39. Bovine insuline…
Answer: C. Disulfide bond
FBS 1 Halaman 71
40. Aldehyde and ketone are…
Answer: C. Rearrangement reaction
FBS 1 hlm 34 / 36
41. Which of the following…
Answer: C. Erithromycine
FBS 1 hlm 84
42. Which of the following antibiotic..
Answer: B. Chloramphenicol
Halaman 83
44. Found in eye’s diabetic person
Answer: dulcitol
50. Cell wall of…
Answer: c. glycosaminoglycan
51. Chondroitin Sulphate is..
Answer: C. Glycosaminoglycan
52. This compound is abundant…
Answer: E. glycogen
54. The compound that produce…
Answer: E. glycogen
56. A single layer of gram-negative..
Answer: glycogen
Jawaban mde fbs 1 nomer 39- 56
Jumat, 18 Januari 2008
Diposting oleh
Kamis, 17 Januari 2008
1. Which of the following statement is correct for transition mutation?
A. Occur when purine is substituted for pyrimidine or vise versa
B. Result from the insertion of one or two bases analogs into DNA chain
C. Deletion frequency in the presence of base analogs such as two amino acids
D. Result from the substitution of one purine for another or one pyrimidine for one another
E. Always miscence mutation
2. Which of the following is CORRECT about telomerase?
A. It adds up to the 5’ end of DNA strand
B. It recognizes the G-C rich of DNA strand
C. It is a transcriptase
D. It use RNA as a template
3. Discontinuous nature of DNA synthesis..
4. Which one is CORRECT about discontinuous nature of DNA synthesis?
A. Require DNA polymerase 3 dissociate from template when it reach single stranded region
B. Necessary only because synthesis is bidirectional from initiation point
C. Leads to formation
D. Synthesis occurs on second strand of DNA only after synthesis of first is complete
6. What is the process that uses both DNA strands as a template concurrently?
B. Excision repair
C. Mismatch repair
D. DNA repair
E. Replication
8. Recognition of ribosome by the eukaryotic mRNA to synthesize protein involves
A. Polymerase A at the mRNA
B. DNA Polymerase as a replication enzyme
C. The 3’ end of RNA
D. ‘Cap’ of the mRNA
E. eIF 2
9. Which of the following is correct about
a. double strands
b. covalent link between RNA and DNA
c. hybrid of RNA and DNA
d. arise from sugar phosphate backbone of parental DNA chain
e. removed by nuclease
11. Which of the following is correct about turnover of cellular RNA?
A. Rate of repair is more than degrade
12. Correct statement about termination of eukaryotic transcription
A. Random process
B. Require rho-factor
C. Doesn’t require rho-factor
D. Efficient if more A-T segment
E. Require ATP-ase
13. What is the CORRECT statement about sigma factor in prokaryote transcription?
A. It is a core enzyme
B. It binds with rifampicin
C. It’s inhibited by alfa-amanition
D. It’s needed for transcription to occur
E. It recognizes promoter region
14. Eukaryotic transcription
15. Which of the following is the factor required only for accurate initiation of transcription in prokaryotes
A. α
B. β
C. Transcription factor IId
D. Sigma
17. A comparison of prokaryote and eukaryote RNA reveals which one of the following?
C. Both prokaryote and eukaryote account 70% of the mRNA
21. In the termination of translation of mRNA into amino acid sequence of polypeptide in prokaryote, the stop codon is recognized by which of the following?
A. Specific uncharged tRNA
B. Specific aminoacyl-tRNA
C. Specific rRNA
D. Specific ribosomal unit
E. Specific protein
22. Formation of peptide bonds by ribosomal mRNA complex continue until
A. ribosome reaches T end of mRNA
B. tRNA with anticodon for UAA, UAG, UGA interact with amino side of ribosome
C. formylmethionic-transfer interact with amino side on ribosome
D. ribosome dissociate to large and small subunit
E. stop codon of mRNA is reached
23. What is the substance that blocks the peptidyl transferase in translation process?
C. Streptomycin
25. Which component of eukaryotic ribosome has no smaller or equal sized in prokaryotic ribosome
A. 40s
B. 28s rRNA
C. 60s ribosomal unit
D. 18s rRNA
E, 58s rRNA
26. Which of these protein enzyme in prokaryotes is used in the elongation in protein synthesis?
C. tRNA1 met
D. tRNA synthase
28. Termination of protein synthesis
A. Stop codon at P site
B. Nonribosomal protein factor bind to ribosome
C. Coincide degrade iron
E. Require energy
29. Which of the following statement is CORRECT during the elongation site of eukaryotic protein synthesis?
A. A new peptide bond is synthesized by peptidyltransferase site of the P site ribosomal subunit in a site requiring reaction
B. The incoming aminoacyl-tRNA binds to the P site
C. The peptide, still bounds to a tRNA molecule is translocate to a different site on the ribosome
D. Streptomycin can cause premature release of the incomplete peptide
E. Peptide bond formation occurs by the attack of the carboxyl group of the incoming aminoacyl-tRNA on the amino group of the growing peptide chain
30. Which of the following is required during eukaryotic protein synthesis?
B. lysosome
D. 20 different amino acid in amino-acyl tRNA
E. F met tRNA
32. Which of the following phases best describe an operon?
A. An unregulated gene system
B. A coordinately gene system
C. A gene that produces a monocistronic messenger RNA
D. The region of DNA to which a repressor bind causing inhibitor of initiation of transcription
E. A constitutively expressed gene system
33. Which of these statements describe enhancer?
36. What is the function of nucleosome?
37. Fungsi H1?
39. Eukaryotic chromosome are linear and contain specialized bond, telomere. Which of the following true for T-loop structure of telomere?
A. T-loop form lacriat structure
B. T-loop binds to specific protein SSB
C. T-loop is called D-loop
D. T-loop contain non coding region
E. T-loop same size as D-loop
40. Which of the following amino acid is abundant in histone protein?
A. Arginine and Asparagine
B. Leucine and Isoleucine
C. Aspartate and Glutamate
D. Arginine and Lysine
E. Histidine and Glutamine
42. A DNA strand of sequence 3’ GTCAAGGAT’ 5’ would be transcribed to form which of the follow?
44. What is the phase which has maximum activity of telomerase?
A. G1 phase
B. S phase
C. M phase
D. G2 phase
45. Put the right order concerning the tRNA maturation
1. Precursor tRNA
2. CCA addition
3. Splicing
A. 1,2,3
B. 1,3,2
C. 2,3,1
D. 2,1,3
E. 3,2,1
47. Which of the following process occur after eukaryotic mRNA bound to the ribosome?
A. Transport the mRNA to cytosol
B. Capping
C. Amino-acyl tRNA bind to mRNA molecule
D. Splicing
E. Polyadenylation
49. Which of the following about mutation in thalassemia?
A. Deletion in β-globin gene
B. Mutation in β-galactosidase gene
C. Mutation in insulin receptor gene
D. Mutation in glucose transporter gene
E. None of all above
50. Which of the sequences listed below best described the order in which the following enzymes participate in the replication of DNA bacteria?
