1. The Optomotor nuclei is
A. Vestibulocochlear nucleus
B. Ambiguous nucleus
C. Abducen nucleus
D. Facial nucleus
E. Hypoglossal nucleus
1. The optomotor nuclei is...
a. vagus
b. vestibulocochlear
c. abducens
d. fascial
e. trigerminal
2. The true about tectum of the brainstem:
A. It is the base of brainstem.
B. At the level of midbrain, it is called as tectum.
C. At the level of medulla oblongata, it is called as quadrangular plate.
D. It contains the nuclei of cranial nerves.
E. It is the roof of brainstem.
2. The tectum of brain stem is true...
a. tectum is the basis of brain stem
b. at the level of Medulla Oblongata, velum
c. at the level of midbrain, quadrigerminal
d. it contains nuclei of cranial nerve
e. tectum is the roof of brain stem
3. The cerebral aqueducts located at the
A. Telencephalon
B. Diencephalon
C. Mesencephalon
D. Metencephalon
E. Myelencephalon
4. The following structures containing the pons is...
A. ventral part of the basilar pontine
B. the shallow basiliar sulcus in the middle of the posterior surface
C. at the ponto medullary junction emerge two cranial nerves
D. the trigerminal nerves emerges from the roof
E. it contains occulomotor nerve
5. Yang bener tentang brain stem..
6. Stretch reflex (arrange in sequence)...
1. Action potential in sensory neuron
2. Stretch muscle spindle
3. Contraction of muscle
4. Action potential along motor neuron
8. The structure that is in cerebral peduncle
9. Which structure controls motoric mastication muscle?
Ans: Motoric Trigeminal Nucleus
Pilihan berikut utk soal no. 10 s.d. 14
A. Facial Nerve
B. Trigeminal Nerve
C. Abducen Nerve
D. Occulomotor Nerve
E. Vagus Nerve
10. What form the prominence of ventral surface of medulla oblongata?
11. Involve in taste modalities and the parasympathetic innervation of internal organ
12. Which nerve has parasympathetic compartment for pupil light reflex?
13. This nerve has the motoric component for mastication and sensoric component for
somatosensoric of the face
14. The nerves that emerges from pons and has motoric function for extraocular muscle
Pilihan berikut utk soal no. 15 s.d 20
A. Thalamus
B. Epithalamus
C. Hypothalamus
D. Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal Tract
E. Hypophyseal Portal System
15. This nerve has the motoric component for mastication and sensoric component for somatosensoric of the face:
16. It has destination of posterior lobe of pituitary
17. It has destination on the anterior lobe of pituitary gland.
18. The highest brain structure that directly concerned with body’s homeostasis and integration of internal environment.
20. It contains pineal body
21. Which of the following is required by stretch reflex to prevent antagonistic muscle from interfering with antagonist?
A. γ-motor neuron
B. Withdrawal reflex
C. Crossed extensor reflex
D. Reciprocal inhibition
E. Contralateral reflex
22. A patient has gunshot wound that cause fragment to neck to the spinal cord. The patient now feels no pain, no temperature from that level of body down. Which of the following most likely damage?
A. Gracilie Fasciculus
B. Medial Lemniscus
C. Tetrospinal Tract
D. Lateral Corticospinal Tract
E. Spinothalamic Tract
23. The inverse stretch reflex
A. Has a lower threshold than the stretch reflex
B. Is a monosynaptic reflex
C. Is a disynaptic reflex with a single interneuron inserted between the afferent and efferent limb
D. Is a polysynaptic reflex with many interneuronise between the afferent limb
E. Requires the discharge of control neurons that release acethylcholine
24. A reflex respond accompanied by conscious sensation for pain because
A. Convergent pathway
B. Divergent pathway
C. Reflex arc contain one neuron
D. Sensory proprioception in spinal cord
E. Sensory proprioception in thalamus
25. Several events occurred between the time a physician struck a patient’s patellar tendon with a rubber hammer and the time quadriceps femoris contracted (knee-jerk reflex)
1. Increased frequency of action potential in sensory neurons
2. Stretch of muscle spindles
3. Increased frequency of action potential in alpha motor neurons
4. Stretch of quadriceps femoris
5. Contraction of quadriceps femoris
A. 4,1,2,1,3
B. 4,1,3,2,5
C. 1,4,3,2,5
D. 4,2,1,3,5
E. 4,2,3,1,5
26. Which of these events occurs when a person steps on a tack with the right foot …
A. Golgi tendon reflex with stretch reflex
B. withdrawal reflex with stretch reflex
C. withdrawal reflex with reciprocal innervation
D. stretch reflex with reciprocal innervation
27. Stretch reflex arrange in sequences….
1- Action potential in sensory neuron
2- Stretch muscle spindle
3- Contraction of muscle
4- Action potential along α-motor neuron
28. There is event of inhibition of the neuron supplying the according muscle. In what kind of reflex you will find this event?
A. Stretch reflex & knee jerk
B. Golgi tendon reflex
C. Withdrawal reflex
D. Withdrawal reflex with reciprocal innervation
29. The dermatome map is important in clinical considerations of nerve damage. Loss of sensation is a dermatomal pattern can provide valuable information about the location of nerve damage. Predict the possible site of nerve damage for a patient suffered whiplash in an automobile accident with subsequently developed anesthesia in the left arm, forearm & hands
A. C1-C2
B. C3-C4
C. C3-T1
D. T2-T3
E. T4-T5
30. The tears following caused by pain sense. Which of the following reflex?
A. Homolateral reflex
B. Segmental reflex
C. Intersegmental reflex
D. Suprasegmental reflex
E. Complex segmental reflex
31. Left segment of T1 spinal cord injury will cause?
32. Which of the following substances those act as the ligand of the muscarinic receptors?
A. Epinephrine
B. Norepinephrine
C. Acetylcholine
D. Cholinesterase
E. Neuropeptidase
33. Which cranial nerves carry sympathetic fiber?
A. CN 3
B. CN 7
C. CN 5
D. CN 9
E. None of them
34. Which organ secret epinephrine?
A. Sympathetic preganglionic fibers
B. Sympathetic postganglionic fibers
C. Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers
D. Parasympathetic postganglionic fibers
E. Adrenal medulla
35. Which of the following center within CNS that control the autonomic nervous system
A. Cerebral cortex
B. Limbic system
C. Midbrain
D. Hipotalamus
E. …………….
36. Parasympathetic fiber like pupil reflex
A. Corticospinal reflex
B. Superior salivary nucleus
C. Motoric trigeminal
36. The grey communicating ramus contains which of the following?
A. Visceral sensory fibers
B. Parasympathetic motor fibers
C. Sympathetic preganglionic fibers
D. Sympathetic postganglionic fibers
E. Somatic motor fibers
37. Throughout the ANS, the neurotransmitter released by preganglionic neuron binds to……………… receptors on postganglionic neuron.
A. Nicotinic
B. Muscarinic
C. Andrenergic
D. α 1
E. β 2
For questions number 38-42
A. Acetylcholine
B. Noradrenalin
C. Cholinesterase
38. Is always released by ganglion of ANS
39. Produces choline
40. Destroys noradrenalin
41. Destroys catecholamine
42. Is only secreted by post ganglionic fiber
43. Unrelated goiter is associated with
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Euthyroidism
D. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
E. Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and euthyroidism
44. Which of the following enzymes catalyzes the synthesis of Ach?
A. Acetyl CoA
B. Acetylcholinesterase
C. Ach-H+ exchanger
D. Amino acid decarboxylase
E. Choline acetyl transferase
45. A bundle of muscle is found to contract rythmatically. Although contraction is depend on presence of extracellular calcium, the poorly developed T-tubule…
The muscle most likely is type of?
