1. What is the aim of testis biopsy in male with azoosperma?
A. To sort cell
B. To culture cell
C. To evaluate cell cycle
D. To isolate cell
E. To evaluate cell division
2. Flow cytometry separate cells based on
A. Charge
B. Electrons of cell
C. Atom of cell
D. Fluorescence
E. Size
3. Temperature for preserve enzyme and other moleculesa. -25b. -4c. 0d. 25e. 37
6.Which microscope csn be used to cover the flaw of immunoflourescence?
A. Light microscope
B. Electron microscope
C. Scanning electron microscope
D. Fluorescence electron
E. Phase-contrast electron
8. Which of the following protein or plasma membrane of prokaryote cell allows protein to enter or leave the cell
A. Receptor
B. Transporter
C. Enzyme
D. Stimulator
E. Repressor
9. Which of the following is the type of plasma membrane surrounded E.coli a. cell wallb. plasma membranec.d. one surfacee. two surface
11. The extensive internal membrane surrounds specific region , separating it from the cytoplasm and located outside the nucleus of eukaryote cell. What it is?
A. Inclusion body
B. Plasma membrane
C. Cytoskeleton
D. Organelles
E. Microtubules
12. If refractive index increase, what will be better?
A. wavelength
B. angular
C. resolution
D. ocular lense
E. objective lense
13. Specific antibodies use to localize protein in microscopic analysis. What is the microscopic use?
A. Normanski microscope
B. Phase-contrast microscope
C. Confocal microscope
D. Fluorescent
E. Immunofluorescent
15. We want to measure the intracellular pH. What is the most appropriate microscope?
A. Confocal microscope
B. Fluorescence microscope
C. Normanski microscope
D. Immunofluorescence microscope
E. Phase contrast microscope
17. Which is a suitable explanation about electron microscope:
A. The principle is similar to light microscope
B. They use optical lenses
C. The limit of resolution is 0.10 nm
D. The specimen must be thin ( 100 nm)
E. The cell and tissues must be stain
18. To obtain the virus shape
A. light microscope
B. electron microscope
C. scanning electron
D. fluorescence electron
E. phase-contrast microscope
19. To visualize details on the surface of the cells?
Answer: Scanning electron microscope
20. To be use in school laboratory
Light microscope
21. To localize protein and organelle within cell with powerful technique
22. In which part of mitochondria Krebs Cycle occur?
Answer: matrix
23. Which explanation is suitable to the mitochondria structure?
A. mitochondria is enclosed by a membrane
B. the membrane is full of pores
C. the cristae are protrude into the matrix
D. matrix contains carbohydrate liquid
E. formation by budding of nucleus membrane
24. Which of the organelle consist catalyze enzyme?
A. Nucleus
B. Ribosome
C. Lysosome
D. Peroxisome
25. Which of these explanation → modification of protein in Golgi body?
A. protein in ER → trans Golgi
B. modified in cis to medial and trans Golgi
C. continuous secretion on awaiting stimulus for exocytosis
D. hormone is secreted from Golgi continuously
E. fibrous clathrin coated lysosome membrane
26. Function of nucleolus
Answer: synthesis of rRNA
27. It is surrounded by a bilayer of membrane
Answer: nucleus
28. Contain many kind of cell fibers
Answer: cytosol
29. It contains rough and smooth form
Answer: endoplasmic reticulum
30. Modification of secretory protein to hormone
A. Nucleus
B. Cytosol
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Lysosome
E. Golgi Apparatus
31. Modified protein is transported from cis to trans
Answer: Golgi Apparatus
32. In this organelle, high concentration of DNA is found
A. Nucleus
B. Cytosol
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Lysosome
E. Golgi Apparatus
33. Degradation old organelle to new organelle
A. nucleus
B. lysosome
C. ribosome
D. Golgi Apparatus
34. For each of the following, choose the appropriate organelles for modification of protein?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Ribosome
