Gbr di atas untuk no. 100-101
1. A baby boy drunk 50 ml cough syrup. 15 minutes after that the baby became pale and vomitting.
Which part of pharmacology can you found in this case?
a. Pharmacognosy
b. Pharmacotherapeutic
c. Toxicity
d. Pharmacovigilance
e. Pharmacy
Ans: C. (fbs10 slide pg.3)
2. Bronchopneumonia caused by Gram-negative bactery is treated with antibiotic. That is the purpose of the given antibiotic?
a. Prophylaxis
b. Prevention
c. Treatment
d. Enhance defense
e. For diagnosis
Ans: C. (fbs10 slide pg.159)
3. Which of the following part of pharmacology that deals with drug absorption from the site of injection?
a. Pharmacovigilance
b. Pharmacological Properties
c. Pharmacokinetics
d. Pharmacodynamics
e. Pharmacognosy
Ans: C. (fbs10 slide pg.7)
4. Which of these following is part of pharmacology that deals with finding source of drugs?
a. Pharmacologenetic
b. Pharmacokinetic
c. Pharmacodynamic
d. Pharmacognosy
e. Pharmacy
Ans: D.(fbs10 slide pg.1)
5. A girl eat 10 tablets of phenobarbital and she died. Which part of pharmacology concerned with the problem?
a. Pharmacognosy
b. Toxicology
c. Pharmacovigilance
d. Pharmacotherapeutics
e. Pharmacy
Ans: B. (fbs10 slide pg.3)
6. Which of the following is one of the ethical drugs?
a. Blue dot, O class
b. Red dot, O class
c. Green dot, O class
d. Red dot, B class
e. Potent drugs, W class
Ans: B. (fbs10 slide pg.5)
8. Vitamin is included in one of the following…
a. B class
b. Potent Drugs
c. Red dot
d. Sold with prescription
e. Understrict supervision
Ans: A. (fbs10 slide pg.4)
9. Permeability is highest in which of the following?
a. Bone
b. Muscle
c. Eyelid
d. Stomach
e. Mouth
Ans: C. (fbs10 slide pg.9)
10. Decrease absorp when? Increase intestine motility
12. RODA Salbutamol tube used for acute asthma shock?
a. Subcutaneous
b. Intracutaneous
c. Intravenous
d. Intramuscular
e. Intra nasal
Ans: E. (fbs10 slide)
13. Advantage of intravenous injection:
a. Has to be aseptic and antiseptic
b. Fast effect
c. Can be used for large dose
d. Need skill
e. No risk
Ans: B. (fbs10 slide pg.35)
15. Effect of adrenaline + local anaesthetics:
a. Increase duration of action
b. Increase onset of action
c. Increase MOA
d. Decrease OOA
e. Decrease DOA
Ans: A. (fbs10 slide)
16. Which of the following is the reason that cause toxicity in neonates?
a. Higher sensitivity of receptor
b. Incomplete organ function
c. Increase metabolism
Ans: B. (fbs10 slide)
18. Which is the appropriate RODA in giving whole blood to the patient?
a. Intrathecal
b. Intramuscular
c. Intraperitoneal
d. Intravenous
Ans: D.
19. Which of the following is the condition affects drug metabolism?
a. Anemia
b. Headache
c. Hypotension
d. Liver infection
e. Renal dysfunction
Ans: D. (fbs10 slide pharmacokinetic)
20. The aim of drug metabolism:
a. Prolong the drug effect
b. Inhibition of drug interaction
c. Facilitate drug elimination
d. Inhibit drug intoxication
e. Excreted from our body
Ans: D. (fbs10 slide pg.12)
21. Organ yang mempengaruhi sehingga menurunkan bioavailability….
a. Mouth
b. Gastric
c. Intestine
d. Colon
e. Goblet cell
22. Which of the following is one of the pharmacodynamic concept?
a. Distiribution
b. Biotransformation
c. Drug-receptor reaction
d. Absorption
e. Excretion
Ans: C. (fbs10 slide pg.16)
23. Cause of kern icterus ?
a. Brain surface is broad
b. Blood brain barrier is not completely developed
c. The neuron of brain is highly sensitive
d. Blood supply to the brain is high
e. High number of receptor
Ans: B. (fbs10 slide pg. 139)
25. Mr. X was given a dosage than therapeutic dosage. What is the condition of Mr. X?
a. Hyporeactive
b. Hypersensitive
c. Hyperreactive
d. Hyposensitive
26. Which of the following defines Margin of Safety?
a. ED50
b. ED50/LD50
c. LD
d. EC
e. LD50/ED50
Ans: E. (fbs10 slide pg.20)
27. Which part of sigmoid curve that shows the drug safety?
a. LD50
b. EC
c. Slope
d. MTC
e. Onset of action
Ans: A/C?. (fbs10 slide pg.18)
28. Which of the following class of drug is incorporated with adrenergic receptor?
a. Anti inflammatory
b. Autocoid
c. Autonomous
d. Analgesics
e. Antipyretic
Ans: A.