1. DNA polymerase I (pol 1)
2. 5’-exonuclease
3. DNA polymerase II (pol 3)
4. DNA ligase
5. RNA polymerase (primase)
A. 5,3,1,2,4
B. 3,2,1,5,4
C. 5,3,4,2,1
D. 5,3,2,1,4
E. 3,2,5,1,4
53 Which of these molecules in DNA replication?
D. SSB protein
E. polyadenyl
54. Where is the genetic hereditary located?
51. Transition of GATTC..
60. In human meiosis, testis will produce...?
62. The certain region of chromosome that consists of very large, simple short random repeated DNA sequence transcribe in what region?
A. Telomere
B. Metacentric
C. Submetacentric
D. Acrocentric
E. Satellite
66. What is the cause of polyploidy?
A. Immature of separation during meiosis (non-disjunction)
B. The chromosome is 69
C. Cell containing multiple of diploid cell
76. Fertilization is a process of fusion of sperm and ovum. What occurs during capacitation?
A. Release of secretine enzyme
B. Removal of glycoprotein layer
C. Capacitation
D. Removal of acrosome enzyme
84. During gastrulation, the primitive streak is formed. Which part it is formed?
A. On the surface of epiblast
B. On the inner surface of epiblast
C. Between epiblast and hypoblast
D. On the hypoblast
E. Below the hypoblast
90. A patient have heart defect. What is the origin of heart?
E. Sinous venous which form bulbus cordis
93. CNS is the center for processing info in our body. Which of the following of the above system is formed by neural crest?
A. Forebrain
B. Midbrain
C. Mindbrain
D. Spinal nerve
E. Spinal cord
A. Ectoderm
B. Lateral Mesoderm
C. Intermediate Mesoderm
D. Splanchnic Mesoderm
E. Endoderm
96. Spermatogenesis occur at this organ
97. Gases exchange in body occur in this region
98. The process of information occur in this organ
99. The organ that produce oocyte
A. Head ectoderm
B. Otocyte
C. Ectoderm
D. Endoderm
E. Neural Endoderm
100. This organ is for smelling
102. This organ will develop retina
104. Which of the statements is TRUE about dizygotic twins?
A. Both have similar sex
B. Both zygote have one chorion for both
C. The individual members have resemblance
D. Two oocytes fuse with two sperm
E. The two share placenta for both
105. Which of the statemens is TRUE about monozygotic twins?
A. Both have similar sex
B. Both zygote have one chorion for both
C. The individual members have resemblance
D. Two oocytes fuse with two sperm
E. The two share placenta for both
106. Siamese twins are connected to each other by a special connection of the body which is
A. Skin
B. Kidney
C. Heart
D. Pulmonary
E. Stomach
108. A newborn baby congenital cataract. His mother suffers by German measles during pregnant. When mother infected caused by this problem?
A. 1-5 week
B. 6-10 week
C. 11-15 week
D. 16-20 week
E. 20-25 week
a. thalamus
b. hipothalamus
c. cerebellum
d. cerebral hemisphere
Diposting oleh
jawaban kompre twinning
1.a 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.a 8.c 9.c 10.c 12.b 13.b 14.c 16.a 17.c 18.d 19.e 20.a 22.d 23.c 24.d 28.a 29.d 30.b 31.d 32.c 33.c 34.e 37.d 38.e 39.d 40.a 45.b 46.d 53.a 57.a 58.b 59.b 60.c 61a 62c 65c 66d 67e 68c 71a 72b 73d 74c 81e 85c 86b 87a 88d 93d 94a 95d 97d 98d 99d 100a 101c 102d 103d 106c 107a 108d 111c 112b 117c 118b 124e 131d 135a
Diposting oleh
COMPREHENSIVE punya twinning
1.common test use for pregnanacy
2.most suitable statement for IVF
Answer: fertilization occur in tetube
3.a 38 years old women is alredy 5 years married. She go to aster clinic in hasan sadikin hospital to take part in assisted reproductive technology (ART) programmed
What is the best way to prepare her? give her information about her medical condition tell her about pregnanacy, on going and take home baby rate tell her about therapeutican diasnostic procedure she has to endure tell her all information she needed to change her apearence
e.not to give her copius hope
4.when the doctor in charge tell her that there is possibility to failure it is mean that he is trying to tell her
a.the limitation of medical capability (CURE)
b.he is beneficience
c.he is trying to prevent non maleficience prepare herself from emotional disapurintment
e.he is respecting her right aoyonomy
5.the patient is 38 years old women. Ths the success rate for the ART is low. So what is the best way to treat her?
a.cure first, care later first, cure later
c.cure and care simultaneously
d.cure and care simultaneously equally
e.cure and care ,care is the major
6.which is the bioethical issue in ART ?
a.informent consent
c.embryo transfer the end of the programmed every stage of ART
7.child in cianjur and banten are suffered from malnutrition. The children in cianjur have plump appearance with swollen abdomen cause dby accumulation in the cavity abdomen. The distention of the fluid in the abdominal cavity can press direct to what part of the abdominal wall?
a.parietal peritoneum
b.visceral peritoneum
c.transversal peritoneum
d.camper’s face
e.scarpa’s face
8.what is the mostly cause of plump appearace in cianjur children?
a.low carbohydrate level
b.low fat level
c.low protein level
d.low albumin level
e.low mineral level
9.cianjur children experience hypoalbinemia. What method used to separate albmin from protein blood?
b.polymerase chain reaction
d,flow cytometry
10.the substance can be measdured based on principal tah t concentration of substance is directly proportional of the amount of light absorbanced or inversely proportional to the logarithm of transmited light. The principal is
a.elecromagnetic law
b.enderson haselbarch law lambert law
d.icaplan law
e.thermodinamic law
11. protein build up from amino acid in example albumin. What bond between one of amino acid to answer amino acid?
Answer: peptide bind function of protein is control chemical reaction. The protein is called
d.trnasport protein
e.structure protein
13.if ana essential amino acis to make protein is unavailable, what must the cell do?
a.substitute the similar amino acid
b.break down the dietary protein to obtain it
c.syntesize amino acid from fat
d.detrmine another protein
e.syntesize the maino acid from gucose and nitrogen
14.which of the following is the important of protein reference
a.calculate % energy malnutrition
b. calculate assess protein-energy malnutrition
c.determine protein quality
d.estimate weight of protein in food
e.quantity energy in food
15.if children digest protein in stomach, HCl?
