a 50 years old man complain severe headche a back head and generalized edema (anasarca)
74. Which of the following dieases is a most appropriate diagnostic ?
a. Cirrhosis
b. Heart Failure
c.. Elephatiasis
d. Nephrotic syndrom
e. Malnutrition
Jawab : B
Tanda-tandanya anasarca ,,nah sebenarnya kalau g heart failure itu nephrotic syndrome tapi lebih ke heart failure karena ada severe headhece nya
754. Which of the following dieses is the most appropriate diagnostic?
a. increase hydrostatic pressure
b. Reduce plasama osmotic pressure
c. Lymphatic obstruction
d. Sodium retention
e. Impaire venous return
Jawab E
Dari Robin Contran, kalau orang heart faillure maka CO turun nah akibatnya venous return juga turun, trus knapa bisa anasarca???? akibatnya perfusi gnjal berkurang sehingga ada retensi garam dan air, nah kalau sakit kepalanya kalau menurut saya sih karena kurangnya asupan darah ke otak..(tp itu cuma hipotesis ya...)
76. If in patient is found large ammount acumulation of blood in body cavity. What is the appropriate term for this condition ?
a. Petechiae
b. Purpura
c. Echymoses
d. HEmotoraxis
e. HEmipericardium
Jawaban: Punten belum dapet, tapi mungkin hemotoraxis
77. What is patogenesis of trombosis ?
a. endotelial injury
b. turbulance
c. Statis blood flow
d. Hypercoagulability
e. Rupture of the arterial
Jawab : a. endotelial injury, dari slide
78. Which one of the statment is including in being favor thrombosis
a. Trombomodulin
b. Von will brand factor
c. Tissue type plasminogen activator
d. Protacyclin
e. Heparin like molecul
79. which of following condition is including ehite infarct
a. Venous acclution
b. in loose tissue
c. in tisssue and double circulation
d. in tisssue previously congestion
e. in solid tissue
Jawab : E,slide
80. What is the most often cause of septic shock ?
a. Exotoxin
b. Endotoxin
c. Myocardial pump failure
d. Losss of blood volume
e. Hypoperfusion
Jawab : b, Robin
81. Subcutaneous edema is ussualy found in which of the following diease
a. Nephrotic syndrome
b. Acute respiratory distress msyndrome
c. Encepahlitis
d. HYpersensitivity reaction
e. Neoplasam aof the brain
Jawab : A,,pasti taulah ya knapa...=)
82. Which of the folloeing sentences refers to systemic edema due to prymay heart failure ?
a. Impaired venous return ]
b. Reduced plasama osmotic pressure
c. Lymphatic obstruction
d. Sodium retention
e. Arteriolar dilation
Jawab : A, Penjelasannya sama kayak no 75
83. What is the term for a hemmorhage that is sligtly than 3 mm ?
a. Petechiae
b. Echymosis
c. Purpura
d. HEmothorax
e. Hemorhagicc diathesis
Jawab : c,slide
84. Which of the following condition include into primary hypercoagulable state
a. Myocardial infection
b. Cxardiac failure
c. Acute leukimia
d. Antithrombotic III defeciency
e. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia
85. Proteinuria is condition that reflect impaired function of glomelurus. TYpe of protein that found in renal failure patient is.
a.alpha microglobulin
b. Albumin
c. Glycoprotein
d. Beta lipoprotein
e. a2 microglobulin
Jawab : Albumin, karena ukurannya besar jadi harusnya g ada di urin
86. This patient is asked to performed creatine clearence to determine his glomelurar fuction. THe specimrn that needed for creatine clearence to determine glomelurar function is
a. Timed urine
b. Morning urine
c. PP urine
d. 24 hour urine
e. Mid portion urine
Jawab : d,, dari catetan aku hehe...
87. Some substance can be found urine due to glomerular injury . Test to early detection glomelurar injury is..
a. Urine ionic strength
b. Cystacin C
c. Inulin clearence
d. Microalbuminuria
e. Fractional excretion sodium
88. The concentration of BUN is 15 mg/dl. The concentration urea is
a. 3 mg/dl
b. 5 mg/dl
c. 20 mg/dl
d. 30 mg/dl
e.42 mg/dl
Jawab : e.
Concentration urea : 2,8 * BUN jawabannya e
89. Cystin C is waste product that can be used as indice GFR . What is the process occur cystatcin C in proximal tubule
a. Reabsorption
b. Secretion
c. Excretion
d. Diffusion
e. Filtration
Jawab : A, Slide
90. Detection of the type pf substance present in urine can predict the progess of the dieases. What can be found in urine of most severe glomelurar damage?
a. Albuminaria
b. Hematuria
c. Glucosuria'
d. Ketonuria
e. Bilirubinuria
Jawab : A
91. The tubules are responsible for maintainaing normal plasma volume and osmolality . What is the term expressing the quantity of a substance eliminate in urine by the tubule ?
a. Free water clearence
b. Renal plasma flow
c. Filtration fraction
d. Fractional excretion
e. Fractional reabsorption
Jawab : D
92. What is the gold standard substance for measuring GFR
a. INulin
b. Creatinin
c. Urea nitrogen
d. Paraaminonipurate
e. Radioactive marker
jawab : a, catatan aklu juga...=)
93. What uf this renal function test affected by muscle fatigue
a. Cystin C
b. Creatinin level
c. BUN
d. Fractional excretion
e. Fractional reabsorption
Jawab : a, slide
94. The blood gas analysis result is :
pH : 7,25
pCo2 : 50 mmHg
pO2 : 88 mmHg
HCO3- : 20 mmol
What is BG interpretation ?
a. Hypoxemia
b. Metabolic acidosis
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Respiratory alkalosis
e. Respiratory acidosis
Jawab : E. kalau dilihat dari PH nya dia acidosis nah sekarang kita lait PCO2(40 plusminus 5) sama HCO3-(24 plus minus 2) nya . Klau kita liat nilai PCO2 nya tinggi nah kalau gitu berarti dia respiratory acidosis..
soal fbs 9 no 74-94
Minggu, 25 Mei 2008
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