Soal FBS 9 no. 23-46

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

  1. The doctor suspected Riri had an urinary tract infection, and gave her Bactrim for 3 days. After 3 days, this girl still had that complaint, then the doctor change the antibiotic with ciprofloxacin. What is the purpose of laboratory test had been performed by the doctor?

A. Confirming diagnosis

B. Rejecting diagnosis

C. Case finding

D. Monitoring therapy

E. Predicting prognosis

Jawaban: D

Pembahasan: Slide “The Clinical Laboratory”

  1. Rahmat, 20-year-old, came to primary health care with moderate fever, sore throat, cough with mucopurulent sputum. Laboratory results: WBC count = 14.000/L (NR: 4.000-10.000/L), and 80% Neutrophil (PMN) in WBC differential count. What is the most possible infectious agent in this patient?

A. Prion

B. Virus


D. Fungus

E. Parasite

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: Soalnya WBC naik dengan neutrophil yang dominant.

  1. A 23-year-old lady came to primary health care (Puskesmas) with a complaint of restlessness since a month ago. She also stated that she felt very dizzy if she stands up directly from sitting. This lady has 4 children and delivered almost every year since she was married at 18 years old. Because she was poor, her daily diet usually consists of steam rice with slated fish and small amount of vegetables. Laboratory result revealed: Hgb = 8 g/dl (NR: 12-16 g/dl); Hct = 28% (NR: 37-47%); RBC count = 4x106/L (NR: 4.2-5.4x106/L). What is the most common etiology of this lady’s condition?

A. Iron deficiency anemia

B. Thalassemia

C. Anemia of chronic disease

D. Familial ovalocytosis

E. Congenital spherocytosis

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: Hgb naik, Hct naik, RBC naik itu menunjukkan si lady mengalami anemia. Kalau dihitung MCV nya hasilnya 70, berarti anemia microcytic. Nah, anemia microcytic itu bisa karena iron deficiency atau karena chronic disease. Si lady ini kan g ada tanda2 chronic disease, jd mungkin dia terkena iron deficiency anemia akibat sering melahirkan dan asupan zat besi dari makanan jg kurang.

  1. Mr. R, 35-year-old man, was bring to the emergency department of dr. Hasan Sadikin hospital because difficulty in breathing. What laboratory parameter needed to be evaluated, which available as point of care test?

A. Liver enzymes

B. Blood gas analysis

C. Urinalysis

D. Blood cholesterol level

E. Uric acid level

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: pasien ini kan susah bernapas, jadi lab parameter yg paling cocok kykny BGA supaya bisa tau bagaimana kadar CO2 ,O2 di darahnya saat ini.

  1. As the head of blood transfusion unit, you need to decide which test will be used to screen HIV in donor’s blood. Which of the following test is met your demand?

A. Test I : sensitivity = 99.8%; specificity = 89%

B. Test II : sensitivity = 99.5%; specificity = 92%

C. Test III : sensitivity = 99.3%; specificity = 90%

D. Test IV : sensitivity = 99.8%; specificity = 91%

E. Test V : sensitivity = 99.6%; specificity = 93%



  1. Which of the following laboratory parameter is evaluated in hematology subdivision?

A. IgG and IgM Dengue

B. Triglyceride

C. Widal test

D. Hematocrit

E. Urobilinogen

Jawaban: D

Pembahasan: Slide “Basic Examination of Blood”

  1. Which of the following test is used to screen the donor?

A. WBC count

B. Hepatitis B antigen

C. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

D. IgG and IgM dengue


Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Hepatitis B antigen test termasuk dalam salah satu Transfusion-transmitted disease testing.

  1. Which of the following test can be used as a screening but also as a confirmatory test?

A. Blood glucose level

B. Serum iron

C. Blood cholesterol level

D. Urinary protein

E. Urinary cast



  1. Riri, 3-year-old girl, brought to family physician with a chief complaint of moderate fever and dysuria. What laboratory test should be suggested by the doctor?

A. Blood gas analysis

B. Urinalysis

C. Stool examination

D. Liver function test

E. Kidney function test

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Kalau pasien mengalami dysuria, ini bisa disebabkan karena ada iritasi atau ada infeksi di urinary tract. Jd , lab test yg biasa dilakukan adalah urinalysis, dilihat apakah urinnya mengandung darah atau ada bakteri.

  1. A 18-year-old boy came to general practitioner with a complaint of moderate fever, nausea, abdominal discomfort, yellowish skin, and dark color urine. What parameter in urinalysis expected to be abnormal?