A. Cardiac muscle
B. Fast-twitch skeletal muscle
C. Multi-unit smooth muscle
D. Slow-twitch skeletal muscle
E. Unitary smooth muscle
46. Arrange according to sequence of event:
1. Bipolar cells depolarize ganglion cells
2. Stimulation of photoreceptor
3. Hyperpolarization of photoreceptor
4. Decrease in release of glutamate
47. Why does person nose ‘run’ when she / he cry?
A. Crying stimulate not only tears but also the glands in nasal cavity
B. Large volume of tears enters the nose after flowing on the chick.
C. Large volume of tears enter the nose through the lacraminal canaliculi
D. Tear is also produced by lacraminal sac in nasal cavity
E. Large volume of tears directly enter the nasal lacraminal duct
49 1- Lens
2- Aqueous humor
3- Vitreous humor
4- Cornea
Which is the arrangement of light enter the eye?
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 4, 2, 3
C. 4, 1, 2, 3
D. 4, 2, 1, 3
E. 4, 3, 2, 1
49. Which the following is true:
a. you can still taste a substance even though the tongue is dry
b. to taste sour, you must put substance in tip of tongue
c. to taste, substance must be dissolve with water
d. Hyper polarization of membrane receptor to begin forming stimuli
e. Impulse carried by N IV
50. Which of the following statements about aqueous humor is TRUE
A. Is the pigment responsible for the black color of the choroids
B. Exits the eye through the canal of schlemm
C. Is produced by the iris
D. Can cause cataracts if overproduced
E. Is composed of proteins called crystalline
51. Which of these following Purkinje images that change during accommodation?
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. I and II
e. II and III
52. Develop during you see near object
a. pupil slightly dilate
b. the lens more flatten
c. diameter corpus cilliaris bigger
d. ligamentum suspensorum loser
e. cilliary muscle relaxing
53. Which is correct arrangement during accommodation?
1. Lens become rounder
2. Kontraksi cilliary muscle
3. Tension on suspensory ligament of lens reduced
4. Cilliary body pull forward and inward
54. Last process when light enter the eye
54. What happened after seeing beautiful landscape and immediately……
55. Crura of clitoris is attached to …..
56. To see a far object, you have to use negative glasses. Which of the following that most likely is the condition of your eyes?
A. Have flatten lens
B. Dilate pupil
C. Long axis eyeball
D. Be cloud cornea
E. Dark iris
56. This structure forms the prominence of ventral surface of Medulla Oblongata :
a. corticospinal tract
b. superior salivatory nuclei
c. motoric trigeminal nuclei
d. inferior olivatory nuclei
e. west
57. When we slowly rotate to the right?
a. stereocilia
b. eye
c. visual
d. endolymph
58. Which of the following event that occurs if
A. Cannot see object at the medial visual field
B. Cannot see both temporal visual field
C. Cannot see right visual field
D. Cannot see left visual field
E. Cannot see at all
58. What is required in stretch reflex to prevent antagonistic muscle?
a. withdrawal reflex
b. extension reflex
c. reciprocal inhibition
d. withdrawal with reciprocal
61. If the optic chiasm is cut, what happen to the vision?
A. The patient not be able to see the object at the nasal visual field.
B. The patient not be able to see the object at the both temporal visual field.
C. The patient not be able to see the object at the right nasal visual field.
D. The patient not be able to see the object at the left visual field.
E. The patient is blind at all.
61. To focus, use negative lens. What condition is applied?
a. flattened lens
b. dilate pupil
c. long axis of eyeball
d. tension of ligament increase
62. Given these ear bones:
1- Incus
2- Malleus
3- Stapes
Choose the arrangement that list the conduction of the sound
A. 1, 2, 3 D. 2, 3, 1
B. 1, 3, 2 E. 3, 2, 1
C. 2, 1, 3
62. Seeing object immediately after reading a book?
a. flattening lens
b. increasing tension of suspensory ligament
c. relaxation of cilliary muscle
d. returning cilliary body resting stage
e. focusing image on retina
63. In normal healthy young woman with 28 days mens cycle :
a. proliferatif uterus karena estrogen graffian follicle
b. menstruasi karna progesterone di corpus luteum
c. oral estrogen/progesterone cause enlargement ovary dan produksi folikel de graaf tinggi
d. estradiol concentration plasma begin fall in ovulation dan terus menurun
e. progesterone concentration plasma begin fall in ovulation dan terus menurun
64. Jika right optic tract dipotong, apa yang terjadi?
a. ga bisa liat kanan
b. ga bisa liat kiri
c. ga bisa liat bagian nasal
d. ga bisa liat bagian temporal
e. ga bisa liat
65 Statement concerning the hear, true:
a. apex is formed by right ventricle
b. the diaphragmatic surface faces to the posterior
c. the base is formed mainly by left atrium
d. the right border is formed by right ventricle
e. coronary sulcus lies between 2 ventricles
65. Which of the following is the characteristic of loudness?
A. Increase frequency of sound wave
B. Increase amplitude
C. Increase resonance
D. Increase frequency and amplitude
E. Increase amplitude and resonance
66. Why it’s much easier to perceive musical tones when music is played somewhat softly as opposed to very loudly?
A. Because loud sound vibrate the basilar membrane incoherently.
B. Because loud sound vibrate the basilar membrane in a wide range.
C. Because soft music make person relax.
D. Because soft music vibrate only half of basilar membrane.
E. Because loud sound causes tympanic membrane become rigid.
66. Ammonia produced by the kidney comes mainly from?
a. glycine
b. glutamine
c. leucin
d. alanine
e. tyrosine
70. This lobe has auditory function
A. Parietal
B. Temporal
C. Occipital
D. Temporal
E. Sinusual
71. This lobe is for primary motoric area
73. Which is correct about thymus on this following sentence?
74. Yang benar tentang cerebellum
A. afferent dari posterior lobe
B. efferent dari anterior lobe
76. Which of the following statement concerning cerebellum is TRUE?
A. Has 4 lobes
B. Has 4 peduncles
C. Essentially a sensory part of brain
D. Occiput send sensoric
E. Receive its info from many resources such as joints
80. In lactating woman
A. Thyroxin causes the contraction of myoepithelial cell
B. Prolactin causes the secretion of milk
C. Nursing facilitates secretion of FSH and LH
D. Oxytocin is not essential for milk ejection
E. Menstruation is more heavy than in woman who do not nursing
81. What hormone is released from the posterior pituitary gland?
A. Prolactin
B. Oxytocin
C. Thyroxine
D. Aldosterone
E. Epinephrine
81. Yang berasal dari perkembangan root of diencephalons & mensecrete oxytocin…
84. These cells are located scattered around the thyroid follicle. Their function is to secrete calcitonin
A. Clear cells
B. Follicular cells
C. P cells
D. B cells
E. A cells
85. This is an endocrine gland. It secretes insulin and glucagon. What is it?
A. Pineal gland
B. Adrenal gland
C. Thymus gland
D. Islet of Langerhans
E. Thyroid gland
86. 40 years old woman, just won the
A. Insulin increased, glucagon increased.
B. Insulin increased, glucagon decreased
C. Insulin decreased, glucagon decreased
D. Insulin decreased, glucagon increased
E. Insulin equal to glucagon
87. If epinephrine cannot be released in response to hypoglycemia, which one hormone is important for raising blood glucose level?
A. Growth hormone
B. Glucagon
C. Cortisol
D. Insulin
E. Somatostatin
88. The activity of adrenal zona glomerulosa is stimulated by …
e.angiotensin II
89. A state of cortical excess would lead to…
b. Positive nitrogen balance
c. Reduce urine urea secretion
e. Bone formation
90. A 56 years old woman with a 40 year-old history of heavy tobacco use has recently begun coughing. She has gained 20 pounds in 6 month in the face and abdomens and has noticed increasing facial hair. Her blood pressure is 160/108. She has bilateral edema of her legs. A chest x-ray film shows a large mass in her right lung. Her physician suspects a lung cancer that ectopic source of ACTH production. Which of the following would be increased?
A. Serum potassium level
B. Skin pigmentation
C. Pituitary ACTH secretion
D. Hypothalamus CRH secretion
E. Serum renin level
93. One of clinical manifestation of congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid hormone organification…
A. normal intelligent
B. goiter
C. proportional short stature
D. no edema
E. negative family history
94. Female, enlarged thyroid, T4 & T3 increase, TSH decrease. Which of the following is likely to be decreased?
A. heart rate
B. cardiac output
C. ventricular rate
D. metabolic rate
E. peripheral vascular resistance
95. 45 years old obese man complaint of a rapid heart rate, 20 pound weight loss in 2 month and heart tolerance. His pulse rate is 110 beat/min at rest. The serum T4 is elevated. On further questioning, the patient finally admits taking large doses of exogenous T4 tablet to decrease body weight. Which of the following will be decreased?