29. Which of the following defines full agonist drug?
a. Occupy all receptors, intrinsic activity = 1
b. Occupy all receptors, intrinsic activity <>
c. Occupy part of receptors, full effect
d. Occupy part of receptors, no effect
e. Interact with other receptor
Ans: A. (fbs10 slide pg.26)
30. A baby boy was given divided powder drug and he refused to take the drug, even after his mother added some sugar. Why?
a. ADR
b. Contraindicated
c. Bad taste
d. Effects
e. Hard to be motivated
Ans: B.
31. What is increased in old people?
a. Plasma protein concentration
b. Renal Function
c. Sensitivity of receptor
d. Hepar function
e. Heart contraction
Ans: C. (fbs10 slide pg.133)
32. Which drug that may cause osteoporosis if taken for a long time?
a. Histamin
b. Acetaminophen
c. Theophyllin
d. Corticosteroid
e. Glycerol guaiocolate
33. 34. 35. 36.
37. Salbutamol effect on betha-2 receptor in bladder wall:
a. Contraction of bladder wall
b. Relaxation
c. No change
d. Increase its blood supply
e. Decrease the excretion
Ans: B/C
38. Which of the following is the side effect of prolonged use of Acetaminophen?
a. Emboli
b. Prolong bleeding time
c. Platelet aggregation
d. Congenital heart failure
e. Hepatic disorder
Ans: E. (Lippincott: Pharmacology)
39. Which of the followig is the function of ambroxol?
a. Bronchodilator
b. Decrease mucus secretion
c. Ease cough
d. Anti inflammatory
e. Antipyretic
Ans: C.
40. Effect of adrenaline:
a. Peripheral resistance is lower
b. Bronchospasm
c. Bradycardia
d. Increase blood glucose
e. Decrease systole
Ans: D. (fbs10 slide pg.103)
41. Phenobarbital is a hypnotic sedative. The effect is:
a. Dizziness
b. Sleepy
c. Restless
d. Convulsion
e. Stimulant
Ans: B (katzung)
42. Characteristic of Aspirin…..
a. Inhibit HCl production
b. Inhibit prostaglandin
c. Inhibit COX
d. Stimulate arachidonic acid
e. Inhibit lipoxygenase
Ans: C (slide)
43. Aspirin is contraindicated in gastritis. The cause of gastritis induced by aspirin:
a. Increased pepsin
b. Induction of thromboxan
c. Decreased HCl
d. Decreased prostaglandin in gaster
e. Inhibition of platelet
Ans: di katzung karena efeknya k COX
44. Bateman’s classification
45. Which of the following Bateman classification is side effect of sudden stop using narcotics?
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. Type C
d. Type D
e. Type E
Ans: E (slide)
46. 47.
48. Which of the following is type B Bateman’s classification?
a. Unpredictable, mild risk
b. Unpredictable, high mortality
c. Chronic effect
d. Delayed effect
e. Withdrawal symptoms
Ans: B. (fbs10 slide pg.79)
50. Which gland that produce corticoid?
a. Langerhan
b. Thyroid
c. Hypophysis
d. Hypothalamus
e. Adrenal
Ans: E (tortora)
51. 52. 53.
54. What is the substance that causes hypersensitive?
a. Adrenaline
b. Histamine
c. Insulin
d. Pepsin
Ans: B (katzung)
55. A man suffers from typhoid fever. The doctor gave him antibiotic and antipyretic. Antibiotic of choice for typhoid fever is chloramphenicol, it is cheap. The doctor chose ciprofloxacin, which very expensive. Which of the following IRUD is done by the doctor?
a. Multiple drug
b. Over prescribing
c. Under prescribing
d. Incorrect prescribing
e.Extravagant prescribing
Ans: E (slide)
56. 57.
