Ini ada soal FBS 8 tambahan
68. Anak laki-laki 6 tahun merasa gatal dibagian perianal ditemukan cacing,bagaimana siklus cacingnya?
96. Fungi yang yang digunakan untuk insect control
77. Correct cycle of S.japonicm
a. Bulinus as 2nd intermediet host
b. Oncomelonia as ist intermediet host
c. Egg become sporocyst in water
d. MEtaserkaria as infective stage
e. Active egg penetrate skin
76. Supir taksi mengalami hematuria dan progesiff difficulties passiong urine .Steleh urin dianalisis terdapat RBC dantelur berbentuk ovale. Dia terinfeksi oleh
a. sexual intercouse
b. walking barefoot
c. BAthing in contaminated water untuk infective stage
d. eating...
e. Dringking contaminated water with bulinus
120. Periodicity oleh brugia malayi
a. nocturna priodicity
b. Diurna
c. Diurna dan Nocturna
d. temporary
e. nocturna dan sub nocturna
119. Life cycle brugia timori
118. Which of this statment is correct ?
a. transmision of visceral migran
b. Ingested embryogenated egg
c. Penetrarted larva to skin
d. Ingested larva
e. Ingested fertile egg
2. Which of the folllowing that have exual and asexual stage
64. What is the type of parasit of neglaria
(facultative parasit)
111.tropozoit trichomonas vaginalis can be seen by
a. lugol iodine
b. Formalin
112.Mite yang menyebabkan acne vulgaris ?
93. Which one is intestinal myasis
Tambahan soal FBS 8
Jumat, 06 Juni 2008
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