4. What is the form of energy if an athlete starts to
A. chemical energy
B. kinetic energy
C. potential energy
D. radiant energy
E. thermal energy
5. Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins are the main source
of energy in our body. What is the form of energy?
A. Chemical energy
B. Radiant energy
C. Potential energy
D. Kinetic energy
E. Thermal energy
6. Microorganism needs a capsule in order to survive
outside of human body. What kind of system is this?
A. open system
B. closed system
C. isolated system
D. closed system with antibiaritic
E. isolated system with antibiaritic
10. Metabolite or substance that produced from
metabolism activity via lung in form of
A. carbon dioxide
B. disulphur substance
C. urea
D. ethane
12. The purpose of stored carbohydrate and fatty acid on
starvation is
A. To contract muscle
B. Maintain body temperature
C. To produce heat
D. To produce energy
E. To produce work
16. I₂ → monoiodo (Ti) →
A. Oxidation or reduction process of iodine
19. Nuclear energy is used for cancer therapy,i.e gamma
rays. Which of the following determining its activity?
A. Rate of reaction
B. Temperature of reaction
C. Mechanism of reaction
D. Order of reaction
E. Half-life of reaction
20. Biosynthesis of carbohydrate has 5 steps
Acetyl coA HMG coA
HMG coA meralonate
Meralonate isotope IPP and carbon
IPP squalence
Squalence carbohydrate
What are these reactions called?
A. redox reaction
B. elementary reaction
C. half life reaction
D. reaction mechanism
E. order of reaction
21. Which of the following factor is influenced by the
activity of enzyme?
A. half life reaction
B. mechanism of reaction
C. order of reaction
D. temperature of reaction
E. rate of reaction
24. Which kinetic reaction is used to determine the
expiry date of the drug?
Elementary reaction
Bimolecular reaction
Slowest reaction
Fast reaction
Fastest reaction
25. What happen to the reaction rate if temperature is
higher than needed for enzyme activity?
A. increase
B. decrease
C. constant
D. stopped
E. equilibrium
27. As an bacteriacide. What is iodine?
A. Oxidant
B. Reductant
C. Oxidation
D. Reduction
E. Antioxidant
28. Which of the following produce free radical in
metabolic reaction?
A. ascorbic acid
B. a-tocaphenol
C. carbon tetrachloride
D. carotenoid
E. flavonoid
32. What are the following factors to predict that redox
reaction can be spontaneous?
A. Delta G and delta S
B. Delta G and delta H
C. Delta H and standard delta H
D. Delta S and standard delta E
E. Delta G and standard delta E
37. In eukaryotic cell, electron transport and oxidative
phosphorylation are localized in mitochondria, which
are also the sites of citric acid cycle and fatty
acid oxidation. Which of the following reaction is
A. Pyruvate to lactate
C. Fe+++ to Fe++
D. FAD + 2H+ + 2e- FADH₂
E. Ethanol to acetaldehyde
39. The process of electron transport and oxidative
phosphorylation are membrane-associated. In such
system, the conversion of energy is from
D. Cytochrome C to coenzyme Q
E. O₂ to NADH
40. What is Coenzyme Q?
A. Is called cytochrome
B. More –ve NADH
C. More –ve Cytochrome C
D. As Complex I
E. Not containing Fe-S complex
41. Complex I accept electron from NADH, serving as link
between TCA cycle and the ETC. This complex can be
failure by inhibitors
A. hydroquinine
B. cyanide
C. carbon monoxide
D. mercurial
E. All of the above
42. Many details of electron transport and oxidative
phosphorylation have been gained from studying the
effect of particular inhibitors. One of the following
substances is an inhibitor that specially inhibit
Complex IV in ETC
A. Rotenone
B. Azide
C. Carboxin
D. Rotinoic acid
E. Dicumural
43. The matrix surrounded by inner membrane contained
B. Complex II
C. Cytochrome C
D. Complex I
E. [ H+] concentration is greater in matrix than in
intermembrane space
44. The rate of respiration ( Oxygen consumption ) in
mitochondria is tightly regulated, it is generally
limited by the availability of phosphorylation of the
45. How many ATP produced from complete oxidation of
one molecule of glucose?
A. 2 ATP
B. 30 ATP
C. 6 ATP
D. 15 ATP
E. 12 ATP
47. Which is correct about bioenergetic term/phase
A. the 1st law stated that the universe tend forward of increased order
B. the 2nd law stated that the total energy in a system remain constant
C. the enthalpy change of reaction is the heat that can produce when the chemical change
D. ∆G˚ is free energy when it is 37˚C and at PH 7.4
E. the bond is high energy if it can produce more than 3kcal/mole when it is hydrolyzed
49. Mr Ariffin has heart attack. The consequences
displayed by the heart changes are?