A. pH

B. Protein

C. Glucose

D. Ketone

E. Bilirubin

Jawaban: E

Pembahasan: Kalau ada kerusakan di liver maka bilirubin di urin akan meningkat.

  1. This patient’s urinalysis was performed in private laboratory. What is the best specimen for this laboratory test?

A. Fresh voided morning urine

B. Random urine

C. 10 hrs fasting urine

D. 12 hrs urine collected

E. 24 hrs urine collected

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: Fresh voided morning urin digunakan untuk menentukan (+)/(-) suatu zat di urin. Karena urin jenis ini memiliki optimal concentrate.

  1. Mr. M, 40-year-old man, went to laboratory hospital for medical check up. Both of his parents are diabetics. What parameter expected to be abnormal in his urinalysis?

A. pH

B. Protein

C. Glucose

D. Bilirubin

E. Urobilinogen

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: jelaslah y….

  1. Mr. K, 70-year-old man, diagnosed by the doctor as coma hepaticum due to late stage of liver cancer. He had a big ascites and yellowish skin. How to get the urine for urinalysis for this condition?

A. By suprapubic puncture

B. By chatetherization

C. By collecting midstream urine

D. By collecting fresh voided morning urine

E. By collecting 2 hrs urine

Jawaban: D

Pembahasan: sama kyk no. 33

  1. Mr. K with liver carcinoma. What urinalysis parameter expected to be abnormal in this patient?

A. Protein

B. Glucose

C. Ketone

D. Bilirubin

E. Nitrit

Jawaban: D

Pembahasan: sama kyk no. 32

  1. RBCs within the urine can come from any point along the urinary tract. Dysmorphic RBCs are often a sign of……..

A. Kidney disease

B. Uretheral disease

C. Glomerular disease

D. Tubular disease

E. Bladder disease

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: henry ed 20 hal 389  RBCs with cellular protrusions or fragmentation are termed dysmorphic, and some authors have suggested that their presence in urine samples is strongly suggestive of renal glomerular bleeding.

  1. Proteinuria more than 4 g/day is commonly seen in……….

A. Nephrotic syndrome

B. Acute glomerulonephritis

C. Chronic glomerulonephritis

D. Acute pyelonephritis

E. Chronic renal failure

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: henry ed 20 hal 374

  1. What is the most common observed casts in the urine?

A. Hyaline casts

B. Waxy casts

C. Erythrocyte casts

D. Leukocyte casts

E. Renal tubular epithelial cell casts

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: henry ed 20 hal 391

  1. S, 3-year-old girl was brought by her mother to their family physician with a chief complaint of dysuria. What urinalysis parameter is expected to be abnormal?

A. Glucose

B. Bilirubin

C. Urobilinogen

D. Specific gravity

E. Nitrite

Jawaban: E

Pembahasan: kemungkinan dysuria ny disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri di urinary tract. Dari pilihan di atas, yg di pake bwt ngetes ada infeksi bakteri ato g adalah Nitrite.

  1. The stool of this patient is pale. Acholic stool that can be found in massive diarrhea is due to decrease level of:

A. Urobilin

B. Urobilinogen

C. Stercobilinogen

D. Stercobilinogen

E. Indirect bilirubin

Jawaban: C & D

Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”

  1. The liver is the site of most plasma protein. Which test can be use to determine the synthetic function of the liver?

A. Globulin concentration

B. Prothrombin time

C. Alpha feto protein

D. Total bilirubin serum


Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”

  1. One test to determine liver injury is De Ritis ratio. It is the ratio of:

A. GGT and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase

B. ALP and LDH

C. AST and ALT

D. ALT and ALP

E. AST and LDH

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”

  1. The enzyme that significantly increase in obstructive process in the liver is:






Jawaban: E

Pembahasan: henry ed 20 hal 268-269  disebutkan bahwa ALP dan GGT meningkat karena obstructive process. GGT itu more sensitive tp less specific dibanding ALP dan menigkat pd 80-95% pasien dgn liver disease.

  1. Which test is the screening test for hepatocellular carcinoma?


B. De ritis ratio

C. Alpha feto protein


E. Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”

  1. What is the congenital disorder of bilirubin metabolism that cause by reduced activity of bilirubin-UDP-glucoronyl transferase?

A. Gilbert’s syndrome

B. Crigler-Najjar syndrome

C. Dubin-Johnson syndrome

D. Rotor syndrome

E. Hemolytic disease of the newborn

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: slide “Liver Func. Test”

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