A. Serum T3 level
B. Serum T4 level
C. Serum TSH level
D. Serum free T4 level
E. Serum free T3 level
97. 50 years overstressed businessman, to cure his daily “heart burn” taking daily & large dose of antacid, that contains aluminium hydroxide, which later bind phosphate in GI tract cause severe hypophosphate. What increase?
a.plasma PTH level
b.urine phosphate level
c.plasma 1,25 (OH) ** formation
d.plasma 24,25 (OH) ** formation
e.bone formation
98. GH secretion decline progressively in aging especially, followed by increase of
A. Pituitary responsiveness to GHR
B. Increase of secretory peptides
C. Nadir level of GH
D. Somatostatin level
E. Somatomedin level
99. Numerous investigations provide evidence the brain CHRG systems are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. In this disorder, there is increase in:
A. CRH region in brain region
B. CRH in cerebrospinal fluid
C. Choline acetyl transferase
D. CRH receptor binding in brain and blood lymphocyte
E. Up regulation of cerebral cortisol CRH receptor
100. In the aging man, may be found symptom of:
A. Increase in testicular mass
B. Decrease in size of testicular mass
C. Decrease in number of interstitial cells of Leydig
D. Increase in number of Sertoli cells
E. Increase in testosterone level
101. The inability to produce or sustain the erection of the penis for intercourse is the most common complaint of aging man, this condition is called:
A. Gynecomastia
B. Acromegaly
C. Impotence
D. Hypogonadism
E. Cretinism
102. The aging process can alter neuroendocrine function at multiple level through its effect on biogenic aminergic and peptidergic neurons, such as:
A. Concentration of dopamine
B. Enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase
C. β – endophine
D. POMC (proopiomelanocotin)
E. Adrenal medulla catecholamine
103. Anggun, where are thou?
104. In human being total hypophysectomy cause
a. an increasing secretion of cortisol
b. an increasing secretion of testosterone
c. cessation of mestrual cycle
d. a decreasing in the hypoglicaemic actiom of insulin
e. hypersesxuality in male
105. Total adrenolectomy is fatal in human being but hypophysectomy is not, this is because
A. ADH from pituitary & aldosterone from adrenal are antagonistic (hypophysectomy causes a reduces production of both ADH & aldosterone)
B. Aldosterone secretion is not markedly reduced after hypophysectomy
C. Cortisol secretion is not markedly reduced after hypophysectomy
D. The adrenal cortex hypertrophies after hypophysectomy
E. GH & cortisol are antagonistic
108. If pituitary gland removed and implanted on kidney, the plasma concentration
A. ACTH increase
B. FSH increase
C. GH increase
D. Prolactin increase
E. TSH increase
109. T3 is more potent than T4 in that:
A. T3 less potent than T4.
B. Over 30% of T3 is produce outside the thyroid gland than T4.
C. Half life of T3 is 7 days, half life of T4 is 1 day.
D. Most T3 in plasma bound 2 protein.
E. [ ] T3 in plasma more than 60 times than [ ] T4.
111. Hypothyroidism symptoms in adult:
a. Mouth temperature ↑
b. Hyperenergyc
c. Body hair ↑
d. Deposition of mucoprotein in subcutaneous and extracellular spaces that cause edema
e. Positive nitrogen balance
113. Untreated goiter is associated with:
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Euthyroidism
D. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
E. Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and euthyroidism
114. Hyperthyroidism cause…
a. Lethargy
b. Turun Ca Urine
c. Naik Catecholamine
d. Positif nitrogen balance
e. Naik TBG (Thyroid Binding Globulin)
115. In the B cell,cytoplasm,insulin released is proceeded by a decrease in intracellular concentration of
A. Potassium
B. Glucose-6-phosphate
C. Beta hydroxy
D. Acetoacetate
E. Glucose
116. Parathormone:
A. by ↑ renal clearance of Ca2+; ↓ renal clearance of phosphate, hyperCa2+ diikuti dengan hypophosphate
B. ↑ renal clearance of phosphate; ↓ renal clearance of Ca2+, hyperphosphate then hypoCa2+
C. hyperCa2+ → hypo
117. Increase in parathormone concentration result of the following:
a. Decreased absorption of Ca2+ from intestine
b. Decreased excretion of Ca2+ in intestine
c. Increased released of Ca2+ in the osteocyt and osteoclast
d. Increase Ca2+ uptake by the bone
e. Decrease blood Ca2+
118. High bure formation, high collagen synthesis
B. Calcitonin
D. Estrogen
119. This hormone inhibits the action of parathormone on bone and prevents osteoporosis…
a. Parathormone
b. Calcitonin
c. GH
d. Cortisol
e. Estrogen
120. Which of the following sensitive person stimulaty by the hormone
a. ↓ in the number of target cell
b. Presence of a competitive antagonist
c. ↓ in adenylcycles concentration
d. ↑ phosphodiester concentration
e. Presence of noncompetitive antagonist
121. A single plasma level of hormone faithfully reflects hormone secretion rate if
A. The hormone is not secreted in urine
B. The hormone is secreted in diurnal pattern
C. The metabolic clearance rate of hormone is normal
D. The hormone is not metabolized by liver
E. The hormone is not bound to serum protein
122. Which one increase BMR
A. sleep
E. gain clean body mass
123. In the β cell, cytoplasm, insulin release is preceded by a decrease in intracellular concentration of
A. Potassium
B. Glucose 6-phosphate
C. Beta hydroxyl
D. Acetoacetate
E. Glucose
124. During sexual arouse, bulbourethral gland secrete what?
A. alkaline and mucus
B. proteolitic and mucosa
C. proteolitic and PSA
D. mucus and hyaluronidase
E. Proteolitic and peptide
126. Movement of sperms out of vas deferens into urethra.
A. Ejaculation
B. Emission
C. Cryptorchidism
D. Polyspermy
E. Oligospermy
127. Which statement is CORRECT?
A. Contraction of the adult men cause decrease in concentration of FSH and LH
B. Testosterone increase the release of FSH and LH
C. Testosterone secreted by Leydig cell
D. Inhibin increase release of FSH
E. Inhibin secreted by Leydig cell
128. Which of the following statement is CORRECT about human spermatozoa normally?
A. Remain motile in female reproductive tract for less than 15 minutes after ejaculation during intercourse.
B. Leave penis, suspended in semen, which only comes from prostate gland immediately before and after ejaculation.
C. Derived from spermatogonia, cells in the seminiferous tubule that contain haploid number of chromosome.
D. Stored in seminiferous tubule, rete testis, epididymis and vas deferens.
E. May remain viable in epididymis for period up to 5 years
129. Which of these statements is CORRECT about the erection of penis?
A. It responds to the reflex of the parasympathetic.
B. It is initiated by afferent neuron in the glan of penis
C. It occurs after puberty
E. It requires intact with brain stem
130. Which one is CORRECT about FSH?
A. In presence of LH, inhibit estrogen
B. Inhibit spermatogenesis
C. Increase 10 folds during pregnancy
D. Release is modulated by impulse impinging of thyroid gland
E. Secreted by anterior pituitary
132. Labor is probably induced by pituitary production of this substance in response to severe stretch on the uterine cervix
A. 17OH progesterone
B. Progesterone
C. Estradiol
D. Oxytocine
E. Cytotrophoblast
133. Within 5/7 days after ovulation and conception, implanting embryo begin producing this substance. Which is the hormone that saves the corpus luteum from regression
A. 17-OH progesterone
B. Progesterone
C. Estradiol
D. oxytocin
134. The secretion function of corpus luteum can be monitored by level of this plasma or serum
A. 17-OH Progesterone
B. Progesterone
C. Estradiol
D. Oxytocin
135. In the normal, 25 years women, (healthy) menstruation?
A. Occur 1 to 2 days after ovulation
B. Always occur every 4 weeks except during or immediately after pregnant
C. Occur several hour after the formation of a corpus luteum in ovary
D. Is a period of secretion by endometrium of uterus
E. Occur 1 to 2 days after the formation of corpus albicans of the ovary
136. 25 years old normal woman, not pregnant, menstruation:
A. Last 1st day during each 28 day cycle.
B. Occurs 1 or 2 days after increase estrogen and progesterone.
C. Associated with blood loss 30 ml.
D. Associated with dilation of basal segment of spiral artery of endometrium.
E. Associated with risk of uterine infection.
137. Which of the following hormone exerts little or no control over the endometrium of the uterus in its proliferative phase but during its secretory phase indirectly responsible for changes that occur?