D. Nucleolus
35. What is the function of cytoskeleton?
A. All fibers involve in movement
B. Actin and several fibers involve in movement
C. Intermediate filament involve in cell motility
37. Which explanation is suitable to microfilament?
A. it grows by polymerization of tubulin subunits
B. microfilament is larger than microtubule
C. polymerization of G (Globular) actin will form F (Filament) actin
D. in cytosol, actin will form bundles
E. microfilament is found in the surface of the membrane
39. Which structure is formed by microfilament?
A. Mitotic spindle
B. Axoneme
C. Pseudopodium
D. Centriole
E. Cilia
40. Which explanation is suitable to the intermediate filament?
A. It has a role in motility
B. The subunit is a globular protein
C. IFs has an important protein
D. Principle is structural and reinforce
E. Forms triple helicase
41. Which of these fibers comprised intermediate filaments?
A. Ankryn
B. Filamin
C. Myosin
D. Keratin
E. Dystrophin
42. Which of these structures is formed by microtubule?
A. Flagella
B. Microvili
C. Pseudopodium
D. Muscle fibers
E. Myosin
43. Which is suitable for microtubule structure?
A. Polymer of globular actin subunit
B. Tubulin subunit consist of 2α monomer
C. Tubulin subunit are arranged in cylindrical tube
D. Microtubule diameter more than intermediate filament
E. Fibrofilament is a column built by 2α monomer
45. Which of these explanations is suitable with astral fibers
47. Which of the following molecule influence the fluidity of plasma membrane?
A. Glycoprotein
B. Cholesterol
C. Protein
D. Polysaccaride
E. Glycolipid
48. Which of the following factor increase fluidity of the membrane?
B. cholesterol
D. saturated fatty acyl chains
E. unsaturated fatty acyl chains
49. Which explanation is suitable for membrane protein?
A. only bound to the surface
B. they all have some function in all cells
C. peripheral protein also termed intrinsic
D. they influence the membrane fluidity
E. spectrin is the peripheral protein
50. Which of the following explanation is the most suitable to the glycocalyx?
A. It is found in the inner surface of the membrane
B. It only bounds to the protein
C. It is found in the inner and the outer of the membrane surface
D. It has no function
E. Its coat formed by oligosaccharides
52. Erythrocyte delivers O2 to the whole body. Which explanation is related to its membrane?
A. Spectrin is in outer surface of the membrane
B. Spectrin is an intrinsic protein
C. Carbohydrate is attached in the inner surface
D. The membrane is not flexible
E. It is important in studying its cell membrane
53. Which of the following belongs to the blood group antigen B on the surface of this cell?
A. 2 galactose, 1 glucose, 1 fucose, 1 N-acetylglucosamine
B. 2 galactose, 2 glucose, 1 fucose, 1 N-acetylglucoseamine
C. 3 galactose, 1 glucose, 1 fucose, 1 N-acetylglucoseamine
D. 3 galactose, 2 glucose, 1 fucose, 1 N-acetylglucoseamine
E. 3 galactose, 2 glucose, 1 N-acetylglucoseamine
54. Where is the location of tight junction
A. Apical surface
B. Basal surface
C. Lateral surface
D. Basolateral surface
E. Apicolateral surface
56. A movement that allow a molecule to move side by side
A. rotation
B. flexion
C. laterally
D. flip flop
E. place change
62. Which of the following statement is the condition during the upstroke of action potential?
A. There is a net outward current and cell interior become negative
B. There is a net outward current and cell interior become less negative
C. There is a net inward current and cell interior become more negative
D. There is a net inward current and cell interior become less negative
E. There are a net outward and inward current and cell become less negative
64. Common property of all phosphate molecules at membrane cell?
A. Hydrophilic
B. Water soluble
C. Amphiphatic
69. Which of the following statement is true about active transport?
A. It allows movement of polar molecules
B. It is mediates by specific membrane protein
C. Its movement is against electrochemical gradient
80. Lowest concentration
83. Fibrous collagen of basal lamina is tightly connected to certain protein and loose connective tissue? What are the certain protein?