Answer: denatures protein and activate pepsin
16.pathophysiology of edema
Answer: increase hydrostatic preasure
17.high glicemic index means
a.high fat contain
b.high protein contain
c.easy absorb
d.high fiber contain
e.more solid form
18.banten children from marasmus. What is the possible cause?
a.mega dose intake of amino acid supplement
b.axcessive fluid intake cause edema
c.imbalance trace mineral intake
d,inadequate protein and energy intake
e.too much clogging thchildern are verye liver prolonged starvation, which of the following will be used to replace gucose for brain?
b.amino acid
c.fatty acid
e.keton bodies
20.about clark’s formula
21.childern are very emicated and prone to invection. They are given drugs (medication) as a treatment . appropriate drug dosage for the children
a.small dosage,more frequent,longer duration
b.high dosage,more frequent,short duration
c.small dosage,less frequent,longer duration
d.high dosage,less frequent,shorter duration
e.small dosage, more frequent,shorter duration
22.apart from famine, malnutrition can also be caused by parasite. Parasite that most possible for children caused by intestinal nematode
a.trichinella spiral
b.acylostoma duodenale
c.glyceris vermicularis
d.ascaris lubricoides
e.trichuris trichiura
23.accurate method for parasite (nematode) that can cause malnutrition
a.sucking the intestine blood
b.ingestion of lyses tissue and blood
c.feeding on intestinal content
d.ingestion of nourishment from body to fluid
e.penetration of blood vesscels and digestion of blood
24.who discover vitamin B1?
a.L. Pasteur
b.R. Koch
c.P. ehnlich
d.C. Eijkman
e.L.Otter many is the prevalence of famine in west jawa?
28.what is the enviorment factor?
a.bad sanitation
b.bad habit
c.poor people
d.crowded family
(29-40)Senior researcher was admitted to the hospital because of epigastric pain and vomit.
29.he vomit a large number of gastric contents. What cranial nerve form afferent limbs of vomit reflex?
a.CN V
d.CN X
30.statment most appropriate of development of stomach
a.orogin is mesoderm
b.forms by dilatation of fore gut
c.initial shape is oval
d.ventral part grows faster than dorsal part
e.rotate 45 degree
31.galactose is epimer of glucose. How many chiral carbon atom in its epimer?
32.most appropriate mechanism of antacid is incorporated to specific target
b.interact with enzyme
c.depens on non-spesific chemical reaction
d.bound to protei in stomach wall
33.ulcer and many other complains. Which factor decrease absorbtion of drug?
d.drug ineraction
e.upper left abdominal pain
34.patient regularly consume multivitamin and mineral. What is pharmaceutical characteristic of vitamin?
a.ethical drug
b.sold based on prescription dot
d.potential drug
e.without caution level
37.mineral best for antioxidant
38.which mineral enhance insulin activity
39.most potential in inalignancy
c.gastric ulcer
40.diarrhea increase osmolarity in intestinal lumen
a.water shift to intestinal lumen
b.amino acid > absorb
c.glucose > absorb
d.lipid > absorb
e.intestinal cell swollen
41 sth 2 do with strongyloides stercoralis CHOP
Cause of epigastric pain is
c. alcohol
45.appropriate anatomical position
a.upper limb by the sid with dorsal facing aneriorly
b.lower limbs together with feet directed anteriorly
c.head direct lateral
d.eye direct laterally
e.toes direct laterally
46.which of the following reflect that measurement of height and weight
a.fat fold measurement
b.waist to hp ratio
c.bioelectrical impedance
e.mid arm circumference
53.what is the best parameter to calculate the glucose level
a.blood glucose
b.urine glucose
c.glycated Hb
54.blood glucose = 126(90-110).term for this condition?
Answer: hypoglycemia of the test perform for Mr. Obelix for calculation blood glucose concentration. What will produce if the method is oxidase peroxidase?
a.gluconic acid
b.amino phenazone
58.what new method to detect diabetes mellitus?
b.gucose tolerance test
c.2pp blood glucose
d.random blood glucose
e.fasting blood glucose
59.Mr. Obelix having high calories food and pastries. What pharmacokinetics process influence by this food?
60.Mr. Obelix using obese drug. Which appropriate drug dosage for him?
a.adjustment dose
b.adjustment dose , less frequent
c.therapeutic dose
d.low dose
e.high dose
61.which drug will decrase the body weight?
62.differentiate between glucose and galactose etructure on position
a. chiral arbon
b.a carbon atmo
c.hydroxyl group
d.ketone group
e.aldehyde group
63.stage oocyte
65.what core structure of maino acid?
a.maine group,acid group and side chain in C after amino group
b.amine group,acid group and side chain in C after acid group
c.amine group,acid group and side chain in C
d.zwitter ion
e.amine and acid group
66.which important to support membrane and can move readily flip flop from one leaflet to adjacent one?
d.faty acid
67.determinant important in developing obesity among adult except?
a.high socioeconomic status
b.lack of exercise
c.low fat diet
d.low vegetable intake
e.low fruit fiber
68.programme conduct to cope this problem? planning
b.MCH promotion
d.regular intaegrated post
e.treatment facilities
71.main function of blood cells in thalassemia?
a.transport oxygen
b.produce antibody
c.stop excessive bleeding
d.prevent invection
72.thalassemia affect blood cells. Term of this production
73.examinaton that doctor needs to find out what type of tata’s anemia?
a.erythrocyte sedimentation rate ceel distribution rate
c.mean platelet volume cell indices
e.mean corpuscular volume
74.MCV = 58 fc, MCV =22 pg. MCHC = 27 g/dl
What type of tata’s anemia?
a.normrochome normocytic
b.hypochrome normochtic
c.hypochrome microcytic
d.normochrome macrocytic
e.hypochrome macrocytic
81.trnsmission of parasites can occur through blood transfusion
a.wucheria brancofti
b.toxoplasma gondii
c.brugia malayi
d.schistosoma japonicum
e.plasmodium falciparum
82.stool examination used saline wet mount, we can fount egg worn oval shaped with thin shelled egg and have 8 cell stage, clear space between cell and developing embrio. How its can cause anemia?
a.the nutrients
b.suck blood
c.suck blood and nutrient
d.absorb cobalamine
e.suck blood and absorb coblamane
85.suitable for chromosome analysis?
a.chromosome length divide into A,B,C,D,E,F,G
b. chromosome position is not important for classification
c.denver classification for standard classification
d.chromosome X equal to B group
e.normal chromosome number is 47
86.from genetic screening both parent are correct for beta-thalassemia with type IVS 5. Tata has mutation in beta globin chain with hohmzygote form of IVS 1 not 5. From which organelle we get material for DNA analysis
a.plasma membrane
d.endoplasmic reticulum
e.golgi body many percentage genetic factor influence health?
e.1% prevent genetic desease, we can conduct
a.mass treatment
c.personal lab exame
d.enforcment couple before married to examine health
population 120.000
pregnant mother 150
stillbirth 100
livebirth 1000
maternal death 4
fetal death between 28 week pregnancy & 1 week after delivery
neonatal death 10
infant death 40 natal moratlity rate (per 1000)
Maternal moratlity rate (per 1000)
91.innervation of sweat gland?
Answer: vagus
92.other NSAID which have at least anti-infalmatory but antipyretic?
Answer: paracetamol
93.which of the following is the effect of the drug that kill plasmodia?
94.anemia in malaria ais due to destruction of the membrane plasma of RBC, which of the following lipid is structural component of cell membrane?
95.body response to microbal infection by producing antibody.i.e.IgG, what is the group to this protein antibody?