A. Progesterone
C. Estrogen
D. Prolactin
139. In normal, healthy 25 year-old woman, 4 days before onset of menstruation……
A. Decrease plasma concentration of estrogen and progesterone and decreased released of FSH
B. Decrease plasma concentration of estrogen and progesterone and corpus luteum change to corpus albican
C. Increased progesterone
D. Increased progesterone and estrogen
140. 2 years before occurrence puberty
A. Gonad insensitive to pituitary gonadotropins
B. Pituitary & hypothalamus are devoid gonadotropins
C. Concentration of adrenal androgen in blood markly lower than in boys & girls at 15 years old age
D. Little pulsatile release GnRH from hypothalamus
E. Pituitary glands do not respond to pulsatile release of GnRH
141. Puberty before the age of 10 years old
A. May be caused by the destruction of the pituitary
B. Causes a delay in the closure of the epiphyseal plate
C. In over 80% of the causes pathologic tumors are found in the patients
D. May be caused by hypothalamic lesions
E. Is extremely rare
142. During pregnancy, (HCG)
A. Slowly increases in concentration throughout pregnancy
B. Start to decrease in concentration at about the middle of the 1st trimester of pregnancy
C. Causes a decrease in concentration of estrogen and progesterone and blood
D. Increases in concentration throughout pregnancy and while increasing decreases the concentration of estrogen and progesterone
E. Increases in concentration throughout pregnancy and while increasing concentration of estrogen and progesterone increase
144. The event that initiate parturition (labor) are not well defined for humans, we do know, however that during the last day of pregnancy
A. Oxytocin is released by posterior pituitary & decrease the frequency of uterine contractions
B. Stretching the uterine cervix is a potent stimulus for oxytocin release
C. Prostaglandin decrease uterine contraction
D. Prostaglandin formation in the deciduas of the uterus is depressed
E. Progesterone facilitates uterine contraction
146. Postmenopausal woman has
A. Increase gonadotropin because the decrease secretion of ovaries steroid
B. Tendency towards hot flashes as a result of increase secretion of estrogen
C. Increase in plasma concentration of gonadotropin and ovary steroid
D. Incapacity to achieve orgasm
E. Decrease concentration of gonadotropin in plasma
147. Hormon utk perkembangan folikel?
148. Hormon utk maturasi folikel?
For questions number 149-151
Uterine distention (+) Suckling (+)
posterior pituitary
Anterior pituitary
Contraction of
Secretion of milk (+) Z Contraction of
149. Hormone X:
150. Hormone Y :
151. Hormone Z:
A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
C. Oxytoxin
D. Prolactin
E. Dopamine
152. Which of the following statement is TRUE concerning estrogen?
A. Promote female secondary characteristic
B. Helps control fluid & electrolyte balance
C. Increase protein catabolism
D. Inhibit development of female reproductive structure
E. Increase blood cholesterol
154. Which of the following hormone exert little or no control over the endometrium of the uterus in its proliferative phase, but during its secretion phase is directly reponsible for changes to occur.
A. Progesterone
C. Estrogen
D. Prolactin
155. In normal healthy young women with 28 day mens cycle
A. Proliferative uterus karena estrogen yg dihasilkan folikel Graaf
B. Menstruasi karena progesterone di corpus luteum
C. Oral estrogen / progesterone → enlargement ovary & ↑ produksi follicle de Graaf
D. Estradiol concentration plasma begin fall di ovulation & terus decrease
E. Progesterone concentration plasma begin fall di ovulation & terus decrease
156. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about combined oral contraceptives?
A. Will prevent menstruation about 50% of the time
B. Depress the release of gonadotropins by anterior pituitary
C. Have a failure rate less than 0.1%
D. Causes a decreased extracellular fluid volume
E. Decrease the risk of thrombosis
158. Yang benar dari pernyataan di bawah ini…
A. in a lactating mother, within 24 hours after the end of parturition, the uterus stabilizes within 10% of it’s weight before pregnancy
B. it is usually safe to have coitus during menstruation, 8 months of pregnancy, and 1 month after parturition
C. in the post parturition period, most women who breast feed their children, have less interest in coitus than those who do not nurse
D. there is reduced in sexual intercourse in the woman during the second trisemester
E. symphathetic stimulation enhances oxytocin secretion in lactation
159. In 24 years old healthy woman
A. breast enlarge during pregnancy because of high concentration of estrogen and tyroxine
B. breast enlarge during pregnancy because of high concentration of estrogen and testosterone
C. after parturition estrogen increase initiates lactation
D. after parturition progesterone increase
E. oxytocin promote milk ejection
160. In lactating woman
A. thyroxin causes the contraction of myoephitelial cell
B. prolactin causes the secretion of milk
C. oxytocin is not essential for milk ejection
E. menstruation is heavier than woman who do not nurse
162. This structure is formed by union of the duct from seminal vesicle and ampulla of the ductus deferens. This structure terminated in the prostatic urethra. Which of the following structure is described above?
A. Epididymis
B. Pancreas duct
C. Ejaculatory duct
D. Urethra
E. Membranous urethra
163. Alkaline fluid (pH 7.4-7.6), fructose, clotting protein (60%) of total fluid, secreted by:
A. prostate
B. bulbourethral
C. urethra
D. seminal vesicle
E. epididimis
164. Gland like doughnut shape secret milky proteolityc enzyme acidic fluid plasmin? Prostate
165. This structure is long thin process that surround the opening of uterine tube, this process also line by simple squamous epithelium.
A. Infundibulum
B. Ampulla
C. Isthmus
D. Intestinal tube
E. Fimbriae
165. Pea size, secreted mucous and alkaline, inferior to the prostate
B. Cowper
C. Urethra
D. Prostate
E. Vesica seminalis
166. Sperm store at………
167 This structure will be increase mass during pregnancy by hyperplasia dan hypertrophy
A. uterine tube
B. epimetrium
C. endometrium
D. myometrium
E. vagina
168. A long thin processes that surrounds the opening of uterine tube. It is lined by simple squamous epithelium.
A. Infundibulum
B. Fimbriae
C. Isthmus
D. Ampulla
E. Intestinal tube
169. Thick layer endometrium? B functional layer
170. What is the term of series of functional changes of sperm before able to fertilized the secondary oocyte?
A. Semen
B. Capacitation
C. Ejaculation
D. Ovulation
E. Uterine cycle
172. The opening of uterine tube was projected to the posterior part into:
A. fimbriae
B. ampula
C. infundibulum
D. fornix
E. orifice of vagina
173. The epididimis receive mature sperm cell from
A the vas deferen
B rete testis
C tubulus seminiferous
D ejaculatory duct
E prostate gland
174. The crura of the clitoris attached to the
A. Symphisis pubis
B. Ischial spine
C. Ischiopubic rami
D. Transversal perineal ligaments
E. Ischial tuberosities
175. The point where the cervics project into vagina has a hollow recess known as:
A infundibulum
B Vestibule
C Labia mayora
D fornix
E Orifice of vagina
176. Protrusion of cervics to vagina?
1. Which of the following statement concerning the mediastinum is TRUE?
a. The anterior mediastinum contains great vessel
b. The middle mediastinum contains heart
c. The structure inside the mediastinum are very immobile / firm
d. The posterior wall are cervical n thoracic vertebrae
e. The posterior mediastinum contains subclavian vein
1. Micturition reflex initiated by?
2. Produce vasoconstriction during hemorrhage?
a. serotonin
b. histamine
c. thrombostenin
d. accelerator glob
e. bradikinin
3. Which of following mismatched repair?
a. hypoventilation
b. severe diarrhea
c. excessive vomiting
d. airway obstruction
e. inability kidney secretion
3. The right coronary artery...
a. 1st branch of arch aorta
b. Lie in atrioventricular groove
c. Is accompanied in part of its course by the great cardiac vein
d. It floaded wtih oxygenated blood during diastole
e. Has circumflex branch
4. A 57 years old man develops a myocardiac infarction n is noted to have heart rate of 40 beats/min. A physician diagnoses an occlusion of right coronary artery. Which of the following structures is most likely to be affected?