58. Traditional drug used for relieving hypertension:
a. Garlic
b. Kumis kucing
c. Atropi belladona
d. Ephedra
e. Ranwolfia serpentine
Ans: A (slide)
59. Characteristic of Jamu?
a. Sold base on prescription
b. No toxicity
c. Only for adult
d. Traditional terminology
e. Marketed after a clinical trial
Ans: D (slide)
61. Which of the following is the most important procedure empiric therapy of AB?
a. Giving BSAB
b. Change AB if no result
c. Change AB after getting lab findings
d. Giving AB combination
e. Taking specimen for lab analysis before begin use of AB
Ans: E (slide)
62. MOA of penicillin…. Inhibit cell wall synthesis
63. 64. 65.
66. Yang termasuk phytopharmaca…..
a. Hi-Stimuno
b. Stimuno
c. Kiranti pegel linu
d. Lelap
e. Diapet
Ans: B (slide)
67. Which of these following is an active substance of Atropa belladona?
a. Ephedrine
b. Scopolamine
c. Pilocarpine
d. Reserpine
e. Vincristine
Ans: B (slide)
68. Which of the following is the cause that result in superinfection?
a. AB resistance
b. Toxicity
c. Fungus in colon
d. Long term therapeutic of BSAB
e. Mutation
Ans: A (slide)
69. accumulation of antibiotics?
a. Brain disfunction
b. Disturbed protein synthesis
c. Infarct Myocard
d. TB pulmonary
e. Diabetes mellitus
Ans: sebenarnya renal failure,, tp yg berhub kyny diabetes melitus
71. Safe antibiotic for a pregnant woman is:
a. Aminoglycoside
b. Tetracycline
c. Erythromycine
d. Chloramphenicol
e. Trimetrophim
72. Drug used for lab RODA (Phenobarbital) used to:
a. Anti-inflammatory
b. Depressant
c. Stimulant
d. Stabilizer
e. Decongestant
73. Intravenous di animal à vein di tail. Commonly site of IV di manusia di…
b. Head
c. Dorsal hand
d. Forearm
e. Lateral thigh
Ans: D
75. The purpose of making table of drug properties.
Untuk no. 76-79 a. Tablet b. Capsule c. Emulsion d. Ointment e. Suspension f. Suppositoria g. Divided powder 76. The form is individually each dose is separately wrapped in paper. 77. Solid medicated preparation for inserted into rectum where they melt, dissolve or dispersed. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Which of the following tablet that must be dissolved in water prior taking? a. Multilayer b. Film coated c. Effervescent d. Sugar coated e. Enteric coated 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. The bioavailability of this is 100%...... Parenteral 89. The RODA is unsuitable for surgical, unsconcious or vomiting patients? a. Oral route b. Rectal route c. Topical route d. Parenteral e. Sublingual 90. 91.For drug that irritate stomach, which is the following routine administration? a. During morning b. During meal c. During night d. During episode e. Empty stomach 92. 93. The quantity of substances from the serum drug concentration data and patient observation…… Regiment Dose 94. The highest quantity or substances that can be given to average populations without toxic effect: a. Minimal dose b. Maximum dose c. Regiment dose d. Effective dose e. Usual dose 95. 96. 97. What will increase in elderly? a. Renal excretion b. Metabolisme c. Distribution d. Absorption e. Sensitivity 98. “How patient take the drug”, is which part of the perscription? a. Prescriber information b. Superscription c. Subscription d. Inscription e. Signatura 99. 100. Which of 5 drugs that rapidly and completed available in blood without toxic effect? B 101. Which of drugs above can cause harmful effect? A 102. 103. 104. Which of these following parenteral drugs administration can give fastest in onset of action? a. Intra cutan b. Intra thecal c. Intravenous d. Subcutaneus e. Intramuscular 105. Which of following combination of antacid that increase renal clearance of drug? a. Quinola + antacid b. Dygoxin + antacid c. Thyroxin + antacid d. Salicylates + antacid e. Tetracycline + antacid For no. 106-110 a. Salting out b. Precipitation c. Complexation d. Color change e. Hydrolysis f. Degradation g. Gas Evolution 106. What happen if drug which is poorly water soluble mix with aqueous solution? 107. What happen if Tetracyclin mix with alkaline drug? 108. What happen if Ampicylin in high temperature? 109. What happen if drug contain sodium bicarbonate mix with acid drug? 110. What happen if non electrolyte and weakly hydrate organic ion mix with strong electrolyte?
FBS 10
Selasa, 03 Juni 2008
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