A. increase in intracellular oxygen concentration
B. increase in intracellular ATP concentration
C. increase in intracellular H+ concentration
D. decrease in intracellular Na+ concentration
50. Which of the following statement correctly describe
the reduction of one of the electron transfer, NAD+
or FAD?
A. NAD+ accepts two electrons as hydrogen atom to
form NADH2
B. NAD+ accepts two electrons that are each donated
from a separate atom of the substrate
C. NAD+ accepts two electrons as a hydride ion to
form NADHD. FAD release a proton as it accepts two electrons
E. FAD must accept two electrons at a time
53. Dinitrophenol acts as an uncoupler of oxidative
phosphorylation by which of the following mechanism?
A. Activating the H+-ATPase
B. Activating coenzyme Q
C. Blocking proton transport across the inner
mitochondrial membrane
D. Allowing for proton exchange across the inner
mitochondrial membrane
E. Enhance oxygen transport across the inner
mitochondrial membrane
62. Ischemia causes damage to affected tissues.
Reperfusion cause even more tissue damage as free
radical is formed. Some hope for minimizing
reperfusion is in administration of antioxidant. Which
statement is CORRECT?
A. Reactive oxygen species ( free radical ) when
there is addition of 4 electrons at time to oxygen
B. Superoxide anion and hydroxyl anion are 2 forms
of reducing agent
C. Superoxide radical dismatase is naturally occurring
enzyme that protects against damage by
converting oxygen to carbon dioxide
D. Reactive oxygen species damages phospholipids,
protein and nucleic acid
E. Glutathionine protect against hydrogen peroxide
(H₂O₂) by oxidizing oxygen to water
65. Which one contains most starch?
A. candy
B. honey
C. sugar
D. cornflakes
69. Which part of mitochondria electron transfer chains
A. Intermembrane space
B. In the mitochondrial matrix
C. Inner intermembrane of the mitochondria
D. On the outer space of the outer membrane
E. On the inner space of the outer membrane
80. Which is the mobile component in mitochondria
membrane in electron transport chain?
A. Complex I
B. Complex II
C. Complex III
D. Complex IV
E. Cytochrome C
84. Dinitrophenol affect the respiratory chain by?
A. Decrease the permeability of inner mitochondrial
membrane (IMM) to proton
B. Increase electrochemical potential across IMM
C. Short-circuited ATP
D. Inhibit electron flow from NADH to Cyc I
E. Disturb electron movement from Co-Q to complex
90. Why diarrhea person become easily dehydrated?
A. GI tract secretes two fold of blood volume
B. GI tract contains electrolyte
C. difficult to drink
D. mostly children
E. susceptible group for GI tract reaction
97. Enzyme inhibitors are molecular agent that interfere
in catalysis, slowing or halting enzymatic reaction.
What is competitive inhibition?
A. Inhibitor that compete with a substrate to bind to
an active site
98. The inhibitor constant [k¡] can predict?
A. The strong inhibition of enzymatic inhibitors
B. Velocity of enzymatic reaction
99. The function of cofactor is
A. as primary catalytic center
B. as electron donor
C. bridging group to bind substrate
D. structure formation of enzyme
E. all of the above
100. Hydrolysis process
A. Couple
B. Anabolic
C. Catabolic
D. Glucogenesis
E. Endergonic
100. The sigmoid phenomena of enzyme is refer to
A. competitive inhibitor
B. uncompetitive inhibitor
C. noncompetitive inhibitor
D. allosteric site
E. all enzyme
101. If Adenine of a double helical DNA consist of 10% of
total base, what would be Cytosine?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
E. 50%
102. Enzyme activity is important in medical because
A. to predict prognosis
B. to monitor response of treatment
C. to understand pathogenesis of disease
D. to support diagnostic
E. all the above
103. Which of the following statements is closely
associated with pepsin?
A. active at neutral PH
B. not active at low PH
C. active at high PH
D. an active form of pepsinogen
E. is a group functional enzyme in blood
104. Select the following statements that is closely
associated with zymogen
A. An inactive form of enzyme
B. An active form of enzyme
C. Is not a group of enzyme
D. To catalyze blood clotting
E. Is not found in human
105. If an inhibitor does not alter the Km, the inhibition
is probably
A. competitive inhibitor
B. noncompetitive inhibitor
C. uncompetitive inhibitor
D. not an inhibitor
E. none of the above
108. What do we call an enzyme active affected with a
molecule bind to a certain site?
A. end product enzyme
B. coenzyme enzyme
C. isoenzyme
D. allosteric enzyme
E. feedback enzyme
116. Which of the following can acetyldehyde dehydration
be classified as?
