For number 1 to 4, see clinical scenario below:
A 30-year-old man visited the doctor with chief complains of fatigue and cough with yellow-brown sputum. Microscopic feature of the bronchus shows replacement of columnar cells by stratified epithelia.
1. Which of the following statement is the most suitable term for this condition?
A. Dysplasia
B. Physiologic hyperplasia
C. Pathologic hyperplasia
D. Metaplasia
E. Carcinoma in situ
Jawab: D
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed., p.10
2. Which one of the statement is the most likely etiology for this patient?
A. Infectious agent
B. Immunologic reaction
C. Nutritional imbalance
D. Chemical agent
E. Genetic derangement
Jawab: D
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.10
3. If microscopic feature also found diffuse infiltration of eosinophil and conidia, which one of the statement below is the most likely etiology for the patient?
A. Staphylococcus
B. Candida
C. Mucor
D. Mycobacterium
E. Helminths
Jawab: E
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.409 bagian Morphology:
“… eosinophilia…distinctive for helminthic infections”
4. Which one of the following statement is TRUE for irreversible injury?
A. Plasma membrane alteration
B. Mitochondrial changes
C. Distension of the ER
D. Fragmentation of cell membrane and nucleus
E. Nuclear alteration
Jawab: D
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.12, Figure 1-8
5. A 15-year-old boy complained fever, headache, pain and swelling at left salivary gland. Microscopic feature shows glassy eosinophil in intracellular inclusion.
Which of the following virus can manipulate programmed cell death?
B. Polio
C. Yellow fever
D. Measles
E. Influenza
Jawab: A
Pembahasan: Agen yang dapat memanipulasi programmed cell death biasanya karsinogen (karena dia dapat “menipu” sel untuk bereplikasi terus-menerus). Di antara 5 option, hanya HPV yang karsinogenik.
For questions 6 to 9, refer to the scenario below.
A 25-year-old woman with stomachache vomits for three months.
6. Which of the following agent is included in tissue damage?
A. Bradykinin
B. Prostaglandin
C. Oxygen metabolites
D. Histamines
Jawab: C
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.14, Figure 1-10
7. Which of the following is found in apoptosis?
A. Enlargement of cells
B. DNA damage
C. Adjacent to inflammation
D. Enzymatic digestion
E. Protein denaturation
Jawab: B
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.29, Figure 1-28
8. Which of the following is found as a result of depletion of ATP in reversible injury?
A. Lysosomal rupture
B. Fragmentation of the cell membrane
C. Fragmentation of the nucleus
D. Clumping of chromatine
E. Swollen mitochondria with amorphous density
Jawab: D
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.24, Figure 1-22
9. Which of the following secrete P450 oxidase?
A. Mitochondria
C. Peroxisome
D. Nucleus
E. Lysosome
Jawab: B
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.17, Figure 1-14
10. One of the following diseases is usually found in autosomal dominant disorders, such as…
A. Phenylketonuria
B. Thalassemia
C. Spinal muscular atrophy
D. Hemochromatosis
E. Huntington’s disease
Jawab: E
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.151, Table 5-1
11. Which one of the following is included into endocrine signal group?
A. TGF-a
B. Macrophage
C. Fibroblast
D. Heparin-binding EGF
Jawab: E
12. Which of the following is included into component of the basement membrane?
A. Hyaluronic acid
B. Adhesive glycoprotein
C. Heparan sulfate
D. Fibronectin
E. Flastin
Jawab: C
13. Which of the following statement is TRUE for angiogenesis?
A. Vasodilation response to NO
B. Proteolytic degradation
C. Transmigration of endothelial
D. Recruitment of endothelial
E. Maturation of endothelial
Jawab: D?
Pembahasan: sebenarnya g ada.. tapi kalau mw bc dikit ttg angiogenesis ada di Robbins p.52
For question no. 14 and 15, refer to the scenario below.
A 25-year-old woman, with stomachache, vomits for 3 months
14. Which of the following agent is vasodilator?
A. Thromboxane
C. LT-C4
E. Lipoxin
Jawab: B
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.69, Table 2-4
15. Which one of the agents is included into azurophilic granule netrophils?
A. Myeloperoxidase
B. Alkaline phosphatase
C. Cathapsin
D. Elastase
E. Cationic protein
Jawab: A
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.73, Figure 2-20
16. Microscopic feature shows heart failure cells in alveolar space. Which of the following condition this picture is usually found in?
A. Active hyperemia
B. In chronic passive congestion of the liver
C. In chronic pulmonary congestion
D. In cardiac failure
E. In renal failure
Jawab: C
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.122: Hyperemia and Congestion—Morphology
17. One of these following agents is included into caseating granuloma (delayed type hypersensitivity) such as:
A. CD4 T-Helper cells secrete gamma interferon
B. Activate macrophages to kill intracellular mycobacterium
C. Via NO2
D. Via nitrogen intermediate
E. CD8 Suppressor T cells kill macrophages
Jawab: A atau B?
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.381-382
18. The histologic sequence of events in alcoholic hepatitis is
A. Fatty change, hepatocellular necrosis, fibrosis, nodule regeneration
B. Hepatocellular necrosis, fatty change, fibrosis, nodule regeneration
C. Hepatocellular necrosis, fibrosis, fatty change, nodule regeneration
D. Fatty change, nodule regeneration, fibrosis, hepatocellular necrosis
E. Fibrosis, inflammatory in septa
Jawab: A
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.905, Alcoholic Liver Disease—Morphology
19. One of these statements is included into apoptosis in pathologic condition, such as:
A. Developmental involution
B. Endometrial breakdown during the menstrual cycle
C. Cell death in tumor
D. Cell death induced by cytotoxic T cell
E. Metamorphosis
Jawab: C
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.26
20. One of these statements below is included into a reversible change in which one adult cell type is replaced by another adult cell type, such as:
A. Vitamin A deficiency
B. Decreased workload
C. Diminished blood supply
D. Partial hepatectomy
E. Loss of endocrine stimulation
Jawab: A
Pembahasan: Robbins, 7th ed, p.10
For questions no. 21 and 22, refer to the scenario below:
Mrs. X came to see her physician with chief complain of fatigue. The doctor suggested her to perform some laboratory tests and the results are as follows: Hb = 9,8 g/dL,; RBC count = 3,5x106/mL; Hct = 29%
21. By seeing this laboratory results, what factors should be considered by the doctor due to Mrs. X’s laboratory results?
A. Patient’s symptom
B. Patient’s sign
C. History of the disease
D. Gender
E. No. of children
Jawab: C
22. The doctor diagnosed Mrs.X as having iron-deficiency anemia. Which of the following laboratory results mostly possible for Mrs. X?
A. Serum ferritin = 300 mg/dL (NR: 20-250 mg/dL)
B. Total Iron-Binding Capacity = 280m/dL (NR: 300-360 m/dL)
C. Serum iron = 30 m/dL (NR: 50-150 m/dL)
D. Fe/TIBC ratio is increased
E. RDW = 9% (NR: 11,5%-14,5%)
Jawab: C
Teman-teman, kalau ada masukan/ralat, saya sgt berterimakasih..
Soal latihan FBS 9, no.1-22
Senin, 26 Mei 2008
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3 komentar:
eh, soal no.13 bukannya ada ya di hlm 107 robbins? di bawah judul angiogenesis..
no.17 feeling gw sih a..
haha.. kata reyhan juga gitu..
ko gw doang sih yang eksis?
inget, jessica nadia npm 53 yaa..
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