96.which of the following microorganism is the cause of malaria
Answer: protozoa (plasmodium)
97.most of the lifa cycle of the causing agent in this disease (not sure, maybe malaria) is definitve host
b.all mosquito is the definitive host
c.culex is intermediate host
d.female anopheles is definitive host the life cycle of malaria’s causing agent, we can found some stage . what is the infective stage of this agent?
99.maria have fever, sweat and chills and 3 days abrupt of infection. What is the type of the transmission?
b.cyclico development
d.cyclico propagative
100.according to maria’s symptom, she is diagnosed as malignant tertian malaria. Which of the following is correct about causing agent?
a.causing agent always infect to young red cell cell infected only by 1 species causing agent
c.causing agent always infected the older red cell
d.transmission only by the insect bite
e.causing agent infect the young and older red cell
101.which is correct related to the ojective of eradication and control of arthropod vector
a.anhilate all dangerous insect
b.increase vector population
c.minimize contact between vector and man
d.eradicate the vector borne disease
e.eradicate all vectors
102.the life cycle of the following parasite pass through blood sirkulation. Which parasite, that mthod of microscopic diagnocsis can be made with thin blood smear with giemsa stain?
a.ancylostoma duodenale
b.wuchereria brancofti
c.srongiloides stercoralis
d.plasmodium sp
e.trichinela spiralis the inflammatory response, there are several process include
1.rolling phase
2.neutrophil with combining actin-intracellular attachmentprotein transmembrane integrin bind to selectin in endothelial cell
3.the complex of chemokin-chemokin receptor leads to the expression of endoCAM
4.chemokine is secreted by macrophage bind the chemokine receptor on the endothelial surface
5.lamellipodium is formed in diapedes
104.about reticular fiber.
105.malaria in Indonesia is hard to eradicate. What is other desease that is in similar condition?
a.bactery dysentery
d.amoeboic dysentery
e.acute hepatitis
106.further physical examination on malaria revealed liver and spleen slightly enlarge. Which explanation suitable to liver development?
a.outgrowth-midgut related to development of digestive track
c.formed initially as liver bud
d.origin – mesoderm layer
e.outgrow – dorsal part of duodenum
107.the animal somatic cell is proliferation my cell mitosis. In what phase in the chromatin condense into chromatin condense into chromosome?
108.explain the meiotic division…..
a.meiosis consist of 1 round step
b.meiosis is somatic cell division
c.mitosis consist of 2 round step
d.crossing over occurs during meiosis division
e.the result is 2 haploid daughter cells
111.scale for blood preasure is…..
112.the characteristic of patient ie.income per month
a.nominal scale
b.ordinal scale
c.interval scale
d.ratio scale
e.category scale know the effect to the outcome (recovered/not recovered) dependent variable is…..
b.patient’s diagnose
c.blod preasure
e.recovered/not recovered
117.chromosome gain material, called?
118.steps appropriate – development of ovum /oocyte?
a.primordial germ cells produced in ovary
b.primordial germ cells differentate into oogonia
c.oogonia will become primary follicle
d.graafian follicle become follicle
e.primary follicle become primary follicle
121.explain which appropriate for development of sperm?
a.maturation of sperm begins at puberty
b.spermatogenesis begins with formation of spermatids
c.2 types of spermatogonia – small and large
d.spermatogonia undergo mitosis to form 1 spermatocyte
e.sperm is diploid
124.what is appropriate statement for fertilization?
a.oocyte is ovulated tu uterine
b.occur in ampulary region
c.more than one sperm enter the oocyte
d.sperm penetrate zone pellucid
e.fusion of oocyte and sperm forming zone
128.cytoskeleton that can help in sperm motility??
Answer: microtubule
131.which metabolic change in cellular aging??
a.increase mitochondria oxidatoion
b.increase protein synthesis
c.increase cell receptor
d.decrease telomerase
e.oxidative peroxidative of erganells
135.epidural hematoma is due to rupture of middle menigeal artery which is branch from what artery?
d.pharyngica ascendant
136.fracture of 1/3 distal of right clavicle elevates medial fragment of fracture due to contain to condition of……..muscle
Diposting oleh
1. What is the aim of testis biopsy in male with azoosperma?
A. To sort cell
B. To culture cell
C. To evaluate cell cycle
D. To isolate cell
E. To evaluate cell division
2. Flow cytometry separate cells based on
A. Charge
B. Electrons of cell
C. Atom of cell
D. Fluorescence
E. Size
3. Temperature for preserve enzyme and other moleculesa. -25b. -4c. 0d. 25e. 37
6.Which microscope csn be used to cover the flaw of immunoflourescence?
A. Light microscope
B. Electron microscope
C. Scanning electron microscope
D. Fluorescence electron
E. Phase-contrast electron
8. Which of the following protein or plasma membrane of prokaryote cell allows protein to enter or leave the cell
A. Receptor
B. Transporter
C. Enzyme
D. Stimulator
E. Repressor
9. Which of the following is the type of plasma membrane surrounded E.coli a. cell wallb. plasma membranec.d. one surfacee. two surface
11. The extensive internal membrane surrounds specific region , separating it from the cytoplasm and located outside the nucleus of eukaryote cell. What it is?