a. Bundle of his
b. Purkinje fiber
c. AV node
d. Mitral valve
e. Pappilary muscle
4. Which of the following statement is correct?
Answer: b. urea has a clearance greater than of inulin
5. AV bundle can be found in which heart tissue?
A. Right atrium
B. Left atrium
C. Atrial septum
D. Membrane of interventricular septum
E. Muscular interventricular system
5. Combination of substance that will cause production of clot?
6. Which one of the following is correct about the heart wall?
A. Endothelium, which cover endocardium, is generated from endoderm
B. Myocardium is compose of striated muscle with peripheral nucleus
C. Thickness of both ventricles is the same
D. Purkinje fiber has less fiber than myocardium
E. Pericardium is the outermost layer of the heart
6. Thick middle layer of the heart:
a. epicardium
b. pericardium
c. myocardium
d. endocardium
e. purkinje fiber
7. The correct sequence of intra uterine hematopiesis is as follow:
a. hepatosplenic-medullolymphatic
b. hepatosplenic-primordial
c. P-H-M
d. P-M-H
e. M-H-P
7. The artery for visceral branch?
8. Coronary artery is the first branches...
9. Left common carotid artery is it branches...
10. Bronchial arteries are it branches...
a. Thoracic aorta
b. Ascending aorta
c. Arch of aorta
d. Common illiac artery
e. Abdominal aorta
11. The most anterior of the following structure in the superior mediastinum is...
a. Aortic arch
b. Brachiocephalic vein
c. Left common carotid artery
d. Right common carotid artery
e. Phrenic nerve
15. Urutan vein dari brain ke jantung...
A. Brachiocephalic (BC), inferior jugular (IJ), superior vena cava (SVC), vena sinus (VS)
C. VS,
16. The 2nd component of the 1st heart sound most closely associated with?
A. opening of mitral valve
B. closure of mitral valve
C. closure of aortic valve
D. closure of pulmonary valve
E. closure of tricuspid
17. The 2nd component of the 2nd sound heart is usually most clearly heard on the ventral surface of the heart...
18. at heart rate 80x, minimal coronary artery pressure?
19. SA nodes are pacemaker for heart because…..
20. The last part of ventricles to be activated after atrial activation is
A. Base of right ventricle
B. Base of left ventricle
C. Endocardium of left ventricle
D. Epicardium of apex
E. Endocardium of apex
21. Which one of the following characteristic is most similar in systemic and pulmonary circulation?
A. stroke work
B. the preload
C. the afterload
D. the peak systolic press
E. the blood volume
22. The venous system can act as reservoir of peripheral blood chiefly because:-
A. Low compliance of venules wall
B. Absence of smooth muscle fibers in venous wall
C. Superficial location of veins
D. Large volume capacity of venous system
E. Low O2 saturation in venous system
23. The greatest percentage of blood is found in the………
A. heart
B. aorta
C. distributing artery and arterioles
D. capillaries
E. vein and venules
24. The rhytmicity of the normal cardiac cycle is dependent up on an irritable focus on cardiac tissue called the…
A. vagal plexus
B. bundle of His
C. SA node
D. plexus of coronary ostium
E. AV node
25. An increased preload would most likely be caused by an increase in……
A. Arteriolar Tone
B. Venous Tone
C. Myocardial Contractility
D. Heart Rate
E. Capillary Permeability
26. Blood pressure increase and heart rate decrease in response to...
A. exercise
B. increase body temperature
C. exposure to high altitude
D. increase intracranial pressure
E. hemorrhage
27. Stroke volume can be decreased by…..
A. increased ventricular contractility
B. increased heart rate
C. increased central venous pressure
D. increased total peripheral resistance
E. decreased systemic blood pressure
28. Which one of the following would cause a reduction in atrial blood pressure?
A. decrease in atrial compliance
B. decrease in venous compliance
C. increase venous pressure
D. increase myocardial contraction
E. decrease in blood venous
29. When a person moves from supine position to standing position, there is an increase in…
A. control venous pressure
B. preload
C. heart rate
D. the frequency of depolarization
E. stroke volume
30. Occlusion of both carotid arteries between the heart and the carotid sinus would be expected to produce………
A. increased blood pressure as measured in femoral artery
B. decreased heart rate
C. increased activity in the afferent nervous from the carotid sinuses
D. decreased activity of vasomotor center
E. decreased venous to the heart
31. Increasing cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration within platelet stimulate…
A. activation phospolipase C
B. activation phospolipase A2
C. elevation cAMP
D. formation protein kinase C
E. inhibit prostaglandin synthesis
32. Unlike most body cells, mature RBC?
A. rely almost entirely on anaerobic glycolisis
B. are spherical in shape
C. transport plasma cation at a relatively high rate
D. transport plasma anion at a relatively high rate
E. have a life span of 10 days
33. 2-3 DPG formation
A. Formed in erythrocyte and shift oxygen dissociation curve to left
B. Not formed in erythrocyte and shift oxygen dissociation curve to left
C. Formed in erythrocyte and shift oxygen dissociation curve to right
D. Not formed in erythrocyte and shift oxygen dissociation curve to right
E. Formed inversely in anaerobic
34. ♂ hematokrit 50% → peredaran darah berkurang 1500 mL → jd berapa hematokrit?
A. 25 %
B. 30 %
C. 35 %
D. 40 %
E. 50 %
35. What age is fetal Hb almost completely replaced by adult Hb?
A. birth
B. 1 week
C. 1 month
D. 6 month
E. 1 year
36. Average half life of neutrophils in the peripheral circulation
A. 1 hour
B. 5-10 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 5-10 days
E. 90-120 days
37. The extrinsic pathway of the clotting system in human is activated by a substance that primarily contain
A. lipoprotein
B. glycoprotein
C. elastin
D. collagen
E. triglyceride
38. Heparin act by
A. inactivator XII
B. inactivator IX
C. inactivator VIII
D. inactivator VII
E. none above mechanism
39. In normal vascular system,which of the following factor is important in clot prevention?
A. Plasmin
B. Smoothness of endothelial surface
C. Positive charge on inner endothelial surface
D. Low plasma Ca2+ level
E. None of above
40. Mechanism responsible for permeability of skeletal muscle capillaries to CO2
A. lipid solubility of CO2
B. pinocytosis
C. diapedesis
D. endothelial fenestrae
E. active transport
42. Dicumarol is a drug that impairs the utilization of vitamin K by the liver. Dicumarol therapy therefore would decrease the plasma concentration of which following coagulants?
