1.One of these following answers are not wandering cells, which is…
c.mast cells
e. macrophages
The right answer is A.
Fibroblast is an example from fixed cells, which are native to the tissue which they are found. And wandering cells are the immigrant cells which usually come from blood or bone narrow.
2.the Keratinized stratified squamos epithelial are found in…
b.thyroid gland
e.sweat gland
The right answer is C.
vagina and esophagus: non keratinized stratified squamous
thyroid gland: simple cuboidal
Sweat gland: stratified cuboidal
3.Some of the organic components of bone matrix which are synthesized by osteoblast are..
type I collagen and phosphate
proteoglycans and Keratan sulfates
Chondroitin 4-sulfate and type I collagen
Proteoglycans and glycoprotein
Keratan sulfate and Phospates
The right answer is D.
Osteoblast is responsible for the synthesis of bone matrix: Type I collagen, proteoglycans and glycoproteins.
4. This kind of connective tissue has few cells and fibers distributed randomly in the abundant grounds substance ( Wharton’s jelly) is..
a. mucous connective tissue
b. elastic connective tissue
c. reticular connective tissue
d. regular dense connective tissue
e. irregular dense connective tissue
The right answer is A.
Elastic connective tissue: terdiri dari berkas – berkas serat elastin parallel tebal. Celah di antara serat – serat ditempati fibroblast dan serat kolagen halus.
Reticular connective tissue: menyokong motile cells dan filtrasi cairan tubuh. Sangat lembut dan membentuk anyaman 3 dimensi. Terdiri atas serat retikulin yang berhubungan erat dengan fibroblast khusus yang disebut sel reticular.
Dense regular connective tissue: serat kolagen nya tersusun dari fibroblast dengan orientasi linear sebagai respons terhadap stress yang berkepanjangan. Sangat tahan terhadap daya tarikan. Terikat kuat membentuk bundle parallel
Dense irregular connective tissue: komponennya sama dengan dense regular connective tissue. Namun serat kollagen yang tersusun atas berkas – berkas tidak punya orientasi tertentu. Tahan terhadap stress dari berbagai arah.
5. The cause of interstitial growth is...
a. Mitotic division of the perichondrium cells
b. Mitotic division of the chondrocytes
c. Meiotic division of the chondrocytes
d. differentiation of the perichondrium cells
e. differentiation of the chondrocytes
The right answer is B.
Two types of Bone growth: Interstitial growth and Appositional growth.
The cause of Appositional growth is the differentiation of the perichondrium cells
6. The type of cartilage which has an acidophilic matrix and enriches with type I collagen is…
a. elastic cartilage
b. hyaline cartilage
c. fibrocartilage
d. elastic cartilage and fibrocartilage
e. All kinds of cartilage
The right answer is C.
Elastic cartilage has an abundant network of fine elastic fibers. It has a yellowish color and found in the epiglottis, auricle of the ear, and some other places.
7. Which one is not one of the skeleton’s functions?
a. Supporting for the body
b. Supply of new blood cells
c. Storage for phosphate
d. Storage for calcium
e. Synthesize elastin
The right answer is E.
Synthesize elastin, collagen and proteoglucan are the functions of smooth muscle.
8. The picture above is an exocrine gland types of…
a. simple tubular
b. simple coiled tubular
c. simple branched tubular
d. simple acinar
e. simple branched acinar
The right answer is B.
9. Most type of collagen fibers in Connective tissue is type … collagen
a. VII
b. IV
c. III
d. I
e. II
The right answer is D.
Type IV collagen is the main component of basal lamina in epithelial tissue
Type VII collagen forms the anchoring fibrils which binds the basal lamina
Type III collagen is the main component of reticulin fibers in connective tissue.
Type II collagen is the main component og cartilage. Cartilage also has very few of type IX, X, and XI collagen
10. The protection function of the stratified squamous epithelial cells (keratinized and non keratinized) can be found in, except…
a. ovaries
b. epidermis
c. mouth
d. vagina
e. esophagus
The right answer is A.
Ovaries have the simple cuboidal epithelial tissues for protection.