A. Inclusion body
B. Plasma membrane
C. Cytoskeleton
D. Organelles
E. Microtubules
12. If refractive index increase, what will be better?
A. wavelength
B. angular
C. resolution
D. ocular lense
E. objective lense
13. Specific antibodies use to localize protein in microscopic analysis. What is the microscopic use?
A. Normanski microscope
B. Phase-contrast microscope
C. Confocal microscope
D. Fluorescent
E. Immunofluorescent
15. We want to measure the intracellular pH. What is the most appropriate microscope?
A. Confocal microscope
B. Fluorescence microscope
C. Normanski microscope
D. Immunofluorescence microscope
E. Phase contrast microscope
17. Which is a suitable explanation about electron microscope:
A. The principle is similar to light microscope
B. They use optical lenses
C. The limit of resolution is 0.10 nm
D. The specimen must be thin ( 100 nm)
E. The cell and tissues must be stain
18. To obtain the virus shape
A. light microscope
B. electron microscope
C. scanning electron
D. fluorescence electron
E. phase-contrast microscope
19. To visualize details on the surface of the cells?
Answer: Scanning electron microscope
20. To be use in school laboratory
Light microscope
21. To localize protein and organelle within cell with powerful technique
22. In which part of mitochondria Krebs Cycle occur?
Answer: matrix
23. Which explanation is suitable to the mitochondria structure?
A. mitochondria is enclosed by a membrane
B. the membrane is full of pores
C. the cristae are protrude into the matrix
D. matrix contains carbohydrate liquid
E. formation by budding of nucleus membrane
24. Which of the organelle consist catalyze enzyme?
A. Nucleus
B. Ribosome
C. Lysosome
D. Peroxisome
25. Which of these explanation → modification of protein in Golgi body?
A. protein in ER → trans Golgi
B. modified in cis to medial and trans Golgi
C. continuous secretion on awaiting stimulus for exocytosis
D. hormone is secreted from Golgi continuously
E. fibrous clathrin coated lysosome membrane
26. Function of nucleolus
Answer: synthesis of rRNA
27. It is surrounded by a bilayer of membrane
Answer: nucleus
28. Contain many kind of cell fibers
Answer: cytosol
29. It contains rough and smooth form
Answer: endoplasmic reticulum
30. Modification of secretory protein to hormone
A. Nucleus
B. Cytosol
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Lysosome
E. Golgi Apparatus
31. Modified protein is transported from cis to trans
Answer: Golgi Apparatus
32. In this organelle, high concentration of DNA is found
A. Nucleus
B. Cytosol
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Lysosome
E. Golgi Apparatus
33. Degradation old organelle to new organelle
A. nucleus
B. lysosome
C. ribosome
D. Golgi Apparatus
34. For each of the following, choose the appropriate organelles for modification of protein?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Ribosome
D. Nucleolus
35. What is the function of cytoskeleton?
A. All fibers involve in movement
B. Actin and several fibers involve in movement
C. Intermediate filament involve in cell motility
37. Which explanation is suitable to microfilament?
A. it grows by polymerization of tubulin subunits
B. microfilament is larger than microtubule
C. polymerization of G (Globular) actin will form F (Filament) actin
D. in cytosol, actin will form bundles
E. microfilament is found in the surface of the membrane
39. Which structure is formed by microfilament?
A. Mitotic spindle
B. Axoneme
C. Pseudopodium
D. Centriole
E. Cilia
40. Which explanation is suitable to the intermediate filament?
A. It has a role in motility
B. The subunit is a globular protein
C. IFs has an important protein
D. Principle is structural and reinforce
E. Forms triple helicase
41. Which of these fibers comprised intermediate filaments?
A. Ankryn
B. Filamin
C. Myosin
D. Keratin
E. Dystrophin
42. Which of these structures is formed by microtubule?
A. Flagella
B. Microvili
C. Pseudopodium
D. Muscle fibers
E. Myosin
43. Which is suitable for microtubule structure?
A. Polymer of globular actin subunit
B. Tubulin subunit consist of 2α monomer
C. Tubulin subunit are arranged in cylindrical tube
D. Microtubule diameter more than intermediate filament
E. Fibrofilament is a column built by 2α monomer
45. Which of these explanations is suitable with astral fibers
47. Which of the following molecule influence the fluidity of plasma membrane?
A. Glycoprotein
B. Cholesterol
C. Protein
D. Polysaccaride
E. Glycolipid
48. Which of the following factor increase fluidity of the membrane?
B. cholesterol
D. saturated fatty acyl chains
E. unsaturated fatty acyl chains
49. Which explanation is suitable for membrane protein?
A. only bound to the surface
B. they all have some function in all cells
C. peripheral protein also termed intrinsic
D. they influence the membrane fluidity
E. spectrin is the peripheral protein
50. Which of the following explanation is the most suitable to the glycocalyx?
A. It is found in the inner surface of the membrane
B. It only bounds to the protein
C. It is found in the inner and the outer of the membrane surface
D. It has no function
E. Its coat formed by oligosaccharides
52. Erythrocyte delivers O2 to the whole body. Which explanation is related to its membrane?
A. Spectrin is in outer surface of the membrane
B. Spectrin is an intrinsic protein
C. Carbohydrate is attached in the inner surface
D. The membrane is not flexible
E. It is important in studying its cell membrane
53. Which of the following belongs to the blood group antigen B on the surface of this cell?
A. 2 galactose, 1 glucose, 1 fucose, 1 N-acetylglucosamine
B. 2 galactose, 2 glucose, 1 fucose, 1 N-acetylglucoseamine
C. 3 galactose, 1 glucose, 1 fucose, 1 N-acetylglucoseamine
D. 3 galactose, 2 glucose, 1 fucose, 1 N-acetylglucoseamine
E. 3 galactose, 2 glucose, 1 N-acetylglucoseamine
54. Where is the location of tight junction
A. Apical surface
B. Basal surface
C. Lateral surface
D. Basolateral surface
E. Apicolateral surface
56. A movement that allow a molecule to move side by side
A. rotation
B. flexion
C. laterally
D. flip flop
E. place change
62. Which of the following statement is the condition during the upstroke of action potential?
A. There is a net outward current and cell interior become negative
B. There is a net outward current and cell interior become less negative
C. There is a net inward current and cell interior become more negative
D. There is a net inward current and cell interior become less negative
E. There are a net outward and inward current and cell become less negative
64. Common property of all phosphate molecules at membrane cell?
A. Hydrophilic
B. Water soluble
C. Amphiphatic
69. Which of the following statement is true about active transport?
A. It allows movement of polar molecules
B. It is mediates by specific membrane protein
C. Its movement is against electrochemical gradient
80. Lowest concentration
83. Fibrous collagen of basal lamina is tightly connected to certain protein and loose connective tissue? What are the certain protein?
A. Enzyme
B. Antigen
C. Antibody
D. Receptor
E. Ligand
84. The basal lamina porous filter of the part of kidney forms a special condition that allows ion, water, and small molecules in blood across into urinary system. What is the condition?
A. Glomerulus
B. Proximal tubule
C. Distal tubule
D. Calyx renalis
E. Pelvis renalis
87. The movement and rearrangement of matrix molecules on later stage of embryonic development occur in special growth condition?
A. organogenesis
B. histogenesis
C. oogenesis
D. spermatogenesis
E. morphogenesis
90. What is formed by collagen type I ?
A. reticulum
B. epithelium
C. reticulum and component of basal lamina
D. epithelium and component of basal lamina
E. component of basal lamina
91. How is the movement of fibroblast?
92. What is the first step of slow moving cell?
A. Protrusion of lamella
B. Protrusion of pseudopodia
C. Protrusion of cytoskeleton
D. Protrusion of cell membrane
E. Protrusion of leading lamella
93. Which of the following is the example of the slow moving cells?
A. Fibroblast and neuron extending during growth
B. Leukocyte and neuron extending during growth
C. Fibroblast and leukocyte extending during phagocyte
D. Amoeba and fibroblast extending during movement
E. Leukocyte and amoeba extending during movement
95. Fast moving movement amoeba, there is fluctuation of certain part between sol and gel
A. Membrane plasma
B. Cytoskeleton
C. Integral protein
D. Hydrophilic
E. Hydrophobic
96. In the amoeba, movement is initiated when the certain part of the cell formed pseudopodial extension. What is the most suitable certain part of the cell?
A. Hydrophilic layer
B. Hydrophobic layer
C. Plasma membrane
D. Cytoskeleton
E. Integral protein
97. A molecule can play role in every type of motility from cell migration to cell to cytosol transport. Which of the following is the most likely?
