Jawaban mde fbs 1 nomer 39- 56

Jumat, 18 Januari 2008


39. Bovine insuline…
Answer: C. Disulfide bond
FBS 1 Halaman 71

40. Aldehyde and ketone are…
Answer: C. Rearrangement reaction
FBS 1 hlm 34 / 36

41. Which of the following…
Answer: C. Erithromycine
FBS 1 hlm 84

42. Which of the following antibiotic..
Answer: B. Chloramphenicol
Halaman 83

44. Found in eye’s diabetic person
Answer: dulcitol

50. Cell wall of…
Answer: c. glycosaminoglycan

51. Chondroitin Sulphate is..
Answer: C. Glycosaminoglycan

52. This compound is abundant…
Answer: E. glycogen

54. The compound that produce…
Answer: E. glycogen

56. A single layer of gram-negative..
Answer: glycogen

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