A. prothrombin
B. fibrinogen
C. antihemophilic factor (Factor VIII)
D. AC-globulin (Factor V)
E. thrombin
44. In a healthy 40 year-old man, RBC are formed in the:
A. Femur
B. Tibia
C. Vertebrae
D. Femur and tibia
E. Tibia and vertebrae
45. The principal site of production of erythrocyte factor ( erythrogenin ) is thought to be the
A. red bone marrow
B. spleen
C. lymph node
D. kidney
E. small intestine
47. Yang diproduksi oleh platelet dan pada haemorrhage tends to produce vasoconstriction?
48. The blue stained precipitation in reticulocytes are mostly these organelles :
a. mitochondria
b. Golgi complex
c. rough ER
d. secretory vesicles
e. Nuclear fragments
47. In adults, the red bone marrow can be found in the following bone...
A. sternum
B. humerus
C. tibia
D. femur
E. ulna
49. These components function in plugging wound?
Answer: a. Platelets
50. The principal site of production erythrocyte factor (e.g. Erithrogenine) is though to be?
a. Red bone marrow
b. Spleen
c. Lymph node
d. Kidney
49. The stage which specific granules accumulate is in those following…
A. myeloblast
B. promyelocytes
C. myelocytes
D. metamyelocytes
E. neutrophilic band
50. One of the following statements is related to megakaryocyte?
A. It comes from the same cell colony as lymphocytes do
B .It has smaller size than that of megakaryoblast
C. It undergoes mitosis to produce platelets
D. The cytoplasmic processes become fragmented into smaller cells
E. The cytoplasmic processes can pass through into the capillary
54. Largest white blood cell act in immunity and antibodies formation
E. Lymphocyte
56. This structure is thick, located middle layer of heart, composed of cardiac muscle cells, which of the following structure is describing above?
A. endocardium
B. myocardium
C. pericardium
D. epicardium
E. Purkinje fibers
57. Connective tissue yg ada antara papillary muscle? corda tendinae
58. 3 mechanism control GFR?
A. Renal autoregulation, neural regulation, hormonal regulation
62. The quality of vascular conductance of blood flow is…
A. inversely proportional to pressure difference
B. inversely proportional to vascular resistance
C. proportional to blood viscosity
D. proportional to vessel length
E. proportional to vessel diameter
64. Physical factor that influence ventilation
- Air temperature
- Air pressure
- Air humidity
- Alveolar volume
- Lung compliance
66. What is the mechanism to propel the lymph flow through lymph vessels?
A. Cardiac Contractility
B. Peristalsis
C. Osmotic Pressure
D. Gravity
E. Compression
67. Right lymphatic duct drains into this vessel
A. Right lymphatic duct
B. Right abdoman vein
C. Left jugular lymphatic trunk
D. Left abdoman vein
E. Thoracic duct
71. Which of the statements is correct for bone marrow?
A. fibroblasts play a role as host cells
B. elastic fibers serve as predominant framework
C. there are reticular fibers in the less amount
D. the capillary type is continuous one
E. developing blood cell residue inside framework
76. After several days of ulcer therapy, a 40 years old man begins on an oral fluid the gastric retention did not occur on his stomach. Which one at these layers is the origin of this organ?
A. Splanchic Mesoderm
B. Somatic Mesoderm
C. Lateral Mesoderm
D. Ectoderm
E. Endoderm
80. On a physical examination,a 37 year old man with a history of alcohol abuse has a distinct region of percussive thoracic dullness. Radiographic evaluation reveals lightening of a particular bronchopulmonary segment. On the basis of these findings, a diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia is rendered. The bronchopulmonary segment usually involved in this order is the
A. Left or right apical
B. Left or right superior
C. Left or right basal anterior
D. Upper lingular
E. Lower lingular
81. Main source of NH4 in urine
82. Which of the following cell are responsible for producing mucus…?
a.ciliated columnar cell
b.goblet cell
c.brush cell
d.basal cell
e.small granule cell
84. Which of the following structure is responsible for gas exchange?
A. Primary Bronchi
B. Bronchiole
C. Terminal Bronchiole
D. Respiratory Bronchiole
E. Secondary Bronchiole
86. Which of these following statements primary function of the pneumotaxic area?
89. Urutan kejadian yang terjadi saat ekspirasi
90. Given this event:
1. Thorax expands
2. PALV becomes subatmospheric
3. Air flows into the lungs
4. PIP becomes more subatmospheric
5. Diaphragm contract
A. 1,2,3,4,5
B. 1,2,4,3,5
C. 5,1,2,4,3
D. 5,1,4,2,3
E. 5,4,1,2,3
91. Whose law it is about air ventilation during inhalation and exhalation?
A. Boyle
B. Henry
C. Charles
E. Frank
For questions number 92-96
A. Boyle’s Law
B. Henry’s Law
C. Charles’s Law
E. Sadi Carnot’s Law
93. States that in a closed container each gas will exert the pressure that it would exert if it alone filled the container
95. Hukum yang menyaakan tekanan berkebalikan dengan volume
96. States that in a closed container the volume of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure
97. Normal respiration result from
A. decrease in intra pleural pressure
B. decrease in alveolar pressure
C. depression of thorax
D. relaxing of diaphragm
98. During the initial phase of respiration in a healthy subject at rest,
A. intra pulmonary pressure ↑
B. intra abdominal pressure ↓
C. intra pulmonary and intra abdominal pressure ↑
D. there is less muscular effect during the initial phase of respiration
E. the larynx is elevated
99. The residual volume for the lungs
A. is the volume of air that remains in the lungs after expiring the resting tidal volume
B. is the volume of volume air remaining in the lungs after expiring the resting tidal volume of air
C. is generally greater at age 75 than age 45
D. less than 0.5l in adult
E. increase in atelectasis
100. Which statement is incorrect?
A. Vital capacity = expiratory reserve volume + inspiratory reserve volume
B. Dead space = resting tidal volume + residual volume
C. Alveolar min ventilation = (respiratory rate) x (tidal volume – dead air space)
D. Vital capacity = Inspiratory reserve volume + resting tidal volume + expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
E. Inspiratory reserve volume = vital capacity + resting tidal volume
101. Anatomic dead space:
A. is same at functional residual capacity and at lung total capacity
B. represents approximately 5% of functional residual capacity
C. is always approximately one-half liter in volume
D. represents approximately 5% of total lung capacity
E. physiologic dead space diukur dengan cara yang berbeda, tetapi mempunyai “normal value”, baik pada keadaan yang normal maupun pathologic yang disetujui pada angka 10%
102. What might account for a decreased arteriole PO2 in a subject with a constant CO2 production and constant respiratory minute volume?
A. a decreased functional residual capacity
B. a decreased respiratory rate and tidal volume
C. an increased RR and a decreased tidal volume
D. a decreased RR and an increased tidal volume
E. an increased RR and tidal volume
102. The similarity between compact & spongy bone is…
A. the existence in diaphysis of long bone
B. the amount of the cells
C. the amount of the fibers
D. the concentration of inorganic component
E. the existence of Haversian system
103. The characteristic of osteocytes is…
A. they are differentiated from monocyte
B. they make connection to adjacent cell via desmosome
C. they have plasma processus
D. they secrete matrix
E. they have mitotic capacity
104. The basic respiratory rhythm is generated by
A. apneustic center
B. nucleus parabrachialis
C. dorsal medulla
D. pneumotaxic center
E. cerebrum
105. Which of the following lung volumes will change by greatest amount when a normal person moves from standing to a supine position?