A. Myosin
B. Actin
C. Trypsin
D. Acrosin
E. Tubulin
98. If fibroblast moves, it extends ‘slender’ finger of membrane. What is it called?
A. Pseudopodium
B. Lamellipodia
C. Filopodia
D. Plaques
E. Substratum
99. Which of the following cytoskeleton become polymerization and depolymerization to create force for cell movement?
A. Myosin
B. Actin
C. Tubulin
D. Trypsin
E. Microfilament
100. Where are the location of chromosome in metaphase?
A. Centromere
B. Centrosome
C. Equator plane
D. At pole
E. Between bivalent and pole
101. Which of the following part of the cell decadence during telophase in mitosis?
A. Plasma membrane
B. Chromosome
C. Nuclear envelope
D. Centriole
E. Chromatine
102. Prophase and metaphase during mitosis consist of chromosome which composed of two chromatids. These chromatids are held together by
A. Centrosome
B. Centriole
C. Centronema
D. Chromatine
E. Centromere
105. What occur during cytokinesis?
A. Division of cytoplasma, cell separate into two daughter cells
B. Division of nucleoplasma, cell separate into two daughter cells
C. Division of nucleoplasma, cell separate into four daughter cells
D. Division of cytoplasma, cell separate into four daughter cells
E. Division of cytoplasma
106. In the second meiotic division, this centromeres divide as in mitosis. One sister chromatid of each type of the chromosome is apportion into?
A. Pentaploid daughter cell
B. Tetraploid daughter cell
C. Triploid daughter cell
D. Diploid daughter cell
E. Haploid daughter cell
108. The cyclin depend protein kinase mediated passage through the various of cell cycle which of the following the most likely phase
A. S-M
B. S-G0
C. G0-M
D. G0-G1
E. S-G1
147. Mikroskop yang digunakan untuk melihat bentuk virus?
..scanning mikroskop..
98. "Fingerlike" structure in fibroblast?..filophodia..
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jawaban soal fbs 3,4,5 lalala
FBS 3..
9. Which of the following is the type of plasma membrane surrounded E.coli a. cell wallb. plasma membranec.d. one surfacee. two surface
(e. two surface)
pembahasan: Gram-negative bacterial, such as the common intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), are surrounded by two surface membranes
sumber: slide "Cells are studied & Organization of The Cell" hal 30
3. Temperature for preserve enzyme and other moleculesa. -25b. -4c. 0d. 25e. 37
Pembahasan: Generally, the cell solution is kept at 0 C to best preserve enzymes and other constituents after their release from the stabilizing forces of the cell
sumber: slide "Cells are studied & Organization of The Cell" hal 17
1. Biopsy testis pada penderita azoospermia untuk apa?for isolating cell
152. mikroskop untuk menghitung intercellular pH?
(Flouresence microscope)
Pembahasan: Fluorescence microscopy can also measure the localconcentration of Ca2+ ions and the intracellular pH
sumber: slide "Cells are studied & Organization of The Cell" hal 6
98. "Fingerlike" structure in fibroblast?..filophodia..
147. Mikroskop yang digunakan untuk melihat bentuk virus?
(transmission electron mikroskop)
pembahasan: The transmission electron microscope is also used to obtain information about the shapes of purified viruses, fibers, enzymes, and other subcellular particles.
sumber: slide "Cells are studied & Organization of The Cell" hal 13
FBS 4..147. Telencephalon berkembang / berdiferensiasi jadi apa?a. thalamusb. hipothalamusc. cerebellumd. cerebral hemispheree.
(d. cerebral hemisphere)
pembahasan: the telenchepalon develops into the cerebral hemisphere
sumber: Tortora 11th hal.516
9. Which of the following is correct about Okazaki fragments?a. double strandsb. covalent link between RNA and DNAc. hybrid of RNA and DNAd. arise from sugar phosphate backbone of parental DNA chaine. removed by nuclease
51. Transition of GATTC..(a. GGTTC)
3. Discontinuous nature of DNA synthesis..
37. Fungsi H1?
Phosphorylation of histone H1 is associated with the condensation of chromosomes during the replication cycle
1. Jenis mutation? purin replaced with purin, and pirimidin replaced pirimidin..
98. Siamese twin, term for? bridge..
FBS 5..42. nerve tissue..
41. Neuromuscular junction temporary sequence?
45. Hyaluronic acid itu apa?(ground substance in connective tissue)
5. jaringan epitel yang bisa berubah bentuk berdasarkan volume? (transitional)
10. Cover innermost side of vagina? (e. stratified squamous nonkeratinized)a. simple squamous epitelb. simple cuboidalc. simple columnard. pseudostratified cilia columnar epitheliume. stratified squamous nonkeratinizedf. simple squamous keratinizedg. transitionalh. epithelial tissue
4. its lines blood vessel and body cavities..(a. simple squamous epitel)
14. ada di hibernating animal and human infant..(brown adipose tissue)
30. yang dipunyai oleh myosin? ..light head..
76. This vertebrae articulates with sacrum (lumbar)
26. Appearance of intercalated junction,desmosome,fascia adherens..
3. Basement membrane may include type IV collagen..
9. Secretory portions of glands has this epithelial type.(simple cuboidal epithelium)sumber: Tortora 11th hal.116
35. Apa yang akan terjadi apabila nerve fibers diwarnai OsO4 dibawah light mikroskop..
36. Sistem Haversian..
17. Found in ligamentum nuchae, ligamentum flavum of vertebrae column
70. What bone that has trochanter of its proximately..(femur)
80. cartilagenous joint between two body of vertebrae?(intervetebral disc)
136. penyusun vertebrae pada embryo?(hyaline cartilage)
152. Nerve untuk flexi pada elbow joint?(musculocutaneous nerve)
29. Sarcoplasmic reticulum adalah..
Diposting oleh
jawaban MDE FBS 1
113. D. soy, egg, milk
114. D. sticky black rice and green bean
115. A. rice
116. C. obesity
117. D. red meat
118. d. are soluble in either water or fat
124. D antioxidant
125. a
127. ?
129. d
132. c
133. e
134. b
135. a
Diposting oleh
pembahasan fbs 2 no 90-122
90. Why diarrhea person become easily dehydrated?
A. GI tract secretes two fold of blood volume
B. GI tract contains electrolyte
C. difficult to drink
D. mostly children
E. susceptible group for GI tract reaction
Answer : b
97. Enzyme inhibitors are molecular agent that interfere in catalysis, slowing or halting enzymatic reaction. What is competitive inhibition?
Answer : A. Inhibitor that compete with a substrate to bind to an active site
98. The inhibitor constant [k¡] can predict?
A. The strong inhibition of enzymatic inhibitors
B. Velocity of enzymatic reaction
Answer : b
99. The function of cofactor is
A. as primary catalytic center
B. as electron donor
C. bridging group to bind substrate
D. structure formation of enzyme
E. all of the above
Answer : e
100. Hydrolysis process
A. Couple B. Anabolic
C. Catabolic D. Glucogenesis
E. Endergonic
Answer : c
100. The sigmoid phenomena of enzyme is refer to
A. competitive inhibitor
B. uncompetitive inhibitor
C. noncompetitive inhibitor
D. allosteric site E. all enzyme
Answer : d
101. If Adenine of a double helical DNA consist of 10% of total base, what would be Cytosine?
A. 10% B. 20% C. 30%
D. 40% E. 50%
Answer : d.
