. Tube 1: chemical & serologic test
2. Tube 2: microbiology
3. Tube 3: cell count & differential
141. The condition that causes increasing level of protein in patient with meningitis is:
A. Increase permeability of blood brain barrier
B. Decrease resorption at arachnoid villi
C. Mechanical obstruction
D. Increase intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis
E. Increase hydrostatic pressure
Ans: A. Increase permeability of blood brain barrier
Refer Dr.Nadjwa's lecture slides on Stool and Other Body Fluid Analysis: Cerebrospinal Fluid
Chemical Analysis
- elevated CSF protein
1. Increase permeability of blood brain barrier (meningitis, hemorrhage)
2. Decrease resorption at arachnoid villi
3. Mechanical obstruction (tumor)
4. Increase intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis (Guillain-Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis)
142. Chemical analysis in pleural fluid includes amylase level.Increase level of amylase in pleural fluid suggest :
A. Pancreatitis
B. Tuberculous infection
C. Congestive heart failure
D. Bacterial infection
E. Viral infection
Answer : A
Reference : “Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis” page 441
143. Which cell will increase in pleural fluid with viral infection ?
A. Mesothelial cell
B. Neutrophil
C. Eosinophil
D. Lymphocyte
E. Basophil
Answer : D
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
144. Which staining is needed to see leucocytes in microscopic examination of feces?
A. Sudan III
B. Eosin
C. Nacl
D. Methylene blue
E. Giemsa
Answer : D
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
145. Which cell increase in helminthes infection with differential counting of white blood cell ?
A. Neutrophil
B. Lymphocyte
C. Basophil
D. Eosinophil
E. Monocyte
Answer : D
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
146. Substance that could give FALSE negative result of fecal occult blood test is :
A. Aspirin
B. Red meat
C. Turnips
D. Vitamin C
E. Cimetidin
Answer : D
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
147. Which anticoagulant is needed for cell count in synovial fluid examination ?
A. Li Heparin
B. Na heparin
D. Oxalate
E. Citrate
Answer : C
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
148. Ali, 35 year-old man,tall and skinny,working as a building labor,brought by his family to the emergency department of Dr.Hasan Sadikin Hospital because of unconsiousness with convulsion.After some physical examination, the doctor decided to perform lumbar puncture.
Where is the common location of this procedure ?
A. between Th 3- Th 4
B. between Th 4- Th 5
C. between Th 12 – L 1
D. between L 2- L 3
E. between L 3- L 4
Answer : E
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
149. During lumbar puncture, the doctor found that the opening pressure is 210mmH2O
( NR: 90-180 mmH2O ). What is your conclusion about this condition ?
A. Doctor should stop the procedure
B. Doctor can continue the procedure
C. The amount of CSF can be withdrawn maximal only 2 ml
D. The amount of CSF can be withdrawn maximal only 3 ml
E. The amount of CSF can be withdrawn maximal only 4 ml
Answer : C
Reference : “Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis” page 427
A. Meningitis Tuberculosis
B. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
C. Meningitis viral
D. Meningioma
E. Meningitis fungal
Answer : A
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
151. Fariz, 24 year-old man, came to see his family doctor with painful, swelling and redness of both of his metacarpal joints.
For further analysis of Fariz’s synovial fluid, what procedure should be performed by his doctor ?
A. Thoracentesis
B. Arthrocentesis
C. Craniocentesis
D. Pericardiocentesis
E. Peritoneocentesis
Answer : B
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
152. The doctor suspected that Fariz had Rheumatoid Arthritis, an inflammatory disease of joints. What is expected color of his synovial fluid ?
A. Straw coloured
B. Yellow
C. Brown
D. Green
E. Red
Answer : A
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
153. Microscopic examination of Fariz’s synovial fluid revealed number of cells are 250/μL. What cells are expected to be increased ?
A. Basophil
B. Neutrophil
C. Eosinophil
D. Monocyte
E. Lymphocyte
Answer : B
Reference : slide “ Stool and Other Body Fluid analysis”
154. Mamat,a 42-year old skinny man, reffered to Department of Interna Medicine pf Dr. Hassan Sadikin Hospital because of difficulty in breathing.He had history of chronic cough with episodes of bloody sputum. X-ray examination showed pleural effusion in his right lung.What is the possible pathophysiology of this effusion?