A. oxidoreductase
B. isomerase
C. hydrolases
D. ligase
E. lyases
121. Which of the following given condition in an
enzymatic reaction may appear irreversible?
A. High temperature
B. Under equilibrium condition
C. If the product is thermodynamically far more
stable than the reactant
D. If the product accumulate
E. At high enzyme concentration
122. Function of VB/UB primarily
A. enzyme
B. serotonin precursor
C. coenzyme
D. antagonists
E. antioxidant
123. Who needs vitamin C?
A. Alcoholic
B. Elderly
C. Infant
D. Smoker
E. Adolescent
124. Which of the following increase reaction rate of
non-competitive inhibition?
A. High enzyme concentration
B. High co-enzyme concentration
C. High substrate concentration
D. High temperature
E. High pH
129. Term(s) for catabolic reaction is/are?
A. Glycolysis, lipolysis
B. Protein synthesis, lipolysis
C. Lipogenesis, glycolysis
D. Gluconeogenesis, protein synthesis
E. Glyconeolysis, glycolysis
131. Which of the following enzymes will specially
increased after a myocardial infarction?
A. Glucokinase
B. Creatinine phosphokinase
C. Glycogen phosphorylase
D. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
E. Lactate hydrogenase
132. What are the enzyme that specially increased in
blood when people suffering from liver disease?
A. lipoprotein lipase
B. creatinine phosphokinase
C. aspartate transaminase
D. phosphatase acid
E. lactate hydroxylase
133. Which of the following describes a characteristic
feature of enzymes obeying Michealis-Menten
A. The enzyme velocity is half the maximal rate
when 100% of enzyme molecules contain bound
B. The enzyme velocity is half the maximal rate
when 50% of enzyme molecules contain bound substrate
C. The enzyme velocity is in its maximal rate when
50% of enzyme molecules contain bound substrate
D. The enzyme velocity is in its maximal rate when all the substrate molecules in a solution are bound by the enzymes
E. The enzyme velocity is independent to the
concentration of enzyme
135. The characteristic of Allosteric inhibitor
137. What is the function of water in our body?
A. substrate on metabolic reaction
B. the source of energy metabolism
C. solvent of trygliceride
D. carries waste product
E. aid in regulation of abnormal
138. First sign of dehydration is thirsty. The other sign
of dehydration is
A. loss in body fat
B. itching
C. weakness
D. cough
E. common cold
140. Why does diarrhea person easily become
A. GIT juice secreted almost twice fold our blood volume per day
B. GIT juice contain electrolyte
C. diarrhea patient difficult to drink water
D. majority of diarrhea patient are children
E. children is susceptible group for GIT infection
149. Brain needs ___________________ as a
predominate source of energy
A. Glucose
B. Amino acid
C. Fatty acid
D. Glycerol
E. Glutamin
152. Which of the following reflect the catabolic
A. Glycogenolysis, glycolysis
B. Protein synthesis, glycolysis
C. Glycogenesis, lipolysis
D. Lipogenesis, glycolysis
E. Gluconeogenesis, lipolysis
153. Skeletal muscle will use _____ as a predominant
source of energy
A. glucose
B. fatty acid
C. branch chain amino acid
D. ketone bodies
E. glycerol
158. The pathway from pyruvate to Acetyl CoA
A. Produced lactic acid
B. Is known as gluconeogenesis
C. Is metabolically irreversible
D. Need more energy than its product
E. Is occurring in nucleus
162. During metabolism, the energy released is captured
and transferred by
A. enzymes
B. pyruvate
C. acetyl coA
D. adenosine triphosphate
E. respiratory chain reaction
181. In human body, some molecule pass cellular
membranes by moving through the lipid bilayer or
membrane channel. What is the energy used?
A. chemical energy
B. kinetic energy
C. potential energy
D. radient energy
E. thermal energy
182. In the body, NO is the neurotransmitter. It exist
Less than 10 seconds before change to nitrites and
nitrates. What is the 10 seconds in kinetic term
A. reaction rate
B. rate constant
C. the lifetime
D. the concentration
E. half life
183. Which of the following equations follow Van Hoff’s
osmotic pressure equation?
A. ∏=NmRT
184. A four year old boy had a fever. What compound in
the electron transport chain that decreases the
most in its function?
A. Complex I
B. Complex II
C. Complex III
D. Complex IV
E. Complex V
185. In physical activity,body secrete lots of sweat to
maintain body temperature. Which laws are
A. Thermodynamic law I
B. Thermodynamic law II
C. Thermodynamic law III
D. Thermodynamic law I and Gibbs free energy
E. Thermodynamic law II and enthalpy
Minggu, 13 Januari 2008
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