Karena jumlah adenine dan timin pasti sama, berarti 20% DNA disusun dari adenine timin, sisanya, 80% untuk guanine dan cytosine, karena jumlah keduanya sama, berarti cytosine=guanine=40%
102. Enzyme activity is important in medical because
A. to predict prognosis
B. to monitor response of treatment
C. to understand pathogenesis of disease
D. to support diagnostic
E. all the above
Answer : e
103. Which of the following statements is closely associated with pepsin?
A. active at neutral PH
B. not active at low PH
C. active at high PH
D. an active form of pepsinogen
E. is a group functional enzyme in blood
Answer : d
104. Select the following statements that is closely associated with zymogen
A. An inactive form of enzyme
B. An active form of enzyme
C. Is not a group of enzyme
D. To catalyze blood clotting
E. Is not found in human
Answer : a
105. If an inhibitor does not alter the Km, the inhibition is probably
A. competitive inhibitor
B. noncompetitive inhibitor
C. uncompetitive inhibitor
D. not an inhibitor
E. none of the above
Answer : b
108. What do we call an enzyme active affected with a molecule bind to a certain site?
A. end product enzyme
B. coenzyme enzyme
C. isoenzyme
D. allosteric enzyme
E. feedback enzyme
Answer : d
116. Which of the following can acetyldehyde dehydration be classified as?
A. oxidoreductase B. isomerase
C. hydrolases D. ligase
E. lyases
Answer : e
121. Which of the following given condition in an enzymatic reaction may appear irreversible?
A. High temperature
B. Under equilibrium condition
C. If the product is thermodynamically far more stable than the reactant
D. If the product accumulate
E. At high enzyme concentration
Answer : ???
122. Function of VB/UB primarily
A. enzyme B. serotonin precursor
C. coenzyme D. antagonists
E. antioxidant
Nb : vb/ub itu apa ya???
Diposting oleh
123. Who needs vitamin C?
A. AlcoholicB. ElderlyC. InfantD. SmokerE. Adolescent
Jawaban : C
sebenernya semuanya butuh cuman yamg ngerokok sama butuh lbh banyak soalnya vit c antioksidan
124. Which of the following increase reaction rate ofnon-competitive inhibition?
A. High enzyme concentrationB. High co-enzyme concentrationC. High substrate concentrationD. High temperatureE. High pH
Jawaban : A. kalau non kompetitif inhibitor itu kan nempelnya bukan pada active site jadi mau ditambah substrat sebanyak apapun g bakal ngepek . nah kalau jumlah enzimnya kita tambah dengan inhibitornya yang tetap berarti reaksinya akan lebih cepet berlangsung
129. Term(s) for catabolic reaction is/are?A. Glycolysis, lipolysisB. Protein synthesis, lipolysisC. Lipogenesis, glycolysisD. Gluconeogenesis, protein synthesisE. Glyconeolysis, glycolysis
Jawaban : A.
kalau ada katabolisme kata kuncinya adalah lysis jadi cari aja yang dua2nya ada kata lysis
131. Which of the following enzymes will speciallyincreased after a myocardial infarction?A. GlucokinaseB. Creatinine phosphokinaseC. Glycogen phosphorylaseD. Pyruvate dehydrogenaseE. Lactate hydrogenase
Jawaban : C/E (Harper hal 57)
133. Which of the following describes a characteristicfeature of enzymes obeying Michealis-Mentenkinetics?
A. The enzyme velocity is half the maximal ratewhen 100% of enzyme molecules contain boundsubstrateB. The enzyme velocity is half the maximal ratewhen 50% of enzyme molecules contain bound substrateC. The enzyme velocity is in its maximal rate when50% of enzyme molecules contain bound substrateD. The enzyme velocity is in its maximal rate when all the substrate molecules in a solution are bound by the enzymesE. The enzyme velocity is independent to theconcentration of enzyme
Jawaban : A (asa pernah baca kalau g salah di lipincot tolong diliat lagi ya)
. What is the function of water in our body?A. substrate on metabolic reactionB. the source of energy metabolismC. solvent of tryglicerideD. carries waste productE. aid in regulation of abnormal
Jawaban : D/E
138. First sign of dehydration is thirsty. The other signof dehydration is
A. loss in body fatB. itchingC. weaknessD. coughE. common cold
Jawab : C
140. Why does diarrhea person easily becomedehydrated?
A. GIT juice secreted almost twice fold our blood volume per dayB. GIT juice contain electrolyteC. diarrhea patient difficult to drink waterD. majority of diarrhea patient are childrenE. children is susceptible group for GIT infection
149. Brain needs ___________________ as apredominate source of energyA. GlucoseB. Amino acidC. Fatty acidD. GlycerolE. Glutamin
Jawab : A
152. Which of the following reflect the catabolicreactionA. Glycogenolysis, glycolysisB. Protein synthesis, glycolysisC. Glycogenesis, lipolysisD. Lipogenesis, glycolysisE. Gluconeogenesis, lipolysis
Jawab : A
153. Skeletal muscle will use _____ as a predominantsource of energyA. glucoseB. fatty acidC. branch chain amino acidD. ketone bodiesE. glycerol158. The pathway from pyruvate to Acetyl CoAA. Produced lactic acidB. Is known as gluconeogenesisC. Is metabolically irreversibleD. Need more energy than its productE. Is occurring in nucleus1
Jawab : C
62. During metabolism, the energy released is capturedand transferred byA. enzymesB. pyruvateC. acetyl coAD. adenosine triphosphateE. respiratory chain reaction
Jawab : D
Diposting oleh
Jawaban MDE FBS 2 No. 1-5
4. What is the form of energy if an athlete starts to
A. chemical energy
B. kinetic energy
C. potential energy
D. radiant energy
E. thermal energy
Jawab : A
5. Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins are the main source
of energy in our body. What is the form of energy?
A. Chemical energy
B. Radiant energy
C. Potential energy
D. Kinetic energy
E. Thermal energy
Jawab : A
6. Microorganism needs a capsule in order to survive
outside of human body. What kind of system is this?
A. open system
B. closed system
C. isolated system
D. closed system with antibiaritic
E. isolated system with antibiaritic
Jawab : Maaf,, gak tau...
10. Metabolite or substance that produced from
metabolism activity via lung in form of
A. carbon dioxide
B. disulphur substance
C. urea
D. ethane
Jawab : A
12. The purpose of stored carbohydrate and fatty acid on
starvation is
A. To contract muscle
B. Maintain body temperature
C. To produce heat
D. To produce energy
E. To produce work
Diposting oleh
Jawaban MDE FBS 1 No. 1-15
1. The space in the inner membrane of mitochondria is called the matrix. What does it contain?
A. high hydrogen ion concentration
B. low hydrogen ion concentration
C. no ribosome
D. no DNA
E. no protein synthesis
Jawab : B
2. The true statement about 3D structure of protein:
A. The 3D structure is determined by sequence of
amino acid
B. The 3D structure has non-covalent bonds
C. The 3D structure only interact with hydrophobic
D. The 3D structure is not found in human
E. The 3D structure is only important in enzyme
Jawab : A. Di Slide lecture disebutkan the primary structure is the covalent ”backbone” of the polypeptide formed by the specific sequence. This sequence is code for by DNA and determines the final three dimensional from adopted by the protein in its native state.
