Tapi ada no. yg g keftokopiin sm mulyaabadi,,hehe sowry y ftokopi g beli!!
Gomen ne. .
49. which of the following parts of the cell that are involved in protein synthesis and modification?
1. golgi aparatus
2. smooth ER
3. rough ER
4. chromatin
Answer : B. 1 & 3
50. Regarding the neural cytoskeleton?
1. dendrites lack microtubuls
2. fast axon transport can be retrograde
3. membrane vesicle moving toward the negative pole of axonal microtubules are transported anterogradely
4. axon diameter is determined primarly by neurofilament
Answer : D.4 saja
51. Metaphase is best described as...
1. chromosomes are at the equator of the spindle
2. characterized by a fully formed spindle
3. the nuclear envelope is framented
4. the centromers uniting the chromatid split
Answer : B. 1 & 3
64. .. . . .
1. mitosis
2. haploid (n number) characteristic mature germ cells
3. crossing over occur in meiosis
4. diploid (2n number) characteristic premature germ cell
Answer : B. 1 & 3
Wuaah maaf bgt!!saiia jg g dpt dr no 52-63’ny
Gomen bgd yaahh..
jwabn bluebook dr no. 49-64 tp....
Kamis, 27 Desember 2007
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