A. Functional Residual Capacity
B. Residual Volume
C. Total Lung Capacity
D. Vital Capacity
E. Tidal Volume
106. A woman has a normal PA CO2. If tidal volume is increases to 75 ml, PA CO2 approximately
a. 15 mmHg
b. 20 mmHg
c. 25 mmHg
d. 30 mmHg
e. 35 mmHg
107. CO2 dalam darah dalam bentuk apa? (Bicarbonate)
108. Peripheral and central chemoreceptors may contribute to increase ventilation that occur as a result of
A. Decrease atrial content
B. Decrease blood pressure
C. Increase arterial contention
D. Decrease arterial contention
E. Increase atrial contention
109. A healthy subject responds to running at a moderate rate with increase ventilation caused by,
A. decreasing venous PO2
B. decreasing artery PO2
C. proprioceptive impulse from moving limb
D. increasing artery pH
E. increasing artery PO2
111. Cavity between teeth and cheeks
A. nasopharynx
B. oropharynx
C. laryngopharynx
D. pharyngeal tonsil
E. vestibule
113. The proximal part of pharynx?
114. Middle part of pharynx
115. Peritoneum between transverse colon and greater curvature
A. falciform ligament
B. round ligamrent
C. greater omentum
D. lesser omentum
E. mesentry
116. Peritoneum yang menghubungkan liver ke anterior abdominal wall?
A. falciform ligament
B. round ligament
C. lesser omentum
D. greater omentum
117. Which of the following organ is extraperitoneal
a. Jejunum
b. Stomach
c. Ascending colon
d. Lesser omentum
e. Transverse colon
118. What is the structure that attaches liver to the abdominal wall?
A. Greater omentum
B. Lesser omentum
C. Falciform ligament
D. Mesocolon
E. Mesentery
119. Which of the following statement concerning the stomach is TRUE?
A. it is dilated portion of the alimentary tract
B. has 2 opening
C. the greater curvature faces to the left side
D. has 3 layer of muscular wall
E. has left & right surfaces
121. Coordinate constriction and relaxation of muscularis which propels food/chime through GIT is called
a. Peristaltis
b. Diarrhea
c. Vomiting
d. Defecation
e. Absorption
123. In …plasma, the release is proceed by decreased the intracellular concentration of..?
B. B-hidroxibutirat
C. Glucosa 6 fosfat
D. Asetoasetat
E. glukosa
127. Main function of vasoactive inferior polypeptide (VIP)
A. causes constriction of gallbladder
B. stimulate production of pancreatic juice rich in digestive enzyme
C. stimulates secretion of ions and water by intestine and inhibits gastric acid secretion
D. stimulates secretion of gastric juice and promotes gastric emptying
E. begins breakdown of triglyceride in stomach
128. The stomach enteroendocrine cells that secrete gastrin is……….
A. chief cells
B. parietal cells
C. G cells
D. stellate reticuloendothelial cell
E. Paneth cell
129. Lympatic capillary yang digunkan untuk absorpsi kilomikron di small intestine
A. brush border
B. lacteal
C. rugae
D. vili
E. taenia coli
129. Where does Tm-limited reabsorption of Na+?
A. Bowman’s Capsule
B. Proximal Tubule
C. Descending Loop of Henle
D. Ascending Loop of Henle
E. Distal Tubule
131. Which of the following is true concerning the bile secretion is in response to meal
A. Entry of chime into the duodenum stimulate bile flow
B. Synthesis of hepatic bile salts is under hormonal control
C. The gallbladder normally stores enough bile salts for digestion during a meal
D. 50% of bile salts are reabsorb from the ileum
E. Vagal nerve activity is a major stimulus that contracts the gallbladder
132. Gastrin motility is accelerated by…
A. hiperosmolality of duodenal content
B. the production of protein digestion of duodenum
C. distention of duodenum
D. decreased secretion of colesitokinin
E. distention of rectum
133. Acid secretion in stomach is inhibited by
A. H+ histamine blocker
B. H+ histamine blocker
C. acetylcholine
D. Ca²+
E. stomach emptying
134. Pancreatic lipase in the intestine catalyzes the conversion of dietary triglyceride to what end product?
A. Pentose
B. Nucleotide base
C. Amino Acid
D. Glycerol
E. Sucrose
135. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. cholecystectomy usually cause jaundice
B. cholecystectomy increase the bile salt pool by more than 50%
C. cholecystectomy is followed by a progression constriction of bile duct
D. obstruction of common bile salt duct usually decrease the prothrombin
E. obstruction the common bile salt duct usually cause a clay color stool
136. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Cholecytokinin is release from duodenum in response to fat, egg yolk and meat
B. Cholecytokinin is carried in the blood to gallbladder where it inhibit the contraction of the bladder
C. Chewing food can reflexly stimulate parasympathetic neurons in the vagus to inhibit contraction of gallbladder
D. Hyperglycemia reflexly stimulate vagal parasympathetic neuron to increase bile secretion
E. Vagal stimulation cause the release of an agent, gastrin, which decrease bile secretion
137. Which of the following hormones are produced by duodenal cells and increase either the volume or the enzyme content of the exocrine secretion of the pancreas?
A. Secretin
B. Aldosteron
C. Gastrin
D. Cholecystokinin (Pancreozymatic)
E. Secretin and Cholecystokinin
138. The pH of duodenum is reduced to 4.0. There follow the secretion of a large volume of pancreatic juice with high concentration of bicarbonate and a low concentration of enzyme. In addition, gastric secretion is decreased and bile secretion is increased. Apparently, acidity in duodenum has produces these responses by changing the…
A. release of gastrin
B. release of pancreozymin
C. release of cholecytokinin
D. release of secretin
E. stimulation of adrenergic sympathetic neurons
139. Which of following statements is correct about defecation reflex?
A. is facilitated by food entering stomach
B. is eliminated by destruction of lumbar cord
C, involves relaxation of rectum
D. is eliminated the paralysis of skeletal muscle
E. Involve contraction of internal and external anal sphincter
140. Bile is produced and excreted by hepatocyte. Which of the following CORRECT about the transportation of bile?
A. Canaliculi is located in liver surface that face sinusoid
B. There is bile duct in portal triad
C. There are two of right and left hepatic duct leave the liver join with cystic duct
D. Bile flow in and out of the gallbladder through common hepatic duct
E. Bile released to duodenum is stimulated by gastrin
142. Peritoneum between the liver and anterior abdominal wall is………
A. Greater omentum
B. Falciform ligament
C. Round ligament
D. Lesser omentum
E. Mesentry
143. The following organ is extraperitoneal
a. Jejunum
b. Stomach
c. Duodenum
d. Liver
e. Transverse colon
145. Gallbladder fossa between 2 anatomical lobes
A. Quadrate and left lobe
B. Quadrate and caudate
C. Right lobe and quadrate
D. Caudate and right lobe
E. Quadrate and left lobe
148. HCl secreted by stomach gland follow this characteristic
A. Secreted by Chief cells
B. Reaction between H- and Cl- occurs intracellularly
C. Reaction between H- and Cl- needs CA
D. Secretion stimulated by sympathetic neurons
E. Gastrin reduce production of HCl
149. To expand smooth intestine absorption area, the smooth intestine is conducted by one of this structure
A. crypta liberkuhn
B. plica semilunaris
C. glandula brunneri
D. plica sirkularis kerkringi
E. columnar rectalis mogagni
150. Which is true about colon?
A. it consist of pars ampularis & pars analis
B. it has intestinal vili
C. it consist of rectalis coloumn mornagni
D. it consist of taenia coli
E. its layers can be serous or adventitia
151. The classic liver lobule
A. Structure based on function
B. There is bile duct in the center
C. The portal triad can be found in central region
D. The central region has most blood supply
E. It is bordered by layer of connective tissue
152. Which one of the following statements is CORRECT about liver?
A. Composed of compartmental hexagonal lobules which lined by blood vessel
B. The stroma is composed of hepatocytes which lie radially to portal triad
C. The sinusoid is continuous capillary
D. The sinusoid is lined by endothelial cells, Kupffer cell and cytoplasmic processes of Ito’s cell
E. The space of bisse contains all blood elements
153. The following is TRUE about bile solution in classic hepatic lobules?
154. Insulin secreted by pancreas is related to these following statements
A. it is secreted by α cell
B. the cell produced insulin is mainly located in the periphery
C. the cell produced insulin is found fewer compare to the other cells
D. it plays a role in glycogen anabolism
E. it increases in starvation
156. The filtration membrane in the kidney consists of:
A. mesangial cells
B. juxtaglomerular cels
C. macula densa
D. glomerular endothelial cells
E. parietal layer of glomerular capsule
157. Vasa recta surround
- Macula densa
- Glomerulus
- Proximal tubule
- Loop of Henle
- Collecting duct
157. Afferent arteriol of the nefron lead directly into the………
A Glomerulus
B efferent arteriol
C peritubular artery
D ureter
E tubulus proximal
161. This organ approximately 3.7 cm
A. female urethra
B. male urethra
C. fundus of the urinary bladder
D. ureter
E. urinary bladder
162. This organ transverse prostate
A. male urethra
B. female urethra
C. urinary bladder
D. fundus of urinary bladder
E. urethra
163. In male this organ related to the recto vesicle pouch and recto vesicle sputum, seminal vesicle and ductus deferent
A Female urethra
B male urethra
C fundus of urinary bladder
D ureter
E urethra
164. The contractile cells that help regulate glomerular filtration are:
A. principle cells
B. mesaglial cells
C. intercalated cells
D. pediacles
E. endothelium cells
165. The main hormone that increase loss of Na+ and Cl- and accompanied by water in urine is
A. Renin
B. Angiotensin 1
C. Angiotensin 2
D. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)