3. Which statement is associated with three dimensional
A. primary structure
B. secondary structure
C. tertiary structure
D. primary.secondary,tertiary structure
E. not depending in structure of protein
Jawab : Gak tau... Maaf!!!
4. Which of the following statement is true about 3D protein structure if it is heated at high temperature?
A. amino acids will combined with other amino acid
B. protein will function at constant rate
C. will lost it function
D. not effect at all to the protein structure
Jawab : C. Protein terurai apabila dipanaskan.
5. The mitochondria have 2 membranes.The outer
membrane is permeable to small molecules and ions
while the inner membrane is impermeable to most
small molecules and ions,including hydrogen ion.The
inner mitochondria membrane serves the component of
the following
A. All glycolytic enzymes
B. Enzymes for citric acid cycle
C. Fatty acids B-oxidation pathway
D. Amino acid oxidation pathway
E. ATP synthase
Jawab : E.
6. What is the major element of the cell?
A. C, H, O, N
B. C, H, S, P
C. C, H, S, Na
D. S, P, Ca, Na
E. S, H, Na, C
Jawab : A
9. When base sequence of DNA segment likes above,how
many H-bonds these nucleotides segment will have?
A. 8
B. 16
C. 18
D. 20
E. 24
Jawab : C
12. Under physiological condition, secretion of protein maybe through which of the following?
A. Vesicle
B. Across lipid bilayer
C. Using protein membrane as transporter
D. To build complex with Ca++
E. Should bind enzyme molecules
Jawab : A
13. What is NOT the basic field in medical science?
A. Biology
B. Chemistry
C. Biochemistry
D. Nutrition
E. Statistics
Jawab : E
15. What kind of glucose in human body cell?
A. D-Glucose
B. L-Glucose
C. Both of them
D. None
E. Bind with ATP
* maaf,, gak sempet buat pembahasan...
Diposting oleh
Selasa, 15 Januari 2008
FBS 3..
9. Which of the following is the type of plasma membrane surrounded E.coli
a. cell wall
b. plasma membrane
d. one surface
e. two surface
3. Temperature for preserve enzyme and other molecules
a. -25
b. -4
c. 0
d. 25
e. 37
1. Biopsy testis pada penderita azoospermia untuk apa?
for isolating cell
152. mikroskop untuk menghitung intercellular pH?
98. "Fingerlike" structure in fibroblast?
147. Mikroskop yang digunakan untuk melihat bentuk virus?
..scanning mikroskop..
FBS 4..
147. Telencephalon berkembang / berdiferensiasi jadi apa?
a. thalamus
b. hipothalamus
c. cerebellum
d. cerebral hemisphere
9. Which of the following is correct about Okazaki fragments?
a. double strands
b. covalent link between RNA and DNA
c. hybrid of RNA and DNA
d. arise from sugar phosphate backbone of parental DNA chain
e. removed by nuclease
51. Transition of GATTC..
3. Discontinuous nature of DNA synthesis..
37. Fungsi H1?
1. Jenis mutation? purin replaced with purin, and pirimidin replaced pirimidin..
98. Siamese twin, term for? bridge..
FBS 5..
42. nerve tissue..
41. Neuromuscular junction temporary sequence?
45. Hyaluronic acid itu apa?
..ground substance in connective tissue..
5. jaringan epitel yang bisa berubah bentuk berdasarkan volume? ..transisional..
10. Cover innermost side of vagina?
a. simple squamous epitel
b. simple cuboidal
c. simple columnar
d. pseudostratified cilia columnar epithelium
e. stratified squamous nonkeratinized
f. simple squamous keratinized
g. transitional
h. epithelial tissue
4. its lines blood vessel and blood cavities..
14. ada di hibernating animal and human infant..
30. yang dipunyai oleh myosin? ..light head..
76. This vertebrae articulates with sacrum..
26. Appearance of intercaated disk..
(gap junction,desmosome,fascia adherens)
3. Basement membrane may include type IV collagen..
9. Secretory portins of glands has this epithelial type.
35. Apa yang akan terjadi apabila nerve fibers diwarnai OsO4 dibawah light mikroskop..
36. Sistem Haversian..
17. Fuond in ligamentum nuchae, ligamentum flavum of vertebrae column
70. What bone that has trochanter of its proximately..
80. cartilagenous joint between two body of vertebrae?
..intervetebral disc..
136. penyusun vertebrae pada embryo?
..mesenkim connective tissue..
152. Nerve untuk flexi pada elbow joint?
29. Sarcoplasmic reticulum adalah..
Diposting oleh
Tambahan Soal MDE FBS 1 & 2
1. Apa fungsi dari protein ketika terjadi kelaparan?
a. as antibody
b. as resource of energy
2. Fungsi dari Vitamin C adalah...
c. untuk pembentukan collagen
3. Non reducing sugar ?
1. …. + …. …. ∆G = + 395, 56
…. + …. …. ∆G = + ….
Ditannyakan, …. + …. …. ∆G = ….?
a. -0,16
b. +0,16
2. ∆G negative means….
a. exergonic, spontan
b. endergonic, spontan
c. endergonic, nonspontan
d. exergonic, nonspontan
e. exothermic
3. Which are of the substance is likely to be present at abnormally high levels at patient’s red blood cells who suffers from pyruvat kinase deficiency?
a. lactic acid
b. alanin
c. acetyl coA
d. pyruvate
e. phospoenolpyruvate
4. The inhibitor constanta (Ki) can predict:
a. the strong inhibition of enzymatic inhibitor
b. the concentration of substrate
c. the concentration of product
d. the velocity of enzymatic reaction
e. the concentration of inhibitor
5. Disebut apa senyawa yang mengikat sisi selain dari sisi aktif enzim, sehingga bentuk dari sisi aktif enzim berubah?
a. allosterik enzim
b. allosterik inhibitor
c. enzim competitive
6. Increaasing concentration substrate when less substrate than enzyme mostly induced in which of the following:
a. the rate increases
b. the rate decreases
c. first rate increases, then decreases
d. first rate decreases, then increases
e. no effect on the enzyme rate
7. enzim yang meningkat jumlahnya pada penderita liver disease adalah...
a. lipoprotein lipase
b. creatine phospate kinase
c. aspartate amino transferase
d. posfatase acid
e. lactate hidrolase
NB: maaf ya, kalo kalimatnya banyak yang ga lengkap, soalnya yang punya soal ga hafal semuanya. walaupun dikit smoga bisa membantu belajar.... (nomornya bukan berdasarkan NPM)
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