Ans: From slide (Lecture Stool and Other Body Fluid Analysis), bloody sputum is exudates. Thus, possible pathophysiology is increased capillary permeability.
155. The appearance of pleural fluid is turbid. What cell count or chemical analysis result could be expected?
Ans: From the slide (Lecture Stool and Other Body Fluid Analysis),.Under gross examination, if turbid, it’s exudates. Exudates: Protein > 3g/dL, Glucose=serum, LDH PF/S ratio > 0.6, >200 IU/L, pH >/<7.3,> 1000/µL
156. Mr. M doesn’t have a vehicle, he used angkot (Public Transportation) and had to walk around 750m to ankot terminal and angkot stop around 750m from the hospital. What parameter in urinalysis could be affected by his activity?
Ans: From Henry (pg 376), glucose may appear in urine at different bood glucose level. Thus, glucose is affected by Mr. M’s activity.(not sure)
157. Mr. L, 24-year-old, heavy smoker, came to laboratory hospital for medical check up. What laboratory parameters is expected to be right?
Ans:Increase: carboxyHb, plasma catecholamines, cortisol, free fatty acid, neutrophil, monocyte.Decrease: Eosinophil. From slide (Clinical Laboratory)
158. MM, a 16 years old girl goes directly to laboratory hospital after playing tennis, for medical check up. What laboratory parameter expected to be high/abnormal?
Ans: Initial decrease followed by an increase in : free fatty acid, alanine, lactate. Elevated: CK, AST, LD. Activate coagulation, fibrinolysis and platelet. From slide (Clinical Laboratory)
159. Fecal occult blood is one of he test which widely used as a screening for colorectal cancer. What meals should be avoided to gain an accurate results?
Ans: Meat and Fat. Fatà Potassium, triglyceride, alkaline phosphatase. Meatà urea, ammonia, urate .From slide (Clinical Laboratory)
160. Mrs. NZD who ate a lot of meat daily, performed medical check up. What laboratory parameters ia expected to be high?
Ans: Ammonia: Meatà urea, ammonia, urate .From slide (Clinical Laboratory)
161. A 5 years old boy diagnosed by his doctor as having Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. In order to confirm his diagnoses and to predict the prognosis, the doctor suggested to performed immunophenotyping. Wht is the method used to analyze this parameter?
Ans: From Henry page 67, under Common Flow Cytometers in Use, Fluorochromes with a diversity of excitation and emission wavelengths and their conjugation to monoclomal and antibodies have contributed to the widespread application of flow cytometry to immunophenotyping in leukemia, lymphoma, and monitoring of immune status. Thus,
For question 162-164, refer to scenario below:
Mr. H, 56 years old man was brought to the emergency department of Dr. Hassan Sadikin Hospital with acute left chest pain. Doctor suspect that Mr.H has an acute myocardial infarction, whereas one of its risk factor is hypercholesterolemia.
162. What is the method used to measure this risk factors?
Ans: Spectrophotometer. From slide (Lecture Principles of Instrumentation)
163. W hat is the basic principal of measurement?
Ans: Beer-Lembert Law. From slide (Lecture Principles of Instrumentation)
164. This basic principle can be applied only in standard condition, such as:
165. Laboratory results show that LDH-5 of Mr H is very high. LDH is one of the 5 isoenzyme of LDH. What method is used o measure this parameters?
Ans:Electrophoresis. From slide (Lecture Principles of Instrumentation)
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1 komentar
Soal FBS 9 no. 23-46
Jumat, 23 Mei 2008
The doctor suspected Riri had an urinary tract infection, and gave her Bactrim for 3 days. After 3 days, this girl still had that complaint, then the doctor change the antibiotic with ciprofloxacin. What is the purpose of laboratory test had been performed by the doctor?