A. Enzyme
B. Antigen
C. Antibody
D. Receptor
E. Ligand
84. The basal lamina porous filter of the part of kidney forms a special condition that allows ion, water, and small molecules in blood across into urinary system. What is the condition?
A. Glomerulus
B. Proximal tubule
C. Distal tubule
D. Calyx renalis
E. Pelvis renalis
87. The movement and rearrangement of matrix molecules on later stage of embryonic development occur in special growth condition?
A. organogenesis
B. histogenesis
C. oogenesis
D. spermatogenesis
E. morphogenesis
90. What is formed by collagen type I ?
A. reticulum
B. epithelium
C. reticulum and component of basal lamina
D. epithelium and component of basal lamina
E. component of basal lamina
91. How is the movement of fibroblast?
92. What is the first step of slow moving cell?
A. Protrusion of lamella
B. Protrusion of pseudopodia
C. Protrusion of cytoskeleton
D. Protrusion of cell membrane
E. Protrusion of leading lamella
93. Which of the following is the example of the slow moving cells?
A. Fibroblast and neuron extending during growth
B. Leukocyte and neuron extending during growth
C. Fibroblast and leukocyte extending during phagocyte
D. Amoeba and fibroblast extending during movement
E. Leukocyte and amoeba extending during movement
95. Fast moving movement amoeba, there is fluctuation of certain part between sol and gel
A. Membrane plasma
B. Cytoskeleton
C. Integral protein
D. Hydrophilic
E. Hydrophobic
96. In the amoeba, movement is initiated when the certain part of the cell formed pseudopodial extension. What is the most suitable certain part of the cell?
A. Hydrophilic layer
B. Hydrophobic layer
C. Plasma membrane
D. Cytoskeleton
E. Integral protein
97. A molecule can play role in every type of motility from cell migration to cell to cytosol transport. Which of the following is the most likely?
A. Myosin
B. Actin
C. Trypsin
D. Acrosin
E. Tubulin
98. If fibroblast moves, it extends ‘slender’ finger of membrane. What is it called?
A. Pseudopodium
B. Lamellipodia
C. Filopodia
D. Plaques
E. Substratum
99. Which of the following cytoskeleton become polymerization and depolymerization to create force for cell movement?
A. Myosin
B. Actin
C. Tubulin
D. Trypsin
E. Microfilament
100. Where are the location of chromosome in metaphase?
A. Centromere
B. Centrosome
C. Equator plane
D. At pole
E. Between bivalent and pole
101. Which of the following part of the cell decadence during telophase in mitosis?
A. Plasma membrane
B. Chromosome
C. Nuclear envelope
D. Centriole
E. Chromatine
102. Prophase and metaphase during mitosis consist of chromosome which composed of two chromatids. These chromatids are held together by
A. Centrosome
B. Centriole
C. Centronema
D. Chromatine
E. Centromere
105. What occur during cytokinesis?
A. Division of cytoplasma, cell separate into two daughter cells
B. Division of nucleoplasma, cell separate into two daughter cells
C. Division of nucleoplasma, cell separate into four daughter cells
D. Division of cytoplasma, cell separate into four daughter cells
E. Division of cytoplasma
106. In the second meiotic division, this centromeres divide as in mitosis. One sister chromatid of each type of the chromosome is apportion into?
A. Pentaploid daughter cell
B. Tetraploid daughter cell
C. Triploid daughter cell
D. Diploid daughter cell
E. Haploid daughter cell
108. The cyclin depend protein kinase mediated passage through the various of cell cycle which of the following the most likely phase
A. S-M
B. S-G0
C. G0-M
D. G0-G1
E. S-G1
147. Mikroskop yang digunakan untuk melihat bentuk virus?
..scanning mikroskop..
98. "Fingerlike" structure in fibroblast?..filophodia..
Kamis, 17 Januari 2008
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