FBS 3..
9. Which of the following is the type of plasma membrane surrounded E.coli
a. cell wall
b. plasma membrane
d. one surface
e. two surface
3. Temperature for preserve enzyme and other molecules
a. -25
b. -4
c. 0
d. 25
e. 37
1. Biopsy testis pada penderita azoospermia untuk apa?
for isolating cell
152. mikroskop untuk menghitung intercellular pH?
98. "Fingerlike" structure in fibroblast?
147. Mikroskop yang digunakan untuk melihat bentuk virus?
..scanning mikroskop..
FBS 4..
147. Telencephalon berkembang / berdiferensiasi jadi apa?
a. thalamus
b. hipothalamus
c. cerebellum
d. cerebral hemisphere
9. Which of the following is correct about Okazaki fragments?
a. double strands
b. covalent link between RNA and DNA
c. hybrid of RNA and DNA
d. arise from sugar phosphate backbone of parental DNA chain
e. removed by nuclease
51. Transition of GATTC..
3. Discontinuous nature of DNA synthesis..
37. Fungsi H1?
1. Jenis mutation? purin replaced with purin, and pirimidin replaced pirimidin..
98. Siamese twin, term for? bridge..
FBS 5..
42. nerve tissue..
41. Neuromuscular junction temporary sequence?
45. Hyaluronic acid itu apa?
..ground substance in connective tissue..
5. jaringan epitel yang bisa berubah bentuk berdasarkan volume? ..transisional..
10. Cover innermost side of vagina?
a. simple squamous epitel
b. simple cuboidal
c. simple columnar
d. pseudostratified cilia columnar epithelium
e. stratified squamous nonkeratinized
f. simple squamous keratinized
g. transitional
h. epithelial tissue
4. its lines blood vessel and blood cavities..
14. ada di hibernating animal and human infant..
30. yang dipunyai oleh myosin? ..light head..
76. This vertebrae articulates with sacrum..
26. Appearance of intercaated disk..
(gap junction,desmosome,fascia adherens)
3. Basement membrane may include type IV collagen..
9. Secretory portins of glands has this epithelial type.
35. Apa yang akan terjadi apabila nerve fibers diwarnai OsO4 dibawah light mikroskop..
36. Sistem Haversian..
17. Fuond in ligamentum nuchae, ligamentum flavum of vertebrae column
70. What bone that has trochanter of its proximately..
80. cartilagenous joint between two body of vertebrae?
..intervetebral disc..
136. penyusun vertebrae pada embryo?
..mesenkim connective tissue..
152. Nerve untuk flexi pada elbow joint?
29. Sarcoplasmic reticulum adalah..
Selasa, 15 Januari 2008
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