tambahan Soal FBS 8

Senin, 09 Juni 2008

1. Cell wall cellulose? (Plant)

2. Sexual & asexual? (Fungi)

A. protozoa D. bacteria

B. virus E. Clamydia

C. fungi

7. Bakteri yg tidak memiliki dinding sel?

13. Transportasi yg tidak perlu energi?

A. facilitated diffusion

B. antiport

C. uniport

20. Yang memerlukan template...?

A. Deoxy C. Protein

B. Phospholipid

26. Mikroorganisme yg seumur hidup tidak pernah termasuk normal flora. Termasuk mikro patogen?

27. Antimicrobial terapi → bowel bacteria ↓; resisten bacteria ↑. Bakteri yg mengeluarkan toxin & menyebabkan diare?

A. Bactericidae fragilis D. .........aeurigens

B. Clostridium......... E. Staphylococcus epidermidis

C. Enterococcus sp.

31. Metode untuk membedakan Staphylococcus dg Streptococcus?

34. Kultur dari sputum → banyak PMN cell, gram (-) rods. Tumbuh dengan baik pd suhu 42ºC, oxidase (+), pigmen blue green, klo kena UV bifluorescence.

39. Tes utk membedakan Streptococcus pneumonia & viridan?

A. coagulase test D. DNAse test

B. E. optochyn test


52. Karakteristik Enterovirus?

A. latent period.........in immunocompromise patient


C. transmission by oral fecal route

D. presence RNA polymerase enzyme

E. antigen shift & drift

53. Virus yg menyebabkan latent period?

A. adenovirus D. poxvirus

B. poxyvirus E. influenza virus

C. picovirus

54. Treatment for herpes?

58. Viral neutralizing antibody work directly against…

A. DNA sequence

B. lipid bilayer outside capsule

C. oligosakarida outside capsule

D. ………outside capsule

E. ……… inside capsule

61. Which of the following Adenovirus protein sbg inisiasi dari sintesis viral

A. cystein protease C. hexon

B. D. penton

63. Tujuan mempelajari siklus hidup parasit?

A. mempelajari epidemiologi

B. mengetahui bagaimana parasit masuk ke tubuh manusia

64. Tipe parasit Negleria fowlery?

A. temporary D. facultative parasite

B. accidental E. obligative parasite

C. sporius

70. Infectious stage for Necator americanus is…? (Filariform larvae?)

71. Which is the correct sentence about the life cycle of hookworm?

86. Yang benar dari life cycle of Trichinella spinalis…?

89. Pernyataan yang benar tentang life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii…?

A. Man is definitive host

B. Trophozoit is infective stage

C. Di epithelial cell of small intestine of cat, skizogony is only cycle

D. Cat & other Fallisca is intermediate host

E. Gamegonzy is only cycle of epithelium cell of small intestine of cat

98. Which is following effort for natural control?

A. Prevent insect from attacking

B. Use bed net on door/window

C. Physical change

D. Seasonal change

E. Cattle…?

100. Karakteristik abate?

102. Which of the following intestine Nematode is the etiology of Helminthic zoonosis?

A. ?

B. Ascaris lumbricoides

103. The doctor diagnoses dermatitis due to Schistosome infection. Which larva form most likely cause this infection?

104. Infective stage of Diphlobothrium latum?

A. cysticercosis D. plerosercoid

B. cysticercoid E. procercoid

C. cyst hydatid

107. Metode untuk memeriksa Trichuris trichuria…?

A. Mertha blablablabla formalin?

108. Which of the following substance can be used to diagnose ascariasis with flotation method?

A. NaCl 96% D. NaCl 0,96%

B. NaOH 0,1% E. NaOH 10 %

C. NaCl 33%

111. To see movement of Trichomonas vaginalis?

119. Visceral larva migrant is transmitted by…

A. insect bite

B. ingested embryonated egg

C. ingested filariform

D. ingested infective egg

E. filariform menembus kulit

120. Periodisitas Brugia malayi?

A. nocturnal

B. diurnal

C. nocturnal periodic & nocturnal subperiodic

- symptoms intoxication organic phosphor?

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