47. Which bilirubin is reflecting increase erythrocyte destruction in malaria?
A. indirect bilirubin
B. direct bilirubin
C. β bilirubin
D. γ bilirubin
E. δ bilirubin
Jawaban : A
48. Which laboratory test can determine autoimmune induce hepatitis?
A. α-fetoprotein
B. Anti nuclear antibody
C. α1-antitrypsin
D. Lactate dehydrogenase
E. γ-glutamyltransferase
Jawaban : B
49. Which hepatitis virus markerthat found more than 6 months suggest the chronic hepatitis B infection?
A. Anti HBs
B. HBsAg
C. HBeAg
D. HBcAg
E. Anti HBe
Jawaban : B
50. Which of the following microbe can produce toxin that alters the intracellular signaling?
A. Salmonella
B. Corynebacterium
C. Vibrio cholerae
D. E. hystolitica
E. E. coli
Jawaban : C Robbins 359
51. Which of the following microbe is included into group of obligate intracellular organism?
A. E. coli
B. M. lepra
C. Virus
D. Salmonella sp.
E. Shigella sp.
Jawaban : C
52. Which of the following microbe can block function of the lysosome with phagosome?
A. Corynebacterium
B. Ricketsia
Jawaban : D
For number questions 53 until57, see clinical below:
A 30 year old man complains diarrhea with blood and mucus accompany with abdominal cramping and tenesmus.Microscopic feature shows prominent leukocyte infiltration within lamina propria and thromboses of small vessel.
53. Which of the following is the most likely etiologi of this disease?
A.salmonella sp
B.shigella sp
C.vibrio cholera
D.camphylobacter pylory
Jawaban : C?
54. Which of the following agents secret the same toxin?
A.salmonella sp
B.staphylococcus sp
D.streptococcus sp
E.yersenia sp
Jawaban : C?
55. Which of the following microbe resistant to gastric acid?
A.shigella sp
B.vibrio cholera
C.saimonella sp
E.yersenia sp
Jawaban : A Robbins 352
56. Which of the following organism can pass from damage of mucosa through payer patch and mesenteric lymph nodes into blood stream?
A.salmonella thypii
B.vibrio cholera
E.giardia lambdia
Jawaban : A Robbins 353
57. Which of the following organism is important cause of chronic enterocolitis?
D.yersenia enteritis
E. E.coli
Jawaban : C Robbins 356
58.A 20-year-old woman complains watery and bloody diarrhea. Microscopic feature shows macrophage with vacuole like trophozoid. Which of the following disease is the most likely diagnosis?
B.baciler disentry
E.typhoid fever
Jawaban : D
59. The microscopic feature from meningen biopsy show caseous necrosis and dominantly lymphocyte and epitheloid cell granuloma. This picture is usually found in:
A. coxsackie virus
B. treponema
C. Neisseria meningitides
D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (?bovin)
E. Histoplasma capsulatum
Jawaban : D
60. One of the disease below is including into persistent infection such as:
A. Rheumatic fever
B. Lupus erythromatosis
C. Sillicosis
D. Tubercle bacilli
E. Atherosclerosis
Jawaban : D Slide
61. The microscopic feature colonic biopsy shows and lamina propria, moderate interpretation of mononuclear cells and necrosis of the luminal epithelium. This picture is usually found in:
A. Amebiasis
B. Cholera
C. Bacillar dysentery
D. Giardia
E. Typhoid fever
Jawaban : E
62. which of the following viral is the etiology of cirrhosis hepatitis?
A. Viral type A
B. Viral type B
C. Viral type C
D. Viral type D
E. Viral type E
Jawaban : D
63. The microscopic feature (from liver biopsy) shows ballooning of hepatocyte,canalicular bilirubin stasis lymphocyte inflammatory infiltration, this picture is caused by:
A. Viral type A
B. Viral type B
C. Viral type C
D. Viral type D
E. Viral type E
Jawaban : A
For questions number 64 and 65, reper to the scenario below:
A 8-year old girl brought to family doctor in the primary health care by her mother with a chaef complaint of fever sinse last 5 days. Her mother also noted that there are red spots in her daughter ‘s platelet counet is 20.000/ul (NR:150.000-400.000/ul)
64. based on her platelet count, what is your conclusion about this patient?
A. Thrombosis
B. Thrombocytosis
C. Spectrophotometer
D. Thrombocytopenia
E. Thrombocytopathy
Jawaban : D
65. The platelet count of this patient was performed in the patient was performed in the primary health care (puskesmas). What is the most possible method they used?
A. Hemocytometer
B. Automatic cell analyzer
C. Specetrophotometer
D. Platelet aggregometer
E. Micromethod
Jawaban : A
For questiones number 66 until 68, refer to the scenario below:
Rahmat “s WBC count is 14.000/ul. While the normal range is 400.000/ul.
66. What is your conclusion abount this condition?
A. Leukopenia
B. Leukocytosis
C. Leukemia
D. Leukkorrhea
E. Leukodystrophia
Jawaban : B
67. In Rahmat”s WBC differential count, they found the percentage of PMN is 80%.
How do you conclude this condition?
Jawaban : A
68. What hematology parameter expected to be increased in this patient?
A. Hemoglobin
B. Hematocrit
C. Red blood cell count
D. Red cell distribution width
E. erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Jawaban : C?
For questions number 69 unti 72, refer to the scenario below:
A 23 –year-old ladi came to pimary health care
(puskesmas) with a complaint of restlessness since a month ago.She also stated that she felt very dizzy if she stands up directly from sitting.This lady has 4 children and delivered almost every year since she was merried at 18 yearsold. Because she was poor, her daily diet usually consists of steam rice with salted pish and small amount of pegetables, laboratory results repealed: Hgd=8g/dl(NR:12-16g/dl) ;Hct=28%(NR:37-47%); RBC count = 4x106 /μL (NR:4.2-5.4 . 106 /μL)
69. Please calculate the MCV
A. 0.7fL
B. 7.0fL
C. 70fL
D. 700fL
E. 7000fL
FBS ( 47-69
Selasa, 27 Mei 2008
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