A. Confirming diagnosis
B. Rejecting diagnosis
C. Case finding
D. Monitoring therapy
E. Predicting prognosis
Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: Slide “The Clinical Laboratory”
Rahmat, 20-year-old, came to primary health care with moderate fever, sore throat, cough with mucopurulent sputum. Laboratory results: WBC count = 14.000/L (NR: 4.000-10.000/L), and 80% Neutrophil (PMN) in WBC differential count. What is the most possible infectious agent in this patient?
A. Prion
B. Virus
D. Fungus
E. Parasite
Jawaban: C
Pembahasan: Soalnya WBC naik dengan neutrophil yang dominant.
A 23-year-old lady came to primary health care (Puskesmas) with a complaint of restlessness since a month ago. She also stated that she felt very dizzy if she stands up directly from sitting. This lady has 4 children and delivered almost every year since she was married at 18 years old. Because she was poor, her daily diet usually consists of steam rice with slated fish and small amount of vegetables. Laboratory result revealed: Hgb = 8 g/dl (NR: 12-16 g/dl); Hct = 28% (NR: 37-47%); RBC count = 4x106/L (NR: 4.2-5.4x106/L). What is the most common etiology of this lady’s condition?
A. Iron deficiency anemia
B. Thalassemia
C. Anemia of chronic disease
D. Familial ovalocytosis
E. Congenital spherocytosis
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: Hgb naik, Hct naik, RBC naik itu menunjukkan si lady mengalami anemia. Kalau dihitung MCV nya hasilnya 70, berarti anemia microcytic. Nah, anemia microcytic itu bisa karena iron deficiency atau karena chronic disease. Si lady ini kan g ada tanda2 chronic disease, jd mungkin dia terkena iron deficiency anemia akibat sering melahirkan dan asupan zat besi dari makanan jg kurang.
Mr. R, 35-year-old man, was bring to the emergency department of dr. Hasan Sadikin hospital because difficulty in breathing. What laboratory parameter needed to be evaluated, which available as point of care test?
A. Liver enzymes
B. Blood gas analysis
C. Urinalysis
D. Blood cholesterol level
E. Uric acid level
Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: pasien ini kan susah bernapas, jadi lab parameter yg paling cocok kykny BGA supaya bisa tau bagaimana kadar CO2 ,O2 di darahnya saat ini.
As the head of blood transfusion unit, you need to decide which test will be used to screen HIV in donor’s blood. Which of the following test is met your demand?
A. Test I : sensitivity = 99.8%; specificity = 89%
B. Test II : sensitivity = 99.5%; specificity = 92%
C. Test III : sensitivity = 99.3%; specificity = 90%
D. Test IV : sensitivity = 99.8%; specificity = 91%
E. Test V : sensitivity = 99.6%; specificity = 93%
Which of the following laboratory parameter is evaluated in hematology subdivision?
A. IgG and IgM Dengue
B. Triglyceride
C. Widal test
D. Hematocrit
E. Urobilinogen
Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: Slide “Basic Examination of Blood”
Which of the following test is used to screen the donor?
A. WBC count
B. Hepatitis B antigen
C. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
D. IgG and IgM dengue
Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: Hepatitis B antigen test termasuk dalam salah satu Transfusion-transmitted disease testing.
Which of the following test can be used as a screening but also as a confirmatory test?
A. Blood glucose level
B. Serum iron
C. Blood cholesterol level
D. Urinary protein
E. Urinary cast
Riri, 3-year-old girl, brought to family physician with a chief complaint of moderate fever and dysuria. What laboratory test should be suggested by the doctor?
A. Blood gas analysis
B. Urinalysis
C. Stool examination
D. Liver function test
E. Kidney function test
Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: Kalau pasien mengalami dysuria, ini bisa disebabkan karena ada iritasi atau ada infeksi di urinary tract. Jd , lab test yg biasa dilakukan adalah urinalysis, dilihat apakah urinnya mengandung darah atau ada bakteri.
A 18-year-old boy came to general practitioner with a complaint of moderate fever, nausea, abdominal discomfort, yellowish skin, and dark color urine. What parameter in urinalysis expected to be abnormal?
A. pH
B. Protein
C. Glucose
D. Ketone
E. Bilirubin
Jawaban: E
Pembahasan: Kalau ada kerusakan di liver maka bilirubin di urin akan meningkat.