Answers for number 11 and 12 :
a. posterior joint
b. acromio clavicular joint
c. femur
d. humerus
e. scaphoid
The right answer for number 11 is B
Posterior joint is the joint which takes place in the vertebrae.
The right answer for number 12 is D
Femur is the bone in thigh and scaphoid in one of the carpal bones.
13. This picture is a picture of… and the characteristics are…
a. Smooth muscle; single nucleus, voluntary
b. Skeletal muscle; 1-2 nuclei, involuntary
c. Cardiac muscle; single nucleus, involuntary
d. Smooth muscle; multinucleated, involuntary
e. Skeletal muscle; multinucleated, voluntary
The right answer is E
This is a picture of Cardiac muscle.
It has 1 until 2 nuclei, central. And it works involuntary.
And this is a picture of smooth muscle. It works involuntary and it has a single nucleus in the center.
14. Bone tissue contains yellow bone narrow, which stores..
a. blood cells
b. triglycerides
c. osteogenic cells
d. collagen fibers
e. bone minerals
The right answer is B
Bone tissue also contains red bone marrow which produces blood cells.
Osteogenic cells (unspecialized stem cells derived from mesenchym) is one from four types of cells which are present in bone tissue. The other three are osteoblast (bone-building cells), osteocytes (mature bone cells, main cells in bone tissue), and osteoclast (huge cells, derived from the fusion of as many as 50 monocytes and are concentrated in the endosteum).
Collagen fibers are needed for the calcification process. Mineral salts first begin to crystallize the in the spaces between collagen fibers. After the spaces are filled, mineral crystals accumulate around the collagen fibers.
15. One of these muscle’s origin are not from the medial epicondyle of humerus, which is..
a. Flexor pollicis longus
b. Palmaris longus
c. Flexor carpi urnalis
d. Flexor carpi radialis
e. Flexor digitorum superficialis
The right answer is A.
Flexor pollicis longus’ origin is the anterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane.
Flexor carpi urnalis’ origin is also from the superior poetrior border of ulna.
And Flexor digitorum superficialis’ origin is also from a ridge along lateral margin of anterior surface of radius.
16. Number 16 shows…
a. Tropomyosin
b. Actin monomers
c. Myosin filament
d. F- actin filament
e. Troponin
17. Number 17 shows…
a. Tropomyosin
b. Actin monomes
c. Myosin filament
d. F- actin filament
e. Troponin
The right answer for number 16 is E
The right answer for number 17 is A
18. The tarsus (ankle) consists of … tarsal bones and the metatarsus consists of … metatarsal bones.
a. 8 and 5
b. 8 and 6
c. 7 and 5
d. 7 and 6
e. 6 and 5
The right answer is C.
The tarsus consists of navicular (anterior tarsal bones), calcaneus (posterior part, the largest and the strongest), talus (posterior), cuboid and the cuneiform bones; called the third (lateral), second (intermediate) and first (medial) cuneiforms.
The five metatarsal bones numbered I to V from the medial to lateral position. The first metatarsal is thicker because it bears more weigh.
19. The following is correct for Fibrous joints..
a. the joint have synovial cavity
b. one of its types is sutures
c. covered by a layer of hyaline cartilage called articular cartilage
d. one of its types is symphyses
e. they have variety of shapes and permit many types of movements
The right answer is B
Fibrous joints have no synovial cavity and the bones are held together by fibrous connective tissue. It is rich in collagen fibers.
There are 3 types of Fibrous joints : Sutures, Syndesmoses, and Gomphoses. These joints permit very little or no movement.
20. Skull consists of Cranium and Face. How many bones are there in the face?
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 14
e. 16
The right answer is D.
There are 8 bones in Cranium and 14 in the face.
Skull is a part of the axial skeleton. Axial skeleton also include 1 Hyoid, 6 auditory ossicles, 26 Vertebral columns, and thorax (1 sternum and 24 ribs).
FBS V 20 soal. maaf, ngga tau knp ga bisa ke copy smua dari word.
Selasa, 25 Desember 2007
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