E. Aldosterone
166. Average filtration fraction
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
E. 50%
167. Vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole predominate during
A. at rest
B. low sympathetic stimulation
C. moderate parasympathetic stimulation
D. increase blood flow into glomerulus capillaries
E. hemorrhage
168. The main hormone that increase loss of Na+ and Cl- and accompanied by water urine is...
A. renin
B. angiotensin I
C. angiotensin II
D. atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
E. aldosteron
169. GBHP =40
BCOP =30
ChP +10
Jawaban c=0
170. What regulates glomerular filtration rate?
Answer: a. renal autoregulation, neural regulation, hormonal regulation
170. It is blood vessel. Its function is to give nutrient to blood vessel. Lie in the tunica adventitia. What is it?
Ans: Vasa vasorum
173. The glomerular filtration rate…
A. greater than 50% of plasma flow to glomeruli
B. falls approximately 25% of normal when the man arterial pressure changes from 100-25 mmHg
C. is decreased by a decreased in plasma colloid osmotic pressure
D. increase ipsilateral to ureteral obstruction
E. glomerular filtration rate is normally about 125 ml/min
174. Facultative water reabsorption in convoluted tubule
B. thyroid hormone
C. aldosterone
D. vasopressin
E. oxytocin
175. Angiotensin 2 affect renal physiology in:
A. Increasing of glomerular filtration
B. causing vasodilatation of afferent arteriole
176. Which of the following is correct with regards to glucose and amino acid?
A. reabsorption is the most marked in duct
B. transport is primary by active secretion into tubular fluid
C. transport from lumen to nephron depend on Na+ transport
D. transport is controlled by PTH
E. transport is blocked by aldosteron
178. Which of the substance that a major source of urea?
A. Dietary purine
B. dietary protein
C. Dietary pirimidin
D. dietary phospholipids
E. β-Hydroxy butyric acid
179. Injection the PAH decrease the excretion of penicillin in the urine .What wa its mechanism of action?
A. Compete with penicillin for a site of a carrier molecule in one of the reabsorption mechanism
B. prevent active reabsorption
C. decrease filtration
D. increase filtration
E. compete with penicillin for a site on a carrier molecule in one of secretion mechanism
181. Yang benar mengenai countercurrent flow
182. Ammonia which excreted by kidney mainly from
A. glycine
B. glutamine
C. leucine
D. arginine
E. tyrosine
183. Where does Tm-limited reabsorption of Na+ occur?
a. Bowman’s capsule
b. Proximal tubule
c. Descending loop of henle
d. Ascending loop of henle
e. Distal tubule
185. Where is the site of action of vasopressin?
a. Bowman’s capsule
b. PCT
c. Descending loop of Henle
d. Ascending loop of Henle
e. Distal tubule
186. Phlorphizin inactive carrier system for...
a. Thiosulfate
b. Arginin
c. Ornithin
d. Cystine
e. Glucose
186. Phlorizin inactivate the carrier system for
A. Arginin
B. thiosulfat
C. glysin
D. Glucose
187. The counter current mechanism establish in the interstitial fluid of renal medulla that enables production of concentrated urine when...
a. ADH is absent
b. ADH is present
c. Oxytocin is absent
d. Oxytocin is present
e. Aldosterone is absent
190. A reduction of dietary K+ intake would be expected to …………K+ transport in which segment of the nephron?
B. Descending Loop of Henle
C. Proximal Straight Tubule
D. Collecting Duct
E. Thick Ascending Loop of Henle
191. A substance that has renal clearance 20 times that of inulin is probably
a. Filtered by glomerulus
b. Secreted by tubule
c. Filtered n secreted
d. Synthesized by tubule n secreted
e. Filtered n reabsorbed
193. Most abundant cation in intracellular fluid
A. Na+
B. K+
C. Ca+
D. HPO3-
194. The primary means of regulating body water gain
A. volume of water intake
B. the rate of cellular respiration
C. formation of metabolic water
D. volume of metabolic water
E. metabolic use of water
195. Exhalation CO2 terhambat, PCO2 tinggi
(Respiratory acidosis)
198. Most common incontinence in young ♀ result from weakness of deep muscle pelvic floor known as………incontinence
A. stress
B. urge
C. overflow
D. continuous
E. functional
200. In respond to metabolic acidosis, the kidneys increase the excretion acid and most important component of this compensatory response
A. increase filtered loop of HCO3-
B. enhanced reabsorption of HCO3- from proximal tubule
C. increase synthesis of NH4+
D. reduced H+ secretion by the collecting tubule
E. reduced secretion of HCO3- by the collecting duct
Without number
- States of perfect gas
- Between liver and anterior wall of abdomen → falciform ligament
- Cerebrum divaskularisasi oleh…Prevertebral artery? Carotid artery?
- Which of these people least likely to develop iron deficiency?
A. 3 years old boy
B. 52 years old man
C. 17 years old girl
D. 24 years old woman
E. 32 years old woman
- Which of the following is not describe blood cells in a severe iron deficiency?
A. anemic
B. microcytic
C. pernicious
D. hipochromic
E. pale
- (Galant) Bagian dari paru-paru yang berfungsi untuk warming, filtration, and moist the air…
- The major intracellular cation is:
A. K+
B. Ca+
C. Mg2+
D. Na+
E. H+
- Regulation of gastric seceretion and motility
- Faktor yg menghambat kerja heparin...
- What cell that produce secretin?
A. parietal cells
B. paneth cells
C. S cells
Tambahan FBS 6
57. 1. Rounder lens
2. Cilliary muscle contraction
3. Convergent of eye ball
4. Focusing the image.
What will happen if you read a book after seeing a beautiful landscape?
63. Frekuensi tinggi dapat menggetarkan basal membran organ korti karena?
64. 1. Perilymph
2. Endolymph
3. Vestibular membrane
4. Basal membrane.
In order sound wave form until producing sound?
68. The lobe of primary visual area… (A. Occipital)
77. Why is sometimes help to inhale deeply and slowly through the nose when trying to identify an odor?
A. to save the odor require a long time
B. to larger the amount of air to be drawn
C. to identify the odor require enough time
D. to prevent large volume of odor to be inhale
E. inhale deeply and slowly provide adaptation required to identify the odor
78. Which of the following sites in olfactory pathways where such adaptation can occur?
Tambahan FBS 7
52. Large cell phagocytizes bacteria dead cell, cell fragment, debris, associated with chronic infection.
A. monocyte
B. lymphocyte
C. macrophage
D. megakaryocyte
E. neutrophil
61. Direction of blood flow is depend on
A. pressure difference between 2 places
B. total length of blood vessel
C. diameter of blood vessel
E. blood pH
63. Complete circulation cycle
A. ventilation, exchange, transport
68. … begin as cysterna chyle...
A. thoracic duct
69. Thoracic duct…
A. drain into above diaphragm
72. Yang benar tentang MALT?
A. it’s a lymph node
B. covered with capsul
C. produces IgA
D. produces IgE
76. The specific characteristic of spleen is as follow
A. lymphatic nodule can be found in the cortex
B. central vein can be found in the cortex
C. RBC can be found in the medulla
D. the structure of corpora amylacea in medulla
E. it surrounded by incomplete capsular connective tissue
78. In hospital emergency room, 23 year old man states that he inhaled a peanut an hour ago hasn’t been able to cough it up. Where is the most possible location of….
87. Enzim yang dihasilkan duodenal sel dan berfungsi meningkatkan sekresi pancreatic juice adalah
A. calcitonin C. sekretin
B. gastrin D. aldosteron
130. Chylomicron:
A. delivered directly to the liver
B. contain FFA
C. all FFA absorbed via CM
D. formed by liver
E. lipoprotein lipase acts on CM
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