This patient’s urinalysis was performed in private laboratory. What is the best specimen for this laboratory test?
A. Fresh voided morning urine
B. Random urine
C. 10 hrs fasting urine
D. 12 hrs urine collected
E. 24 hrs urine collected
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: Fresh voided morning urin digunakan untuk menentukan (+)/(-) suatu zat di urin. Karena urin jenis ini memiliki optimal concentrate.
Mr. M, 40-year-old man, went to laboratory hospital for medical check up. Both of his parents are diabetics. What parameter expected to be abnormal in his urinalysis?
A. pH
B. Protein
C. Glucose
D. Bilirubin
E. Urobilinogen
Jawaban: C
Pembahasan: jelaslah y….
Mr. K, 70-year-old man, diagnosed by the doctor as coma hepaticum due to late stage of liver cancer. He had a big ascites and yellowish skin. How to get the urine for urinalysis for this condition?
A. By suprapubic puncture
B. By chatetherization
C. By collecting midstream urine
D. By collecting fresh voided morning urine
E. By collecting 2 hrs urine
Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: sama kyk no. 33
Mr. K with liver carcinoma. What urinalysis parameter expected to be abnormal in this patient?
A. Protein
B. Glucose
C. Ketone
D. Bilirubin
E. Nitrit
Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: sama kyk no. 32
RBCs within the urine can come from any point along the urinary tract. Dysmorphic RBCs are often a sign of……..
A. Kidney disease
B. Uretheral disease
C. Glomerular disease
D. Tubular disease
E. Bladder disease
Jawaban: C
Pembahasan: henry ed 20 hal 389 RBCs with cellular protrusions or fragmentation are termed dysmorphic, and some authors have suggested that their presence in urine samples is strongly suggestive of renal glomerular bleeding.
Proteinuria more than 4 g/day is commonly seen in……….
A. Nephrotic syndrome
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Chronic glomerulonephritis
D. Acute pyelonephritis
E. Chronic renal failure
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: henry ed 20 hal 374
What is the most common observed casts in the urine?
A. Hyaline casts
B. Waxy casts
C. Erythrocyte casts
D. Leukocyte casts
E. Renal tubular epithelial cell casts
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: henry ed 20 hal 391
S, 3-year-old girl was brought by her mother to their family physician with a chief complaint of dysuria. What urinalysis parameter is expected to be abnormal?
A. Glucose
B. Bilirubin
C. Urobilinogen
D. Specific gravity
E. Nitrite
Jawaban: E
Pembahasan: kemungkinan dysuria ny disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri di urinary tract. Dari pilihan di atas, yg di pake bwt ngetes ada infeksi bakteri ato g adalah Nitrite.
The stool of this patient is pale. Acholic stool that can be found in massive diarrhea is due to decrease level of:
A. Urobilin
B. Urobilinogen
C. Stercobilinogen
D. Stercobilinogen
E. Indirect bilirubin
Jawaban: C & D
Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”
The liver is the site of most plasma protein. Which test can be use to determine the synthetic function of the liver?
A. Globulin concentration
B. Prothrombin time
C. Alpha feto protein
D. Total bilirubin serum
Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”
One test to determine liver injury is De Ritis ratio. It is the ratio of:
A. GGT and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
B. ALP and LDH
C. AST and ALT
D. ALT and ALP
E. AST and LDH
Jawaban: C
Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”
The enzyme that significantly increase in obstructive process in the liver is:
Jawaban: E
Pembahasan: henry ed 20 hal 268-269 disebutkan bahwa ALP dan GGT meningkat karena obstructive process. GGT itu more sensitive tp less specific dibanding ALP dan menigkat pd 80-95% pasien dgn liver disease.
Which test is the screening test for hepatocellular carcinoma?
B. De ritis ratio
C. Alpha feto protein
E. Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
Jawaban: C
Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”
What is the congenital disorder of bilirubin metabolism that cause by reduced activity of bilirubin-UDP-glucoronyl transferase?
A. Gilbert’s syndrome
B. Crigler-Najjar syndrome
C. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
D. Rotor syndrome
E. Hemolytic disease of the newborn
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”
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